Travel Photo Essay
According to Pessoa et al. (2022), the attributes of a tourist destination motivate tourists to visit it. I selected the Sydney Opera House and the Pinnacles because they are among the tourist destinations in Australia that fascinate me. The Sydney Opera House fascinates me because of its unique design and construction history. Before Queen Elizabeth II officially opened it, Paul Robeson, a famous African American singer, sang to the workers constructing it (Griffiths, 2016). The landmark’s design also emerged from a competition organized by the New South Wales government in 1956, where Jorn Utzon, an architect, won. Consequently, visiting the South Opera House made me develop an interest in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, which is the main orchestra that is played at the Sydney Opera House because of its soothing and inspiring music. Consequently, The Pinnacles was picked because of the unique landscape that looks like space. Visiting The Pinnacles made me develop an interest in nature and visiting other natural landmarks in Australia.
Man-made Landmark: Sydney Opera House
Figure 1: Sydney Opera House. (Source:
The Sydney Opera House is a famous landmark in Australia that is mainly known for its unique design and the music performed there by artists from different parts of the world. The landmark is located on Sydney Harbor between Farm Cove and Sydney Cove. It consists of multiple performance venues and has a capacity of 5,738 people. The performance venues are divided into the concert hall, drama theatre, Joan Sutherland theatre, studio, playhouse, recording studio, Utzon room, and outdoor forecourt. Visitors can also access retail shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars around the opera house. Visitors also get a tour of the opera house and a short narration of its history and essential features.
Natural Landmark: The Pinnacles
Figure 2: The Pinnacles. (Source:
The Pinnacles depict the wonders of nature. The landmark comprises a piece of land with pinnacles that reach a maximum of 3.5 meters in height. The shapes of the pinnacles vary. Some pinnacles rise at some point, some are sharp-edged and jagged, and others look like tombstones. They represent a landscape that resembles the moonscape, thus making the view fascinating. The Pinnacles were created from seashell deposits from the receding ocean. They are located in Nambung National Park in Western Australia near Cervantes town. Tourists must pay a $15.00 entry fee to Nambung Park to access The Pinnacles. Tourists can also get a local guide to explain the history of the Pinnacles and guide them to other sceneries around the Park.
The Sydney Opera House is of great cultural significance to the people of Australia because it reminds locals about their unique engineering achievements and innovations due to its recognition as a famous architectural icon worldwide. In 2017, the landmark was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list, where landmarks such as the Egyptian Pyramids and the Great Wall of China are listed. The locals impact the landmark by performing in the performance venues to entertain tourists and inspire them. The Pinnacles are of cultural significance to the locals because they are viewed as sacred. Therefore, the locals preserve the landmark by sharing information about it on social media platforms to attract more tourists and display its beauty to others. The Sydney Opera House impacts the identity, beliefs, and environment of the people living in that community by facilitating their interaction with tourists from other countries, thus exchanging values and beliefs. The landmark impacts the economics of the local community by attracting customers who purchase products in the businesses around it, such as restaurants, cafés, and retail shops. The Pinnacles impact the environment, beliefs, and identity of the local community by encouraging the preservation of sacred places because they are considered sacred. The landmark impacts the local community’s economy by generating funds that can be used for community development. The funds are generated from the entry fees charged to access the Park and the landmark. The local people are positively impacting the Sydney Opera House because they participate in performances to attract more tourists. The local people are also impacting The Pinnacles positively by allowing tourists from different countries to view them and take pictures.
Chilvers, M. (n.d.). Australian man-made Landmarks Top 10 list – Australian landmarks. Australian Man-Made Landmarks Top 10 List – Australian Landmarks. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from
Escape. (n.d.). Australia’s 50 best natural wonders: Uluru, Great Barrier Reef | escape … Retrieved December 31, 2022, from
Griffiths, E. (2016, July 5). The history of the Sydney Opera House in 1 Minute. Culture Trip. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from
Pessoa, R. A., Oliveira, O., & Souza, L. L. (2022). Factors that make a destination fascinating and motivate (re) visits. Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC, 26(2), 210–230.
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Travel Photo Essay
Pretend you are a travel writer. Your assignment is to write a travel photo essay highlighting some of the important natural or man-made landmarks unique to a particular location. Your essay will include two different landmarks (man-made or natural) from the same area or region. The two different landmarks can be from a local, national, or international location. Your travel photo essay will include an introduction, two photos with descriptions, and a conclusion.

Travel Photo Essay
The first page of your essay will be a title page, presented using APA 7th edition formatting.
The next page will contain a 100-word introduction. The introduction should include why you picked the tourist location and what impact visiting the landmarks had on you.
Insert two photos (from the web or your own photographs) into the essay. Write a 100-word description of each of the landmarks. Place each description below the corresponding image.
Write a 200-word concluding paragraph (summary) about the cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks. What impact does each of these landmarks have on the shared identity, beliefs, economics, environment, and/or activities of the people living in that community? Are the local people impacting the landmarks positively or negatively? How?
End your essay with a references page that lists all of the sources you used in your essay, set up using APA 7th edition formatting.
The CSU Online Library has fantastic resources that can be used for this assignment. Additionally, the CIA World Fact Book website is a great source of information.
In addition to the two required photos, you are required to use at least one outside information source from the CSU Online Library. You can also use your textbook as a resource. All sources used, including the textbook, library resource, and photo sources (unless they are your own photos), must be cited and referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
The following are links to Writing Center tutorials that may be helpful as you complete your assignment:
Citing and Referencing Non-Traditional Sources tutorial
Essay Writing tutorial
APA Overview tutorial