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Training Session for Policy Implementation

Training Session for Policy Implementation

Training enables key stakeholders to acquire skills and knowledge pertinent to the fruitful implementation of organizational policies. Adequate training communicates the strategies to be used to ensure successful policy implementation. This paper identifies training strategies and provides an agenda applicable to the training session for stakeholders. Do you need help with your assignment ?

Evidence-Based Strategies for Obtaining Stakeholders’ Buy-In

Different techniques can be used to obtain stakeholders’ buy-in. The first strategy is communicating the goals and objectives of the policy and practice guidelines (Alexander, 2018). This enables the stakeholders to recognize the importance and relevance of the policy. In this context, the policy aims to optimize patient screening, patient education, and follow-ups. The second strategy is identifying the expectations and motivating factors for the stakeholders (Alexander, 2018). By so doing, the stakeholders understand how their expectations or motivating factors will be fulfilled and embrace the policy. The third strategy is identifying the unique roles of the stakeholders in policy implementation (Hickey et al., 2018). This will enable them to understand that they are essential players in the success of the policy and become active participants in its implementation. The other strategy is upholding honesty (Alexander, 2018). In this context, stakeholders should know that their workload will likely increase. Honesty creates trust and promotes buy-in (Alexander, 2018). The successful buy-in will be indicated by positive feedback demonstrating the willingness to embrace the policy.

The Impact of the New Policy and Practice Guidelines

The policy and practice guidelines will promote interprofessional collaboration among the stakeholders. The practice guidelines require the stakeholders to conduct routine screening, patient education, and patient follow-ups. This requires collaboration among nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dieticians, and laboratory technologists (Johnson & Carragher, 2018). Routine screening and follow-ups are likely to increase workload. This is because the stakeholders will be expected to accomplish all scheduled tasks to ensure that patient-centered services are delivered (Szafran et al., 2019). Furthermore, accountability will increase because each member is expected to accomplish unique roles.

The New Policy and Practice Guidelines and Quality of Care

The new policy and practice guidelines require the stakeholders to conduct routine screening, patient education, and patient follow-ups. Routine screening entails Hgb1Ac tests, random plasma sugar tests, eye exams, and foot exams (Martinez et al., 2019). This will facilitate the early detection of microvascular or macrovascular diabetic complications and the initiation of prompt interventions (Szafran et al., 2019). This patient-centered service will ensure better patient outcomes. Patient education involves enlightening patients on the importance of lifestyle modifications and adherence to medications (Ray et al., 2020). Accordingly, tight glycemic control will be achieved hence better patient outcomes (Ray et al., 2020). Patient follow-up helps to identify treatment defaulters and monitor the prognosis of other patients (Ray et al., 2020). Consequently, this reflects patient-centered services hence better outcomes. Besides, the policy allows interdisciplinary involvement in clinical decision-making, which promotes evidence-based practices hence better quality of care.

Stakeholder’s Importance in Implementing the New Policy and Practice Guidelines

The stakeholder group consists of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dieticians, and laboratory technologists. Each performs a unique role that promotes successful policy implementation. Nurses and physicians are involved in patient education and screening (Szafran et al., 2019). Physicians are involved in developing treatment plans and ordering laboratory tests. Pharmacists are involved in patient counseling on appropriate medication use, possible adverse effects, contraindications, and medication administration (Ray et al., 2020). Similarly, dieticians develop appropriate nutritional plans for the patients (Szafran et al., 2019). Lastly, laboratory technologists ensure that tests are accurately performed and delivered promptly. Regular feedback will be given to empower the stakeholder group (Szafran et al., 2019). The feedback will acknowledge the importance of the stakeholders and reward the best-performing members of the stakeholder group.

Instructional Content, Learning Activities, and Materials

Handouts will be used to provide detailed information concerning the policy and practice guidelines. This will entail the scope of patient education, screening exercise, and when to initiate follow-up services. Virtual simulations will be used to demonstrate screening, such as the technique used in eye exams and foot exams and how to conduct Hgb1Ac tests. The virtual simulations will be recorded and availed to the stakeholder group for reference and perpetual learning. Similarly, the handouts will provide adequate knowledge required to conduct screening, patient education, and patient follow-ups. The virtual simulations will enable the stakeholder group to learn and acquire patient screening skills.


The policy aims to optimize patient screening, patient education, and follow-ups. Stakeholder buy-in can be accomplished by communicating the goals and objectives and identifying the unique roles of the stakeholders. Handouts and virtual simulations will be used to accomplish learning activities during training.


Alexander, M. (2018). 6 Ways to Increase Buy-In From Project Stakeholders.

Hickey, G., McGilloway, S., O’Brien, M., Leckey, Y., Devlin, M., & Donnelly, M. (2018). Strengthening Stakeholder Buy-In and Engagement for Successful Exploration and Installation: A Case Study of The Development of an Area-Wide, Evidence-Based Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy. Children and Youth Services Review, 91(June), 185–195.

Johnson, J. M., & Carragher, R. (2018). Interprofessional Collaboration and the Care and Management of Type 2 Diabetic Patients in the Middle East: A Systematic Review. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(5), 621–628.

Martinez, L. C., Sherling, D., & Holley, A. (2019). The Screening and Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus. Primary Care – Clinics in Office Practice, 46(1), 41–52.

Ray, S., Lokken, J., Whyte, C., Baumann, A., & Oldani, M. (2020). The Impact of a Pharmacist-Driven, Collaborative Practice on Diabetes Management in an Urban Underserved Population: A Mixed-Method Assessment. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(1), 27–35.

Szafran, O., Kennett, S. L., Bell, N. R., & Torti, J. M. I. (2019). Interprofessional collaboration in diabetes care: Perceptions of family physicians practicing in or not in a primary health care team. BMC Family Practice, 20(1), 1–10.


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Assessment 4 Instructions: Training Session for Policy Implementation

Develop a 2-5-page training strategies summary and annotated agenda for a training session that will prepare a role group to succeed in implementing your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.

Training Session for Policy Implementation

Training and educating those within an organization who are responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. A leader in a health care profession must be able to apply effective leadership, management, and educational strategies to ensure that colleagues and subordinates will be prepared to do the work that is asked of them.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be asked to design training sessions to help ensure the smooth implementation of any number of initiatives in your health care setting. The ability to create an agenda that will ensure your training goals will be met, and will fit into the allotted time, is a valuable skill for preparing colleagues to be successful in their practice.

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