The Hidden Toll of Racial Inequality- How Systemic Discrimination Impacts People of Color
Racial inequality in the US exists or has worsened despite the efforts of minority communities to foster racial equality over the years. Latinos, Black Americans, and other minority communities lag in various life aspects compared to non-Hispanic Whites. These minority communities lack income, education, healthcare access, and employment opportunities.
The structural nature of racism in the US is largely to blame for the persistent discrimination of non-White populations. The disparities between White and Black Americans (and other minority communities) result from persistent discriminative and dehumanizing laws and policies. Such laws create inequality or worsen existing disparities.
The systematic nature of these dehumanizing laws means they exhibit themselves in extremely critical life structures. For instance, the laws in the housing system make it hard for a black person to acquire a mortgage. When applying for a mortgage, the uniform application of financial requirements puts minority communities at a disadvantage.
Moreover, structural racism is deeply embedded in the US criminal justice system. A large body of scientific research shows that minority communities have historically been subjected to unequal outcomes. For instance, black people receive harsh outcomes regarding capital punishment, bail setting, and sentencing. The systematic nature of such racial inequalities takes a toll on minority communities because it is difficult to navigate them.
White Privilege
White privilege refers to the array of benefits and advantages white people receive. Other people of color do not share such benefits. An example of white privilege is the positive relationship white suspects share with the police. However, people of color usually face harsher encounters, regardless of their offenses. The killing of Tamir Rice (a minor) and Diallo (41 bullets) shows the police have a negative attitude toward people of color.
White privilege is also tied to the education system. White people are more likely to attend high-quality, affluent learning institutions than poor people of color. District schools in areas inhabited mainly by poor people of color are in deplorable conditions.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Explain how and why racial inequality takes a hidden toll on people of color. Then, provide two examples of white privilege.

The Hidden Toll of Racial Inequality- How Systemic Discrimination Impacts People of Color
Please Note: Answers should be written completely in your own words, not copied from the textbook or any other sources. Any question asking for examples must be original examples created by you, not examples from your textbook.