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V2X Technology

V2X Technology

Legal, Ethical And Social Issues With V2X Technology

With time, V2X is a technology that will significantly impact the social nature of how its users live. In order to improve traffic efficiency and reliability, there will have to be a social model that will help the vehicle. The vehicle will have to have typical social interactions between the vehicle, infrastructure around it, pedestrian and social media dilemmas (Meyer & Beiker, 2014). Because of the sensitivity and complexity of information used in these devices, there is also likely to be attacked in different jurisdictions, causing them to be walled off to control the flow of information and data between these platforms and location (Kim & Shrestha, 2020). As such, many governments will go on to limit the amount of internet coverage in their countries, making it less free than it was prior.

These vehicles will also have to make decisions that could end up presenting ethical dilemmas. In many instances, this decision-making will be done by artificial intelligence and algorithm-based methods (Kossakowski & Krzykowska, 2019). The fact that there are many options for decisions that could be made shows how complex it might be for the vehicle to navigate through a situation successfully and effectively. Because of the amount of information collected in any particular interaction, traffic data grows by the minute, making any challenge that it requires tougher to make (Hu et al., 2020). Since these vehicles cannot use the same reasoning to make decisions humans do, the latter will always find a different solution to the forms (Zheng et al., 2016). It will be impossible to guarantee that the vehicle’s choice was the best one.

Because of the amount of data collected and distributed by these vehicles, there will have to be legal outcomes for handling this information. Two aspects that must always be guaranteed in the case are the security and privacy to which any collected information will be forced to adhere (Liu, 2020). V2X technology currently uses many different platforms, including vehicular systems, computing platforms, and mobiles. These different platforms must use the same information, yet they must ensure that it is safely collected, processed, and used (Dominguez & Sanguino, 2019). If, for instance, the wrong information is injected into the system and leads to a certain form of loss, in the long run, it means that the victim has the legal right to sue the companies involved for the careless management of information.

If neglected, these security threats could lead to legal action, including the attack variants that might be actively or passively trying to manipulate the information in the system (Lipson & Kurman, 2016). These service providers and companies have to ensure that such attacks are not successful and do not result in a breach in the system (Hasan et al., 2020). Moreover, some states are lobbying for comprehensive laws covering how things connect through many platforms. An example of such a law is California’s Internet of Things cybersecurity law, which makes it mandatory for the company to guarantee the security of its client’s information.

The V2X is creative, impressive, and able to improve the quality of life in the long run. However, this technology is still in its infancy and, unless managed well, will bring more harm than benefits (Renner et al., 2020). The technology comes with legal, ethical, and social issues that will change the norm. The legal issues include more responsibility for the service providers and manufacturers thanks to the multi-platform challenges and involved risks. Ethical issues are also concerned with decision-making and whether it would be done to human standards. Lastly are the social issues that will bring new limitations to the internet and how it is typically used.


Hasan, M., Mohan, S., Shimizu, T., & Lu, H. (2020). Securing vehicle-to-everything (v2x) communication platforms. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 5(4), 693-713. doi:10.1109/tiv.2020.2987430

Hu, L., Ou, J., Huang, J., Chen, Y., & Cao, D. (2020). A review of research on traffic conflicts based on intelligent vehicles. Ieee Access, 8, 24471-24483.

Kim, S., & Shrestha, R. (2020). V2X Current Security Issues, Standards, Challenges, Use Cases, and Future Trends. In Automotive Cyber Security (pp. 183-212). Springer, Singapore.

Kossakowski, D., & Krzykowska, K. (2019). Application of V2X Technology in Communication Between Vehicles and Infrastructure in Chosen Area. In International Scientific Conference Transport of the 21st Century (pp. 247-256). Springer, Cham.

Lipson, H., & Kurman, M. (2016). Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead. Place of publication not identified: The MIT Press.

Liu, S. (2020). Engineering autonomous vehicles and robots: The DragonFly modular-based approach.

Lozano Dominguez, J. M., & Mateo Sanguino, T. J. (2019). Review on V2X, I2X, and P2X Communications and Their Applications: A Comprehensive Analysis over Time. Sensors, 19(12), 2756.

Meyer, G., & In Beiker, S. (2014). Road vehicle automation.

Renner, M., Münzenberger, N., von Hammerstein, J., Lins, S., & Sunyaev, A. (2020). Challenges of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication. Interviews among Industry Experts. In 15th International Business Informatics Congress (Wirtschaftsinformatik), Potsdam, Germany. https://doi. org/10.30844/wi_2020_r12-renner.

Zheng, K., Zhang, L., Xiang, W., & Wang, W. (2016). Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks.


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V2X Technology

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V2X Technology

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