The Power of Professional Mentorship – Criteria, Benefits, and Choosing the Right Mentor
Benefits of Aligning with a Professional Name
One of my professional development plans is to align with a professional name. One of the benefits of aligning with a professional name is that it will help me develop skills that I can use for professional development. The second benefit is that it creates the opportunity to increase value by acquiring the knowledge and skills associated with the professional name. For instance, aligning with a professional name can help me develop leadership competencies and skills that I can use for professional development.
Important Criteria to Use in Selecting a Mentor
Selecting a good mentor is crucial because their advice will help me achieve my personal and professional goals. One of the most important criteria I will use to select a mentor is reputation. I will review the mentor’s reputation based on what others say about them. Some of the most important things I will consider when gathering information to review the mentor’s reputation include their behaviours, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and achievements. The second most important criterion will be the mentor’s accessibility. I will ensure that the selected mentor can easily be accessed face-to-face or online whenever I need their help or advice. The third criterion will be based on the mentor’s interest in mentoring others. I must ensure that my mentor has mentored other people and demonstrates interest in mentoring me so that I can receive the support and mentorship I need to achieve my personal and career goals.
My Selected Professional Mentor
I have selected my general manager as my mentor because he has always been interested in my professional development since I joined the company. Therefore, it will be easier for me to approach him and request him to be my mentor. I have also selected the general manager as my mentor because he understands my strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, he can help me improve my strengths and weaknesses by assigning me tasks that challenge me to acquire and develop new and existing skills.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible
Discussion Question 10
due May 5
A discussion question should be answered with a substantial post of 2-3 paragraphs.
Then, it will be followed up with two peer responses that are also substantial responses of 1-2 paragraphs.

The Power of Professional Mentorship – Criteria, Benefits, and Choosing the Right Mentor
What are the benefits of aligning with a professional mentor?
After researching mentors, what are the most important criteria that you will use in selecting a mentor?
Who will you select as your professional mentor?