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The Intersection of Training, Development, and Ethics- Impacts on Employee Performance and Organizational Success

The Intersection of Training, Development, and Ethics- Impacts on Employee Performance and Organizational Success

High rates of employee turnover are disastrous to an organization’s ability to function. When employees, especially experts, fail to stay longer than six months or one year, the continuity of a company’s projects is affected negatively. Expert employees are hired due to their technical skills and knowledge. When they leave often, projects are delayed because the company must fill these positions. The process of recruiting new experts to fill such critical positions is daunting, costly, and time-consuming.

However, expert employees may leave a company due to assorted reasons. Some of these reasons include working excess hours, which leads to burnout. This may occur due to understaffing, where a company lacks enough expert employees. On the other hand, it could be an ethical aspect of deliberately failing to hire enough expert employees to save on costs. As a result, the existent expert staff to overwork.

To reverse the current turnover rate, ethical leadership will be utilized. According to research, leaders have a significant effect on employees’ behaviours and attitudes. When the leaders and managers at the company demonstrate ethical leadership, the expert employees’ attitudes are likely to change, which reduces their likelihood of leaving. This means that leaders must be selfless, ethical, and honest in their decisions as well as actions (Suifan, Diab, & Alhyari, 2020). Expecting expert employees to work hours or more in a week is unethical. It also comes across as selfish because employees are overworked. The company makes revenue by requiring expert employees to do extra work instead of employing sufficient members of staff.

Therefore, the first step towards ethical leadership is hiring enough expert employees at the company. This will automatically reduce the number of hours that the teacher works in a week. The action plays a critical role in creating ethical perceptions among the staff members. The expected result is the ability to work a

The Intersection of Training, Development, and Ethics- Impacts on Employee Performance and Organizational Success

regular number of hours, continuity of projects, reduced turnover, higher commitment, and better entity performance.

To improve the employees’ motivation and morale, training and development will be utilized. First is conducting a training needs analysis that identifies the skills gaps in the workforce (SHRM, 2021). The needs analysis would take the form of a survey and face-to-face interviews with employees to obtain feedback. The feedback will be compared to the different position’s competencies to identify those that are missing. Secondly, preparing actual training for the employees follows. This step allows staff members to improve their skills and knowledge. The two steps are motivating because employees are empowered to conduct their tasks. In addition, they could boost morale because other employees do not have to rely on expert staff entirely for the completion of specific projects. Collaboration among expert employees and other colleagues will boost their morale because sharing reduces their responsibility significantly through sharing (Sharma & Shirsath, 2014).

Reduction of attrition through employee development and training is a process that involves multiple steps. Therefore, the training and increased collaboration play a role in motivating employees and increasing their commitment to the organization. As their outlook regarding the organization improves, their desire to stay increases significantly, reducing the attrition rate. Finally, the organization should offer development opportunities to staff members, encouraging their growth (Sharma & Shirsath, 2014). When employees are aware that they can develop their careers while at the entity, they are likely to concentrate on the entity without seeing opportunities outside.


Sharma, V., & Shirsath, M. (2014). Training –A motivational tool. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(3), 27-35.

SHRM. (2021). How to Conduct a Training Needs Assessment. Retrieved from

Suifan, T. S., Diab, H., & Alhyari, S. (2020). Does ethical leadership reduce turnover intention? The mediating effects of psychological empowerment and organizational identification. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 30(3), 1-19. doi:


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MT203-4: Describe training methods for improving employee performance.

GEL-7.02: Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within your field of study.

Talent Turnover and Ethics

Introduction: Using the appropriate training and development methods can have significant effects on employee performance and the success or failure of a company. Similarly, ethics also can impact how employees and the company are perceived, which can ultimately affect the success of the organization.

Read the scenario and address the checklist items regarding employee training, development, and ethics.

Scenario: The technology company you work for has had difficulties resulting from expert employees leaving the company after only 6 months to a year of employment. This turnover has caused client software projects to not be completed as scheduled. The CEO has turned to you as the HR director to find out what is wrong and to recommend a remedy. You do some initial investigations only to find that the salaried, full-time employees at this level of expertise are working 60 hours a week or more on a regular basis. You are concerned not only with the business implications of this attrition problem but also the ethical implications.


Describe the company’s problem in your own words from a business and ethical perspective.
Choosing one of the ethical approaches, describe what ethical approach you would use for the development of these employees and explain why.
Describe the training and development methods you would use to improve employee morale, and motivation, and to reduce attrition. Include two specific examples that improve employee morale, and motivation, and reduce attrition.
Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your minimum 2-page (i.e., 500 words) Microsoft Word paper in an original essay with additional title and reference pages in APA format and citation style

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