Use of Social Media for a Marketing Firm
Due to the capacity of social media to connect to a huge audience, almost every organization is finding it a must to have a social media platform to reap the benefit of having an online presence on social media. One great capability of social media is convenience in enabling communication and information sharing for its users (Odundo, 2012). Take, for instance, a marketing firm introducing social media among its workers to enhance its coverage of the market and interaction with the customers. An inherent unintended consequence is that once the employees get hooked on online social networking, it turns into obsession, and there is the risk of straying from the purpose of initiating online interaction for personal endeavors. Social media is so addictive to users that there is the danger of abuse of the organization’s policies on the use of the resources for unintended or personal interactions (Odundo, 2012).
To know the right channel or communication technology to introduce in one’s organization, a myriad of challenges have to be overcome so that the technology does not result in loss of resources due to opposition from the workers or has more unintended consequences than earlier thought (Leonard-Barton & Kraus, 2006). To do this, the management should seek user involvement in preparing the users to receive the new channel, identify and enhance an early fit between the user needs and the new technology, and have the users own the channel as their desire for innovation. User satisfaction is the primary need to consider, and if there is no will among the users to adopt the new channel, then there cannot be successful implementation. Let the users suggest what they think is the best option.
Leonard-Barton, D., & Kraus, W. A. (2006). Implementing new technology. Havard Business Review, 45-49.
Odundo, E. N. (2012). The Unintended Consequences of Social Media on Media-raised Generation. Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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Use of Social Media for a Marketing Firm

Use of Social Media for a Marketing Firm
Share an example of at least one unintended consequence of introducing a new communication technology or channel choice into an organization. How do you determine the “right” channel to use?