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Video Review-Two incompatible sacred values in American universities

Video Review-Two incompatible sacred values in American universities

The video “Two incompatible Sacred Values in American Universities” by Jon Haidt, Hayek Lecture series, was included in this course because it analyzes how the social environment shapes American values. The video analyzes social trends based on economic changes, systematic racism, and a rigged political system. The speaker argues that systematic racism dominates the education and employment sectors. He states that women are becoming more educated than men and are venturing more into sciences than men. According to him, the argument that systemic or structural discrimination in American societies is evident in underrepresented groups is wrong because there are three variables that should be considered (Haidt, 2016). The speaker suggests that American values can be changed if people consider third variables when examining social issues such as discrimination and disparity because disparate outcomes are not proof that there is disparate treatment.

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The video was also chosen because it reviews the American vision by discussing the social changes that should be considered to improve social functions. The changes are categorized into strengthening families, improving the quality and quantity of work, and improving education (Haidt, 2016). In strengthening families, the speaker proposes promoting a new cultural norm surrounding marriage and parenthood, promoting responsible, delayed childbearing, and helping young, less-educated women and men prosper in family and work. The speaker suggests that the quality and quantity of work can be improved by improving skills to secure well-paying jobs, increasing work pay for the less educated, assuring that jobs are valuable, and raising work levels among people who are hard to employ. The speaker also suggests that education can be improved by increasing public investment in postsecondary and preschool, educating the whole child to promote character and socio-emotional development, modernizing education accountability and organization, and closing resource gaps to reduce education gaps.

I feel that the video clearly represents what is happening in society because it explains some of the main issues that affect how people relate with each other such as discrimination and people’s perspectives about marriage and family. I also feel that the video is a valid source of information on American values because the speaker uses examples that people can relate to and facts about societal changes, such as the graphs representing education levels between men and women.


Haidt, J. (2016). “Two incompatible sacred values in American universities” Jon Haidt, Hayek Lecture series. YouTube. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from


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In weeks one through ten, you have a subjective video assignment. Watch this video and post a minimum 100-word response discussing your thoughts and feelings. These videos introduce ideas that may or may not coincide with the week’s learning objective or theme.

Video Review-Two incompatible sacred values in American universities

Video Review-Two incompatible sacred values in American universities

Why do you think this video was chosen to be included in this course? The course’s name is America Vision and Values.

For this assignment, you do not need to provide citations or quotes.

You may write your response in a first-person voice.

Two incompatible sacred values in American universities” Jon Haidt, Hayek Lecture Series, Duke University Department of Political Science, 2016


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