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Volunteering at a Church

Volunteering at a Church

Volunteering is among the things that can help a person achieve personal and career growth. According to Rahman et al. (2019), the decision to volunteer is influenced by many factors, such as a person’s background, work, life experiences, and social networks. One of the life experiences that might influence my decision to volunteer at our church is winning a scholarship from the church. The scholarship program was essential in shaping my career path because I was able to attend one of the best schools in the community. The scholarship program also motivated me to work hard in school, which led to academic success. I scored a good grade enabling me to join the University and pursue the career I wanted. Therefore, I feel that I have a responsibility to help out at the church because their scholarship program created a strong foundation for me. The second life experience that might have influenced my decision to volunteer at the church is losing my best friend in a tragic road accident. When I heard that a drunk driver had hit my best friend and run over her body, I was devastated and angry, especially because the drunk driver had gotten away. The anger made it hard for me to manage my grief. During that time, my elder brother encouraged me to attend church programs created for people dealing with grief. I also started participating in church activities to interact with others and engage my mind. After two months, I managed to cope with the grief and forgive the drunk driver. I also made friends with others who had a similar experience, and we expanded the grief awareness and support program to reach people who may require the services and are not church members.

The decision to volunteer in a church is influenced by various factors such as community issues, governance or individual responsibility, productivity, leadership, problem-solving, ambition, and work ethic. For example, my decision to volunteer at our church was influenced by community issues, leadership, problem-solving, and individual responsibility. The church is actively involved in helping those in need within the community. Therefore, I decided to volunteer so that I could participate in helping the people in my community through the church programs. For instance, we occasionally donate food and clothes to the poor in the community and visit the elderly in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. I also decided to volunteer at our church to share my opinions on how issues such as violence and crime can be resolved by organizing youth mentorship programs.

Volunteering at our church is important to me because it helps me develop a sense of belonging in a group that positively impacts the community. I also feel happy being part of something that positively impacts my civic virtue. “Civic virtue is morality or a standard of righteous behavior in relationship to a citizen’s involvement in society” (Bosin, 1998). Therefore, volunteering at the church creates a standard of righteousness by making me part of something good in society. Volunteering at the church is also important for me because it contributes to creating a good reputation that I can leverage to access opportunities. The opportunities may facilitate my career growth and personal development. “The highest principle of morality is to maximize happiness, the overall balance of pleasure over pain” (Sandel, 2010). Therefore, I can maximize happiness by leveraging the opportunities I get. Volunteering at the church is also important for me because it makes me part of the respected people in society. The volunteering programs at the church also help me network and learn new things about the community.


Bosin, S. (1998). Civic virtue. Civic Virtue | Learning to Give. Retrieved January 1, 2023, from

Rahman, U., Ngah, A., & Gabarre, S. (2019). Factors that influence behavioral towards voluntourism. International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 12.

Sandel, M. J. (2010). Justice: What’s the right thing to do? Penguin.


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Write an entry of 400 words minimum explaining what life or work experiences might influence volunteering at a church, even if these experiences were positive or negative.

Volunteering at a Church

Volunteering at a Church

Consider how issues of community, governance or individual responsibility, leadership, productivity, problem-solving, work ethic, and/or ambition might have affected that selection. Also, explain why volunteering at a church is important to you, as well as to the community at large. Include two unique quotes from the assigned articles in this paragraph.

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