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Three Pillars and Future Impact

Three Pillars and Future Impact

The master’s program is intended to create leaders who can function in diverse business environments. Leadership incorporates different aspects such as service, ethical practices, and the ability to take advantage of entrepreneurship opportunities

How will each of the Three Pillars—servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism— be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?

. Servant leadership involves serving other individuals that one encounters in the workplace. My ability and desire to serve other individuals are important in my career due to the need to satisfy varying needs and ensure that their well-being is prioritized. Through servant leadership, I will be able to distribute and share power with followers. This process will ensure that all the followers develop and post high performances to match their best abilities. Learning about servant leadership prepares me to lead others in the care delivery setting and promotes my ability to choose the most appropriate leadership style. I perceive servant leadership as an appropriate method of leading due to its ability to engage followers and have their needs prioritized and met. The method also takes power from one position and distributes it to other followers, increasing autonomy, and engagement within an organization, as well as decision-making capabilities.

Ethics are important to all organizations because they ensure that the morality of individuals is maintained at acceptable levels. Employees tend to follow the lead that the managers set in ethical practices (Turan, 2017). Lack of ethics in employers’ and managers’ dealings begets unethical practices towards clients. Therefore, I have a challenging task as a leader to ensure that I set ethical examples for others to follow even as a servant leader. Failure to do this will yield negative behaviors and attitudes that affect interactions with fellow colleagues and the clients served by the organizations I will work for. Ethics is a central element of medical care services. The health care providers are expected to ensure that patients access maximized benefits during their care. As a player in the sector, I expect to encounter numerous ethical dilemmas. I expect that my ethical knowledge will guide me to make the right decisions more than the code of conduct will. This course is an opportunity to understand ethics as opposed to relying on the code of conduct that institutions develop. In agreement with Amer (2019), healthcare providers tend to dismiss the role that understanding medical ethics can play in enhancing their competence. Thus, I will go against this norm to realize the benefits associated with comprehension of medical ethics.

Entrepreneurism is important in my career because there are business opportunities that represent existing gaps. The healthcare players’ ability to identify these opportunities and utilize each within the laws that govern the delivery of healthcare is important in promoting growth at both the personal and sectoral levels (Colichi, 2019). Identifying the existing gaps in healthcare is critical for economic growth at the local level because individuals will create business opportunities that contribute to their career growth. As an employee in an institution, I can identify these gaps and encourage the facility’s management to address these needs as it pertains to serving the target population. Such actions will lead to the improvement of the facilities’ services. At an individual level, I will gain more experience as it pertains to entrepreneurism in the healthcare sector.

How will the Three Pillars enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community?

Servant leadership benefits the internal clients and the community as well. These benefits manifest when leaders seek out opportunities within the facility’s environment to serve. These opportunities attract the community as they enjoy selfless services. Besides improving the general health of the community, their perceptions of modern healthcare interventions lean towards the positive side and promote positive outcomes. Most importantly, it creates an opportunity to integrate alternative treatments that are found within a specific community.

The provision of ethical services will improve the special good of the immediate community immensely. The most insignificant improvement is related to the ease and fairness in access to healthcare services. When the community is aware that they can access healthcare easily and obtain the services with respect and dignity, the members are more likely to embrace seeking care. This improves the general health of the community.

In terms of increasing the greater social good, entrepreneurism will play a critical role. Through the identification of existing gaps that the facility or current medical infrastructure does not meet, it will be possible to ensure that the immediate community enjoys better healthcare services. The health challenges that the community encounters may require the current institutions to either include more services through a partnership with other players or modify the current framework to accommodate these needs. Possessing such insight is critical in ensuring that the facilities encounter continuous improvements, which correlates positively to the changes in society.


Amer, A. B. (2019). The Health Care Ethics: Overview of the Basics. Open Journal of Nursing, 9(2), 183-187. doi:10.4236/ojn.2019.92017

Colichi, R. M. (2019). Entrepreneurship and Nursing: integrative review. Rev Bras Enferm [Internet], 72(1), 321-330. Doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2018-0498

Turan, N. (2017). Ethical aspects of entrepreneurship in nursing. Pressacademia, 4(1), 70-73. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.519


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Three Pillars and Future Impact

In Topic 3, you identified three sources to support a discussion of the integration of servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism as they relate to the industry with which you are familiar.

Three Pillars and Future Impact

Write a 750-1,000-word essay describing your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree. In this paper, address the following:

  1. How will each of the Three Pillars—servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism— be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?
  2. How will the Three Pillars enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community?

This assignment requires a minimum of three scholarly sources, which may include the three from Topic 3 “Annotated Bibliography” assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Note: Because of the reflective nature of this assignment, first person is permitted.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

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