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Theory of Optimal Client System Stability

Theory of Optimal Client System Stability

Watson’s Caring Theory supports the concept of holistic care through authentic interaction between the patient and the nurse. Nurses should embrace positive and integrated energy in care delivery, focusing on the human mind, body, and spirit to achieve mutually rewarding outcomes for both the nurse and the patient. The three main concepts of human care described by Watson’s theory are causative factors, caring relationships, and caring moments (Watson, 2009). These conceptual elements are salient in both the original and the model. Ideally, a nurse has the responsibility to respect, value, nurture, and understand the patient as an individual with interrelated parts (Watson, 2009). From this standpoint, Neuman’s Systems Model attempts to view a client as a system of five variables interacting with the environment and the patient’s health (Alligood, 2013). To promote holistic care delivery, the nurse should adapt to changes within the clients and changes in clients’ situations (Alligood, 2013). As a middle-range theory, the Optimal Client System Stability focuses on client outcomes with minimal emphasis on nurses’ outcomes.

Consistent with holistic care, the theory promotes the clients’ psychological, physiological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual well-being with respect to the system within which care is delivered (Alligood, 2013). Further, consistent with caring relationships and moments, the theory invites an assessment of the system defense to identify the lines of resistance and the degree of reactions and offer reconstitution suggestions for the patient-environment and caregiver-patient relationship (Watson, 2009). From this standpoint, the approach ensures nurses care for themselves while caring for their patients. During caring moments, Watson (2009) argues that nurses reflect on their past experiences, and nurse-patient spiritual interactions seek to reflect on present and future planned moments of care. Watson’s caring theory takes a broad view of nursing practice, empowering nurses to create an enabling environment in which care is given while emphasizing nurses’ interests. Therefore, due to its broad and discrete conception of the nursing profession, the theory is regarded as a grand theory in the nursing practice.


Alligood, M. R. (2013). Nursing theory-E-book: Utilization & application. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Watson, J. (2009). Caring science and human caring theory: Transforming personal and professional practices of nursing and health care. Journal of health and human services administration, 466-482.


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Theory of Optimal Client System Stability

Discussion Question 1-Underlying Framework

Discussion Prompt
Watson’s Caring Theory, a grand theory and conceptual model in nursing, is the underlying framework for the United States University College of Nursing’s programs. Identify a middle-range theory within her conceptual model. Clearly identify how she defines the concepts and propositions between them. Report them to the class using the form “psychosocial development (Concept A) progresses through (Proposition) stages (Concept B)”. Psychosocial development and stages are examples and are NOT required for the assignment. Using the readings for the week, discuss why her work is considered a grand theory.

Discussion Question 1-Underlying Framework

Discussion Question 1-Underlying Framework


  • Lecture – Components of Nursing Knowledge
  • TEXTBOOK-Alligood:
    • Ch. 2 & 3
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