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Why do my Plants Get Thirsty at Different Rates?

Why Do My Plants Get Thirsty at Different Rates?

Observation: The pepper plants in the small pot seem to get thirsty faster than the ones in the big pot.

Question: Why do my plants get thirsty at different rates?

Hypothesis: The plants in the small pot may get thirsty faster than the ones in the big pot due to differences in soil moisture retention capacity.

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Experimental steps:

Conclusively, if there is a considerable variation in watering intervals between the small and large pots, the hypothesis can be supported. If the findings support the hypothesis, conclude that the smaller pots need to be watered more frequently because of their limited soil volume.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Observation: I went on a trip this week and came back, and I noticed that the pepper plants in the small pot are more thirsty than the ones in the big pot. They’re all pepper plants, as far as I know. I notice that the ones in the smaller pots seem to get thirsty way faster than the ones in the bigger pots.

Why Do My Plants Get Thirsty at Different Rates

Use the observation and question you picked to develop a hypothesis AND design an experiment (complete with a set of specific and detailed experimental steps) your classmate could use to test your hypothesis.
Post your hypothesis and the experiment steps you designed. Use the following format:
Observation: (type the observation here)
Question: (type the question here)
Hypothesis: (type the hypothesis here)
Experimental steps: (type the list of experimental steps here)
Your post must include all four pieces (observation, question, hypothesis, and experimental steps). Be sure to include all possible steps your classmate would need to take to answer the question they asked.

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