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The PEER model and SAVER model for Effective Responses -Academic Essays

The PEER model and SAVER model for Effective Responses -Academic Essays

The PEER model and SAVER model for Effective Responses are important handouts in academic essays. They gauge students’ ability to showcase their abilities to gather and present knowledge through data access. To write excellent articles, students should interact with resources and discussion posts from fellow students as evidence to deliver specific ideas (Murphy, 2015). In this paper, I will discuss the PEER model and SAVER responses as the most useful handouts in academic writing.

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The Most Useful Handouts

The most useful handouts in the knowledge refresher section include the PEER model and SAVER responses. PEER Models provide useful guiding knowledge to students on how to write academic papers. They guide students on important guidelines to follow when writing essays. For example, every academic paper should contain a clarified purpose, evidence, explanations, and resolution to a problem. On the other hand, SAVER Responses help appraise other students to enhance performance (Keh,2010). For example, in reviewing a discussion post, one should show support, application, validation, extend the point, and respect.

The Usefulness of the Handouts

The handouts were useful because they guided students on strategies and skills to write the most engaging essay papers. For example, they guide the student on how to get additional information in the form of evidence-based on supporting facts and examples. Using reliable resources such as academic journals and books in writing is a critical skill students use to deliver thoughtful essays. The handouts provided new information about how to meet academic standards in essay writing. One major piece of information I found useful in the handouts is how students should utilize sources to sharpen their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. For example, every paper should have organized thoughts, use appropriate vocabulary, and write clearly and concisely. As such, these handouts are crucial because they empowered me with the knowledge I needed to understand academic writing. 

How to Use These Resources in the Future

I can use these resources in the Future to guide me in my academic work. For example, I can apply the knowledge in the Future to trace reliable resources such as academic journals and books to deliver thoughtful essays. Utilizing resources will sharpen my knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. According to Murphy (2015), resources help students fill the knowledge and skills gap they may need more about a particular topic. As such, if I want to organize my thoughts, use appropriate vocabulary, and write clearly and concisely, these resources will empower me with the knowledge I did not understand. 


Keh, C. L. (2010). Feedback in the writing process: A model and methods for implementation.

Murphy, C. (2015). The use of peer modelling to increase self-efficacy in research methods courses. Journal of Political Science Education11(1), 78–93.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Using the PEER Model for Substantial Posts (p. xviii) and the SAVER Model for Effective Responses (p. xix), discuss the following questions. Be sure to answer all questions. You may write in the first-person point of view. Use a separate paragraph for each new topic. Paragraphs, for this purpose, do not need to have five sentences. If two or three clear, concise sentences cover the point adequately, use two or three.

The PEER model and SAVER model for Effective Responses -Academic Essays

The PEER model and SAVER model for Effective Responses -Academic Essays

Original Post Prompt
Discuss the 3 most useful handouts provided in the Knowledge Refresher section for Module 4. Provide details and be specific!
What made them useful to you? and/or What new information was provided in the handouts?
How can you use these resources in the future?

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