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What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information

What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information?

To create authenticity in any arrangement made about the data or information utilization on the subject or topics must have credibility. In order to determine the credibility of a source of data or information, we need to search for records or any data of writing, visual graphics data such as video and photos keeping in mind the end goal to strengthen on subject or topic. There are numerous approaches to accomplish this task; case in point, a few illustrations of trustworthy sources possibly be types of magazines, books, diaries, and online sources. Also, there are numerous elements to determine credibility; the below ten elements will show whether the information or data used can be seen as valid or not.

  1. Source: The sources that discover information can add a great deal of credibility. Any publications, for example, peer-reviewed academic materials and scholarly journals, are viewed as dependable on the grounds that numerous other researchers have independently reviewed and validated them. Information or data that has been distributed even by popular publication organizations has likewise been screened completely prior to publication. Information or data that can be found on the Internet, such as Wikipedia or also known as a free encyclopedia, mostly has little validity on the grounds that no one is checking and verifying the data, and also anybody can include or erase data from these sources. In my experiences throughout college classes, the instructor has always directed me to avoid using information or data found on Wikipedia.
  1. In-Depth: The in-depth data are generally most prone to have credibility. There is one such thing-overloaded information; the more detail more the breakdown on clarity will be lighted. In the event that author has taken the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the sources so that more than only a shell-level evaluation of a subject, then their data will be viewed as more solid than an insufficiently scrutinized paper or assessment that needs confirmation.
  2. Content: Whenever the content of information is introduced to be viewed as a credible source, then it requires references to credible sources that can support the cases. Likewise, the data ought to be unique, not only a connection to another link or data that is accessible in different locations. The references for the proposed source, for the most part, guarantee the expert conclusion has a mainstream impact of the
  3. Format: When collecting data, it is best to maintain a strategic distance from the sources that are profitable and are more in promoting and publicizing than the quality of data. Numerous times these sources are simply accumulations of fabricated data intended to attract individuals to the ads on the site. Likewise, in print format, academic journals and university or college work distributions are more credible and solid than the data in common.
  4. Accurate: We should never underestimate the accuracy of data or information, regardless of who and what they are. Sources must be checked continuously; check all the references and sources; if possible, we should check against numerous different publications with comparable data. Unless the topic is very questionable or the sources are experimental, most credible sources ought to concur with, at any rate, the fundamental actualities of the current issue. For example, in 2014, well-known Rolling Stone Magazine published the story “ A Rape on Campus” against the Kappa Psi fraternity house of the University of Virginia without doing due diligence by cross-checking the fact and sources before publicizing it (Wemple, 2014).
  5. Authority: Regardless of all and any types of sources, all the data or information needs to be considered. Data collected from a College or University publication would be viewed as more tenable than the data originating from sources with less experience in a concerned area. Additionally, we must consider where they are receiving their data. Do they have sources to bolster their unique data, and where did they get it? We need to consider why they are giving the data (n.d.). On the off chance that the data originates from a specific vested party could be biased and would not be viewed as
  6. Timeline: Questions must be raised like, is the data current? Current updated data is always going to be upbeat and viewed as more credible than historical data. In areas where the data was delivered can be vital. Journals from the 19th century won’t have the latest data on a subject. The chances that somebody composes an article today that depends upon references from the 18th century might not have much credibility. We must ensure that all sources utilized have been overhauled as of late to get the most updated current version of data.
  7. Scope: The more detail that is incorporated into a source, the better in credibility. The event that a bit of data is excessively expansive in degree might imply that the subject was not investigated in enough profundity to be believable. More data is constantly better when attempting to build up credibility of data (n.d.).
  8. Recommendations: Recommendations may not always be the best sources; asking scholars, doctors, or teachers to prescribe sources as valid and solid can discover great sources of data and add to the credibility of the argument (n.d.). Despite the fact that credible sources can come of any type, numerous peer-reviewed are seen inside .org, .edu, and .gov.
  9. Consistency: Credible data needs to be and are always consistent. In the event that a source appears to hold those that concur with his conclusion to one standard while making an alternate standard for those that deviate, that is likely an indication of bias and a source that is not.

In conclusion, ensuring that a source is credible is imperative in support of the topic. The given data must be current and accepted by experts in order to appropriately support a topic. The clarity of genuine data would diminish drastically without the affirmation of credible sources. Fixed credible sources like educational, government, and non-profit permit the readers to hold data that has been given. A website like Wikipedia or Encyclopedia provides a common thought of what one is searching for. However, because of the website’s tendency that others also can add or remove data freely invalidates the credibility of its data.


 Determining the Credibility of Sources. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

Criteria to Evaluate the Credibility of NON-Web-based Sources. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2016, from

Wemple, E. (2014, December 11). The full demise of Rolling Stone’s rape story. Retrieved January 9, 2016, from Wemple/wp/2014/12/11/the-full-demise-of-rolling-stones-rape-story/

Boss, J. (2012). Think Critical thinking and logic skills for everyday life (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


We’ll write everything from scratch



What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information?

What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information?


  • Develop a list of more than and no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts, articles, websites, news, etc.
  • Thoroughly explain your reason for each element and why it is important
  • Your response can take the form of a table in Word or MS Excel.
  • Include at least 4 credible references to support your recommendations.
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