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The Imagine You Case Study-Professional Communication in a Team

The Imagine You Case Study-Professional Communication in a Team

Hello everyone. Welcome to today’s tutorial on professional communication in a team.

Non-profit organizations need funding to sustain their operations. One of the strategies non-profit organizations use to raise funds is annual fundraisers. This tutorial will review the issues faced in a panel discussion on the annual fundraiser strategies that Imagine You organization should use, the effective and ineffective characteristics of the behaviours of the team involved in the discussion, how effectively the team works together, and leadership recommendations.

I have witnessed various instances in my workplace where team members could not work together due to internal issues and the team members’ behaviours. The issues faced in the panel discussion presented in the Imagine You scenario include the lack of emotional control and poor coordination, and Jim emphasizes that the organization needs financing without suggesting how that will be achieved. Nonetheless, the effective characteristics of the team members’ behaviours in the scenario are open communication and diversity. Argenti (2013) states that open communication includes freely conveying ideas and thoughts. The ineffective characteristics of the team members are anger issues and lack of collaboration, which is evident in Nan’s behaviour and the team’s inability to reach a conclusion.

Professionalism is important when working in teams in an organization. One of my suggestions for the team to engage in professionalism is setting the rules for the discussion. Bullwinkle (2023) states that rules can help individuals engage in focused and civil discussions. Therefore, rules outlining how the team members should behave could help maintain professionalism. The second suggestion is selecting a team leader to coordinate the discussion and ensure that every member gets an equal opportunity to express their ideas. The third suggestion is to discuss one suggestion in detail before requesting another idea.

I think Jim should take leadership because he has experience seeking funds from donors based on his experience in grant writing. According to Ryan & Danaher (2019), leadership is vital in motivating, inspiring, and guiding individuals to achieve goals. The main concerns of having leadership on a team include the challenges encountered when dealing with difficult people and the lack of respect from the team members. Therefore, in the current situation, I would lead the team by encouraging everyone to feel free to express themselves and participate in the discussions. I would also focus on increasing the team’s productivity by maintaining transparency in communication, monitoring each member’s progress toward meeting specific goals, and giving the team members autonomy.

In conclusion, working in teams can be challenging, especially due to poor communication and differences in the team members’ opinions. Therefore, ensuring that the team has an effective leader who can keep the members motivated and focused on meeting the team’s goals is important. It is also important to enhance the team’s productivity and encourage the team members to collaborate.

Thank you!


Argenti, P. A. (2013). Corporate communication. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Bullwinkle, K. (2023, January 30). Set ground rules for Better Team Performance.

Ryan, P., & Danaher, M. (2019). The role of leadership and motivation during change. Leadership for Intellectual Disability Service, 85–111.


We’ll write everything from scratch



You will analyze professional communication in a team scenario and create a 2- to 3-minute audio response and written transcript. Keep in mind the concepts of effective communication in teams as you review the scenario and prepare both your audio response and transcript.

The Imagine You Case Study-Professional Communication in a Team

What is a transcript, and how do I write one?

Professional audio recordings require attention to aspects of verbal communication such as vocal tone, variety, pitch, articulation, etc. To create a professional recording, first write a transcript. You then will have the content to read and can focus on professional delivery. The transcript needs to be word-for-word of what is said in the audio recording, with a title page and reference page. Both files (MP3 and Word document) need to be uploaded for the assignment to be graded.

Review the scenario.
Start with an introduction.
Complete the body of the transcript by using examples from the interaction between the team members in this scenario, and respond to the questions that follow in a 2- to 3-minute audio-based response. *Make sure to integrate one source (or more) from the readings and your own personal experiences.
Evaluate three issues faced in the panel discussion presented in the scenario. Discuss effective and ineffective characteristics of team behaviors in the observed scenario. How effectively did this team work together?
What three suggestions do you have for the team to engage in professionalism?
In the observed situation, who do you feel should take leadership? Why? What are the benefits of having leadership on a team? What are the concerns of having leadership on a team? In this situation, what would you do to lead the team?
What three strategies do you have for productivity when working in teams?
End with a conclusion.
Properly cite/reference one of the class readings in the transcript and orally during the audio recording.
Create an audio recording of your transcript. The recording should be 2–3 minutes in length. There should not be background noise, and the recording should be done in one sitting and submitted as one file.
Submit both your transcript (Word) and audio recording (MP3) to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox for grading.

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