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Unveiling the Pathology- A Journey Through Tympanometry and Its Implications on Human Physiology

Unveiling the Pathology- A Journey Through Tympanometry and Its Implications on Human Physiology

Tympanometry is a diagnostic test that evaluates the eardrum’s response to changes in air pressure. It is frequently utilized to assess middle ear function and identify conditions like otitis media characterized by middle ear inflammation (Pearson, n.d.). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Note. From “Tympanometry: Procedure Details & Results” by Cleveland, 2022, Cleveland Clinic.

Pathology and Relationship to Normal A & P

In otitis media, a common middle ear disorder, the pathological process disturbs the usual anatomy and physiology of the middle ear. The main difference lies in fluid build-up in the middle ear space, known as serous or acute otitis (Danishyar & Ashurst, 2023). The accumulation of fluid in the middle ear causes an increase in pressure, which is different from the usual air-filled environment. In its typical state, the middle ear contains air, which is essential for efficiently transmitting sound waves. In otitis media, the accumulated fluid disrupts the normal functioning of the eardrum and the delicate ossicles – the malleus, incus, and stapes – which play a crucial role in transmitting sound waves. The pathology affects the normal vibration and mobility of the eardrum, resulting in a less-than-ideal transmission of sound from the outer ear to the inner ear.

What Is Not Working

The regular vibration and movement of the eardrum are compromised due to fluid in the middle ear. This hinders the efficient sound transmission from the outer to the inner ear.

Affected Structures

The middle ear structures, such as the eardrum and ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes), are impacted (Danishyar & Ashurst, 2023; Mayo Clinic, 2021). The Eustachian tube, typically responsible for balancing pressure in the middle ear, might also contribute to the occurrence of otitis media.

Signs and Symptoms

Typical indications of otitis media encompass discomfort in the ear, diminished hearing ability, and, occasionally, the release of fluid from the ear (Danishyar & Ashurst, 2023; Mayo Clinic, 2021). Ear infections in children can be attributed to the structure of their Eustachian tubes.


Cleveland. (2022, September 26). Tympanometry: Procedure details & results. Cleveland Clinic.

Danishyar, A., & Ashurst, J. V. (2023, April 15). Acute otitis media. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.

Mayo Clinic. (2021, June 23). Ear infection (middle ear) – Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic.

Pearson Education. (n.d.). Tympanometry and audiometer: School age [Video].


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Unveiling the Pathology- A Journey Through Tympanometry and Its Implications on Human Physiology

Thoroughly discuss the pathology and relate it to the normal A & P
What isn’t working?
What structure is affected?
What are the signs and symptoms?
Be creative with your post; use pictures, graphs or videos to explain (this does not replace the writing requirements)
Respond to another student and compare or contrast the topic you chose to another student’s topic. For example, what is the same and what is different?

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