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Understanding the Role and Impact of Juvenile Court Systems

Understanding the Role and Impact of Juvenile Court Systems

Do you think that certain status offenses, such as being truant from school or violating a community’s curfew, are unfair to teens? Why or why not?

            In my perspective, certain status offenses, for example, violating a community’s curfew or being truant from school, are unfair and harsh on teenagers. Studies have shown that minor offenses like those above never progress to more serious ones (Development Services Group, 2015). Besides this behavior is expected during the adolescent stage of development. Furthermore, these offenses can also be an indication of underlying difficulties at home or in other areas of their lives, including in school. I believe that these behaviors should be addressed outside the court by parents, guardians, teachers, or other community leaders so that no extreme measures are taken like legal sanctions.

Do you think that ordinances and laws that set up status offenses help identify teens at risk for more serious offenses so that they can get help? Or do they “label” or categorize young people in a way that seems to confirm that they have become delinquents?

In my opinion, status offenses tend to stigmatize and marginalize youth, by emphasizing negative stereotypes and perceptions of delinquency. Subsequently, PBS NewsHour (2021) states that children who have been involved with the juvenile justice system, even for minor offenses, have a high probability of committing criminal offenses in the future. This is in concurrence with the labeling theory, which argues that when individuals are labeled as criminals, delinquents, or deviants, they may experience social stigma, discrimination, and exclusion. This labeling process can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, wherein individuals internalize and eventually fulfill the expectations associated with the label.

To what extent do poverty and lack of opportunities for persons of color contribute to our nation’s juvenile delinquency? What examples have you seen or do you know about that convince you that juvenile crime and poverty are connected?

            Poverty and lack of opportunities, especially for people of color, have a significant contribution to America’s juvenile delinquency. The communities with the highest poverty rates in America are Black people, Native Americans, and Hispanics. Coincidentally, black youths are 4.7 times more likely to end up in juvenile detention than their white counterparts. For Native American kids, the number is 1.5 times more likely for white children. An example I know of that shows the connection between juvenile crime and poverty is based on OJJDP statistics. According to OJJDP statistics, theft is the greatest cause of juvenile arrests (IMPACT LAW, 2024).

If you were a national politician, what would you advocate for or what new funding or programs would you argue are needed to prevent juvenile delinquency? What would you propose?

            Suppose I was a national politician, I would advocate for the expansion of community-based services, in efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency. As mentioned above, poverty is a significant risk factor for juvenile delinquency, and these services would aim to identify children in such risky situations and then take the necessary steps to prevent them from committing offenses. These community-based services and alternative programs for at-risk youth include mentoring programs, after-school programs, and recreational activities. These programs provide positive alternatives to delinquent behavior and help youth develop important life skills that would equip them to earn some money the right way.


Development Services Group, Inc. (2015). “Status Offenders.” Literature Review. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.


PBS NewsHour (2021, October 28). The juvenile justice system is broken. Here is what actually works.

. YouTube.


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After reading Chapter 8 of your textbook and watching the short videos, please answer questions 1, 2, 4, & 5 from your textbook found on page 154. Be sure to answer each question completely

Understanding the Role and Impact of Juvenile Court Systems

Understanding the Role and Impact of Juvenile Court Systems

Understanding the Role and Impact of Juvenile Court Systems

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