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Top 5 Business Writing Tips- Crafting Effective Messages in a Blog Format

Top 5 Business Writing Tips- Crafting Effective Messages in a Blog Format

Top 5 Business Writing Tips

Welcome to this week’s ‘The Weekly Post’. Each week, this post provides readers with business-related information. Today, we shall discuss the Top 5 Business Writing Tips. Well-founded business writing knowledge is important for the creation of emails, memos, as well as reports. Below are some tips that can be applied to various types of business writing.

Get to the point

In writing, most people use long and wordy statements that lose the audience. This affects the communication process. It is important to use each statement to highlight the main point of the message. The readers do not have to hunt for the key message (O’ Hara, 2014).

Keep it brief

Short statements are highly effective in delivering the message without causing confusion. Brief statements and paragraphs enable readers to remain focused. Brevity also increases the document’s ease of readability (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc., 2021).

Insert a call to action

After delivering the main message, readers need to know what to do with it. This step requires a call to action. The call to action directs readers to respond in a particular manner and increases the writing’s effectiveness (Cullen, 2021).

Be polite

Using courtesies such as please, appropriate salutation, and showing gratitude are important aspects of business writing. While the message may come from a subordinate level employee, these courtesies increase the author’s likeability and are considered human (Connor, 1994-2021).

Spell and punctuate correctly

Business writing needs to remain professional. One of the aspects of effective communication is mastery of the rules that govern the chosen language. Using simple language that all readers understand and placing punctuation marks in the right places improves the message delivery process.

Business writing perfection takes practice. Intentional thoughts about the process lead to conscious decisions that inform the author about the writing’s expected likelihood.

Remember to visit the page next week for more business tips!


Connor, P. (1994-2021). Business Writing: An Introduction. Retrieved from

Cullen, M. (2021). What is Business Writing? [A Simple Definition]. Retrieved from Instructional Solutions.

Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc. (2021). Business writing essentials. Retrieved from GCF Global:

O’ Hara, C. (2014). How to Improve Your Business Writing. Harvard Business Review.

In business, composing a message requires following a few key steps. The writer must adapt to his or her audience, choose powerful words, selecting the right medium and proofreading. In this assignment, you are going to practice using a blog as a medium for delivering your message.
An example of a blog is attached. See the Readings and Resources section for an example of a vlog.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.


We’ll write everything from scratch


In business, composing a message requires following a few key steps. The writer must
adapt to his or her audience, choose powerful words, selecting the right medium and
proofreading. In this assignment, you are going to practice using a blog as a medium for
delivering your message.

Top 5 Business Writing Tips- Crafting Effective Messages in a Blog Format

• Use information from the Readings and Resources to develop your Top 5
Business Writing Tips.
• Create your blog in a Word document.
• Research effective blogs and set up your Word document to look like a blog.
• Be creative in your layout.
• Have a title, date, introduction, body and conclusion.
• Avoid plagiarism, summarize, quote and include your references in APA format.

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