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The Role of a Nurse Educator and The IOM 2010 Report

The Role of a Nurse Educator and The IOM 2010 Report

Responding to Peer 1

Thank you for your post. I agree with you. The nurse educator role has been the most impacted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” The future of nursing keeps expanding, and nurses have an extended scope of practice. Nurses are getting new roles assigned based on their specialization. Therefore, the education curriculum needs to expand to meet the new educational and competence requirements for the expanded scope of practice. Reviewing the IOM’s 2010 report reveals that the IOM understands how nurses play a critical role within the healthcare system and in ensuring positive patient outcomes.

The IOM directly relates the nurses’ level of education as a key factor in determining their competency and the scope of the roles they can effectively perform.  In all four key messages and the recommendations for each key message, advancing education can be identified as a common theme. Specifically, key message number two of the IOM suggests that a better education system that encourages seamless academic development will help nurses attain greater levels of education and training. This creates a challenge for nurse educators to design and transform nursing education.

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Nurse Educators are responsible for ensuring that, during their education, nurses have the right curriculum design, the right approach to nursing education and that the contents of the nursing education curriculum are up-to-date and future-proof. Nursing educators are also responsible for nurses having access to education opportunities and materials on demand to continuously learn and improve their competencies. Even more important is the competence of the nurse educator. Research has related the competence of the nurse educator to the perceived competence of graduating nurses (Salminen et al., 2021).


Salminen, L., Tuukkanen, M., Clever, K., Fuster, P., Kelly, M., Kielé, V., Koskinen, S., Sveinsdóttir, H., Löyttyniemi, E., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2021). The competence of nurse educators and graduating nurse students. Nurse Education Today, 98, 104769.

Responding to Peer 2

Thank you for your post. The IOM 2010 report can be viewed as a solution to the complexities of the current and future healthcare systems. The key messages and recommendations of the report provide healthcare organizations, federal health agencies, stakeholders in the nursing schools, the states, and other stakeholders with various ways in which the nursing role can be improved to meet the demands and complexities of the healthcare system. The expansion of the nursing role is the most notable change that the IOM has impacted the nursing profession. The IOM’s most notable recommendation for expanding nursing roles is the need for states, federal agencies, and other related healthcare organizations to eliminate the barriers to the scope of practice. This recommendation requires the recognition of advanced practice nurses as primary care providers. It also allows them to put their education into practice to the fullest extent possible. Arguably, nurses are the majority of healthcare providers today. Expanding the scope of practice for nurses to provide primary care services independently has an impact on the accessibility of healthcare services. Advanced practice nurses have the educational and expert qualifications to provide high-quality health care that can be optimized to reduce health care disparities globally(Rosa et al., 2020). It also opens new opportunities for nurses to collaborate within interdisciplinary teams to improve the quality of healthcare services. The IOM also requires the recognition of nurses as equal partners with physicians and other healthcare professionals to create fully cooperative teamwork to improve patient outcomes. Although the expansion of the roles of the nurse is critical in the nursing profession, the effectiveness of the nurses in their new roles will be determined by the availability and competence of the nursing faculty. Therefore, it is also important to focus on the improvement of nursing educators in respect with the changing nursing professions.


Rosa, W. E., Fitzgerald, M., Davis, S., Farley, J. E., Khanyola, J., Kwong, J., Moreland, P. J., Rogers, M., Sibanda, B., & Turale, S. (2020). Leveraging nurse practitioner capacities to achieve global health for all: COVID-19 and beyond. International Nursing Review, 67(4), 554–559.


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The Institute of Medicine’s Publication highlights, major impacts in nursing for educators. With the future of nursing expanding so does the education requirements. As stated “Major changes in the U.S. health care system and practice environments will require equally profound changes in the education of nurses both before and after they receive their licenses” (Institute of Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. pg 163). As nurses we are not only students in the classroom but throughout our entire career. When in a field that is constantly evolving the education must evolve as well, in order to maintain safe and effective care.

The Role of a Nurse Educator

There has been a major increase in nursing school applicants. The goal for education would be to increase in the amount of BSN nurses entering the workforce. However, there are challenges due to nursing faculty shortages. An estimate of the next 15 years projects that over 5,000 faculty jobs will be unfulfilled. Nurses are needed to continue their education and obtain the degrees to fulfill these positions. (Institute of Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. 2011)

One way the nursing community has been helping ease the demand on nurse educators is by utilizing nurse practitioners to oversee students in clinical sites. The NLN has also established an online community to assist educators in implement, design, and evaluate the use of clinical simulators. (Institute of Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. 2011)

Nurse educators will also need to meet new educational changes. “Need for technology-infused education, transdisciplinary approaches to care, and translational research” (Fitzpatrick, 2010). In the past nursing students focused on memorizing content, in a highly structured curriculum. There has been a greater emphasis on improved health outcomes, wellness and prevention that has led to new competencies. With curriculum expanding, technology advancing, and accreditors incorporating new competencies, new approaches must be developed to evaluate new curriculum. (Institute of Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. 2011).


Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2010). The Future of Nursing (OUR FUTURE): Leading Change, Advancing Health. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing)31(6), 346.

Institute of Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. (2011). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (1st ed.). National Academies Press.

The report titled prospect of nursing leading transformation progressing well-being IOM envisions a future in which the principal care and deterrence of illnesses will be the primary drivers of decision-making and every aspect of the Healthcare system in the United States. one of the notable changes that the report has made to the advanced nursing practice role of the clinician include positively influencing change in the nursing duties responsibilities and the education to meet the increasing demand of care. The report from the firm Foundation that health Healthcare formations will be made to improve America’s increasingly complex Healthcare organization (“Institute of Medicine report – The future of nurturing: Leading transformation, advancing healthiness,” 2011). This report, interprofessional collaboration, and coordination of food with giving the patient value for the financial sacrifice made while focusing on quality rather than the number of care services are some of the metrics that will guarantee a continuous improvement in health care outcomes.

The IOM report has recognized various Aspects of the Healthcare system which need to be changed. This includes the nursing profession. In the nursing profession, the nursing faculty has to be expanded to increase the capability of the nursing seminaries by restructuring the nursing schooling to expand the scope to guarantee that it provides a sufficient number of adequately prepared nurses who can meet the current and contemporary well-being demand (“Progress continues on IOM future of treatment report commendations,” 2018). The report has demonstrated the significance of reconceptualization of the laws of the nurses in the framework of the all-inclusive healthcare workforce while determining the diverse, pioneering resolutions related to well-being conveyance and the health specialized education increase the capacities of the nurses to increase their efficiency in service delivery (Meyer, 2019). The report has been a major stimulator of policy changes aimed at drawing and retaining adequately equipped nurses in diversified settings, counting ambulatory, Primary Care, and communal services.


Institute of Medicine report – The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. (2011, February 17).Policy&Medicine.

Meyer, D. (2019). undefined. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(3),228.

Progress continues on IOM’s future of nursing report recommendations. (2018, December 11). Campaign for Action.

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