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The Effectiveness of Multisensory Reading Interventions in Inclusive Classrooms for Students with Special Learning Disabilities

The Effectiveness of Multisensory Reading Interventions in Inclusive Classrooms for Students with Special Learning Disabilities

Statement of the Problem

Multisensory reading interventions are effective approaches that support inclusivity in the learning environment since the interventions incorporate different senses, including touch, sound, sight, and movement, to convey learning information. Following this, learning institutions are focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in education, where students with and without special educational needs can interact and develop their knowledge in the same environment. Most importantly, institutions need to invest in inclusive literacy instructions to make learning effective and inclusive. Furthermore, teachers should take part in this by implementing effective instructions in an inclusive classroom to help address the learning needs of all students. This paper focuses on evaluating the implication of multisensory reading intervention in an inclusive learning environment.

Literature Review

The education system focuses on creating a merged learning system where all students, regardless of their learning disabilities, can learn in the same environment, and the needs of each student are addressed (Carew et al., 2020). Inclusive classrooms consist of diverse students with the goal of academic excellence. Educators should understand that each student is unique and uses diverse learning ways to acquire knowledge. Consistently, multisensory reading strategies are effective learning methods that incorporate various senses in the teaching approach, which enables students with disabilities to grasp and understand learning content and utilize the information in developing essential skills in life (Alenizi, 2019). Students with learning difficulties in reading and writing encounter challenges when learning in an inclusive environment without effective tools to address their needs. Multisensory reading strategies integrate senses, including auditory, kinesthetic, and visual, which help them overcome their difficulties and improve their skills, knowledge, and competency in equal opportunities with students without special educational needs (Komalasari et al., 2019). Evidence shows that multisensory reading strategies promote student engagement and participation in learning activities, which encourages effective knowledge development from practical experiences. Students in an inclusive environment can identify different abilities from a diverse population.

Methodological Procedures

This research paper will utilize secondary data, where scholarly articles on multisensory reading interventions will be evaluated. Multiple articles on the specified subject will be identified. Random sampling method will be used to determine the sample size: the number of articles that will act as the representative study population for evaluation and analysis purposes. The systematic random sampling method is the most preferred since it eradicates bias and gives each element an equal value of being selected as the sample representative. The research will collect quantitative and qualitative data on the impact of multisensory reading interventions in fostering an inclusive learning environment.

Data Analysis

The collected data will be evaluated and sorted to draw effective and valid conclusions on the significance of implementing a multisensory reading strategy in a classroom to promote an inclusive learning atmosphere. The study will utilize descriptive and predictive analysis to analyze the data. Descriptive analysis will give insights into the importance of the intervention from past data, while predictive analysis helps to associate the findings and the future expected results from incorporating the intervention in the learning activities.


Incorporating multisensory reading strategies fosters an inclusive learning environment where students with different abilities and learning disabilities learn effectively. Multisensory reading interventions support individualized learning as students concentrate on the most suitable teaching activity that aligns with their learning preferences and styles. Notably, engaging multiple senses in the learning process encourages information retention since the student can relate and recall ideas based on the most effective sensory strategies. Also, multisensory reading strategies support an interactive learning environment, steering students’ motivation to learn.


The education systems should reinforce the significance of an inclusive learning environment in addressing inequities, discrimination, and biases in the sectors. In addition, teachers should understand the different learning needs of each student, which helps them implement the most effective teaching strategies that help address all students’ needs, such as implementing multisensory reading strategies in an inclusive classroom.


Inclusive literacy instructions are essential in supporting an effective learning environment for students with and without special educational needs. Specifically, implementing a multisensory reading intervention fosters an inclusive classroom where students with different learning abilities and disabilities engage in the same environment and utilize each other’s potential and ability in their skills and knowledge development. Therefore, learning institutions should develop merged systems for all students to benefit in one learning environment.


Alenizi, M. A. K. (2019). Effectiveness of a program based on a multisensory strategy in developing visual perception of primary school learners with learning disabilities: a contextual study of Arabic learners. International Journal of Educational Psychology8(1), 72-104.

Carew, M., Groce, N., Deluca, M., Kett, M., & Fwaga, S. (2020). The impact of an inclusive education intervention on learning outcomes for girls with disabilities within a resource-poor setting. African Journal of Disability9(1), 1-8.

Komalasari, M. D., Pamungkas, B., Wihaskoro, A. M., Jana, P., Bahrum, A., & Khairunnisa, N. Z. (2019, November). Interactive multimedia based on multisensory as a model of inclusive education for students with learning difficulties. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1254, No. 1, p. 012057). IOP Publishing.


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The Effectiveness of Multisensory Reading Interventions

After reviewing the literature, you will select a pertinent topic related to literacy instruction. You must email your instructor (see course outline) to get permission or support to narrow down your topic. You will develop a problem statement based on the needs you have found within the research. You will then narrow your focus based on that problem and conduct a complete Review of the Literature to develop possible Conclusions, Recommendations, and Further Discussion based on your research.


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