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The Importance of Delegation in Fast-Growing Businesses

The Importance of Delegation in Fast-Growing Businesses

The research project concentrated on how privately held, fast-growing businesses manage growth-related challenges. How these companies learned to delegate was one of the topics of study. According to the research, delegating became more crucial as businesses grew. In addition to helping the CEO free up time, delegation is crucial for the growth of the management team’s other members’ skills and capacities. The study showed that many CEOs had difficulty relinquishing control and delegating. Several CEOs struggled with delegation because they lacked confidence in their employees or believed they could do a given task accurately. Nonetheless, the study discovered that successful CEOs developed good delegation skills. They understood the value of assigning responsibilities and duties to the right individuals, setting clear expectations, and offering support and feedback to ensure the assignment was completed successfully. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

The study also showed that delegating was vital for managing development. It allowed the CEO to spend time on strategic planning and other important responsibilities while also assisting the management team in staying focused on the most crucial tasks. Good delegation allows CEOs to concentrate on high-impact tasks while ensuring the business’s daily operations run smoothly. Overall, the study concluded that delegation was crucial for successfully managing growth. CEOs who learned to delegate well were likelier to create high-performing management teams, enhance staff abilities, and successfully deal with growth-related challenges.

Based on the study’s findings, surveyed individuals confronted various challenges when it came to managing their teams. The most frequently encountered challenges include delegation, time management, communication, and prioritizing. The research also found that those who successfully met these challenges tended to rely on various strategies and techniques, such as establishing clear expectations, providing continuous feedback and support, and establishing a strong sense of trust and cooperation within their teams. In addition, the research indicated that individuals who successfully overcame these challenges were more likely to be seen as efficient and effective managers by their colleagues and subordinates. In order to be successful in the job, it is essential to have excellent management abilities, particularly concerning the management of both individuals and groups of people working together.

Focusing on how the delegating challenge was addressed makes it possible to understand the challenges of managing teams. Fundamentally, the research examined how managers can efficiently delegate tasks to team members and get beyond any possible barriers. Delegation is essential for individual and organizational success because it fosters a culture of trust, boosts self-assurance, and raises employee engagement (Anwar& Abdullah, 2021). The study identified some strategies managers might use to overcome the difficulties of delegation. First, they should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Particularly, this information enables managers to assign projects that match their team members’ abilities, assuring they can complete the assignment. Managers must also set targets for their team members and provide clear instructions. Managers must also set targets for their team members and provide clear instructions.

Second, the study showed that delegating needs trust. Managers must trust their staff to perform tasks without continual oversight. The study demonstrated that the manager’s actions and communications contribute to the development of trust. Managers should create attainable goals, show confidence in their team members’ skills, and give them the necessary resources to do the job. Lastly, the study revealed that effective delegation depends on the management and employees having open lines of communication. Managers should communicate with their teams often to solicit input, respond to inquiries, and provide direction (Răscolean & Rakos, 2018). Essentially, this should not simply be a one-time check-in but continual, helpful communication.

The proposed car wash and auto-detailing business will consider various aspects to manage or pace growth. According to Hess (2011), most businesses fail to plan for growth and end up regretting when the period for expansion arrives. Therefore, planning for growth will be done by contemplating what the business will look like when it expands. Notably, this will entail designing and visualizing the company’s future picture in terms of structure, people, and processes. Managing the pace of growth will also form a crucial part of managing the company’s growth. It will involve learning when to say no to new opportunities to ensure that the business can meet the market requirement for new opportunities through its capacity by ensuring that people and funding capacities are matched with opportunities. In the effort to manage and pace growth, controls and processes will be installed in four steps. The four steps include planning for growth, acquiring necessary resources, implementing the change, and evaluating the outcomes (Cochran & Kaplan, 2017). Essentially, this will ensure that growth change does not bring the unwanted effects of implementing change, such as resistance to change and resource restrictions.


Anwar, G., & Abdullah, N. N. (2021). The impact of Human resource management practice on

Organizational performance. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management (IJEBM)5.

Cochran, J. D., & Kaplan, B. P. (2017). The Entrepreneurial Lender’s Guide to Raising Capital. Secured Lender, 73(4), 20.

Hess, E. D., (2011). Growing an entrepreneurial business: Concepts &amp cases (Ed. 1). Stanford University Press. Stanford, California.

Răscolean, I., & Rakos, I. S. (2018). The Substantiation of Cash Flows within a Business Plan. Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 18(1), 213–222.


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During Unit 7, we focused on fine-tuning your business model, developing a business plan, raising capital, and developing a recruiting and retention program. This week’s reading in our textbook highlighted all of these concepts. The research highlighted in Chapter 2 is the basis of our Unit 7 Paper.

The Importance of Delegation in Fast-Growing Businesses


 Adding to your paper in Unit 6, consider your readings in Chapter 2 of our textbook. As you read the research, consider our course objectives for Unit 7 and answer the following two questions. What did the research highlight regarding the following two concepts: (1) How did those surveyed learn to delegate, and (2) How did they meet the challenges of the management team?

  1. Consider your business that is the focal point of this course. How will you manage or pace growth? When and in what order would you install more controls and processes? Explain.
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