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Tools for Coordination and Communication

Tools for Coordination and Communication

Information Communication Technology has been shown to improve communication in organizations within different industries (Bloom, Garicano, & Sadun et al., 2014). Collaborative and specialized communication is critical and essential, and more so, in sensitive industry sectors such as healthcare where tasks are information sensitive and for proper performance, precise information is mandatory. In such instances, information is required to be given in a direct manner among staff. Intra-organizational communication is mainly based on interpersonal communication. In service industries, interpersonal communication between staff and customers plays a significant role in creating and maintaining customer loyalty and customer satisfaction as well (Alvesson, 2013).

Within organizations, different tools are used for both inter and intra-communication and subsequent coordination. Some of these internal communication tools include corporate intranets, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, external Internet, cloud-based software, and cross-functional teams (Yang & Maxwell, 2011). The tools allow for organizational staff to provide feedback, share knowledge, and connect one to another. Human Resource professionals utilize these communication tools to gain a better understanding of their employees, increase engagement and productivity, and well as recruitment (Werner& DiSimone, 2011). Job vacancies within the organization can be posted on the intranet, and if no suitable candidate is sourced from within the organization, the vacancies can be posted on the organization’s internet.

If an organization is unable to communicate in an uninterrupted and effective way, it becomes impossible to perform business at the peak level (Alvesson, 2013). Employee buy-in is important for a business hence an organization needs to strive to ensure that its staff embraces the business’ vision. Communication platforms allow for staff to share ideas and also input the customers’ views on the running of a business. Customer Relationship Management systems are one such tool that allows for staff that works directly or indirectly with clients, to resolve customer issues as well as input any information that the customer contributes with regard to the running of the business (Werner et al., 2011).

Data safety is paramount for any organization. Unforeseen risks can result in an organization losing vital data if centrally located within the internal organization’s data servers (Furht &Escalante, 2010). Further, outsourcing data storage services allows staff to access information through mobile devices even when they are not within the confines of the working premises. Cloud computing allows organizations to store sensitive data away from the business premises while at the same time allowing staff to access the data on the go. Employees can keep up to date on any communication with regard to their work duties their physical location notwithstanding (Furhtet al., 2010). This enables prompt delivery of information and feedback at any time and from any place.

Lastly, cross-functional teams are a group of employees each with unique expertise that they bring to the group and who work toward achieving a common goal (Majchrzak, More, & Farai, 2012). Team members typically represent all organizational levels. These teams are advantageous as diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences create a synergy that can result in problem-solving and creativity. Team members should be allowed to communicate in the channels of their preference, work with the methods they prefer, and have transparency to relevant information at the right time. Majchrzak et al., (2012) assert that creating communication tools that are in alignment with the manner in which people communicate and also learn naturally, gives the team members an opportunity to increase and contribute to the success of the team as a whole.

In conclusion, proper and clear communication is one of the foundations of a successful organizational business. Where poor communication is prevalent, an organization is bound to face numerous challenges which resultantly lead to poor performance and unprofitability. Creating channels that allow for open and prompt communication between staff encourages all employees to embrace the business vision and hence increases their motivation to work and enhances productivity as well. Technology has played a major role in simplifying inter and intra-communication within organizations as has been discussed.


Alvesson, M. (2013). Communication, power, and organization(Vol. 72). Walter de Gruyter.

Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R., & Van Reenen, J. (2014). The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization. Management Science60(12), 2859-2885.

Furht, B., & Escalante, A. (2010). Handbook of cloud computing (Vol. 3). New York: Springer.

Majchrzak, A., More, P. H., & Faraj, S. (2012). Transcending knowledge differences in cross-functional teams. Organization Science23(4), 951-970.

Werner, J. M., & DeSimone, R. L. (2011). Human resource development. Cengage Learning.

Yang, T. M., & Maxwell, T. A. (2011). Information-sharing in public organizations: A literature review of interpersonal, intra-organizational and inter-organizational success factors. Government Information Quarterly28(2), 164-175.


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Tools for Coordination and Communication

Discuss some of the modern tools used in inter- and intra-organizational coordination and communication (for example, corporate intranets, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, external Internet, cloud-based software, and cross-functional teams). Explain how they are used to accomplish work. Provide at least 3 examples from practice.

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