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The Decision-Making Process

The Decision-Making Process

I would take various steps to further “know myself” and “know the world of work” to make better career decisions. The first step is self-assessment. Self-reflection will be important to identify my strengths, weaknesses, skills, values, and interests. This can be done through various methods, such as taking interest inventories like the Kuder Preference Record or the Strong-Campbell Vocational Interest Inventory (Hirschi & Herrmann, 2019). Next, I will explore various career fields. Here, I will familiarize myself with different career fields and their corresponding requirements, nature of work, working conditions, personal satisfaction, salary expectations, and other relevant factors. I will consult resources like the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to gain comprehensive information about various occupations (Hirschi & Herrmann, 2019).

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The next step is information gathering, where I will conduct informational interviews with professionals working in fields of interest. Speaking with individuals already employed in those careers, I can learn firsthand about the pros and cons, challenges, and rewards associated with specific occupations. This can help me assess whether a particular career aligns with my skills, interests, and long-term goals (Hirschi & Herrmann, 2019). In addition, internships and work experience are essential steps towards further “knowing myself” and “knowing the world of work. Accordingly, I will seek internships or part-time jobs in industries or organizations related to my areas of interest. This hands-on experience can provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of different careers, allowing me to assess whether the day-to-day work aligns with my expectations (Brown et al., 2020). The last step is reflection and evaluation, which involves regularly reviewing and reflecting on my experiences, preferences, and goals. As Brown et al. (2020) note, after each internship or work experience, I would evaluate how well it aligned with my expectations and consider the satisfying or dissatisfying aspects.

To merge the information gathered about myself and the world of work, I will compare and analyze the data I have collected. I will identify the careers that align with my skills, values, and interests and assess how they match the information I gathered about the nature of work, salary expectations, and other factors. I can make more informed decisions by identifying the commonalities and overlaps between my self-assessment and the characteristics of different careers (Hirschi & Herrmann, 2019). Furthermore, I prioritize aligning my fulfillment and potential career paths. I consider the satisfaction I derive from the work, the opportunities for growth and development, and the potential for long-term success and fulfillment.


Brown, S. D., Lent, R. W., & Brown, D. B. (2020). Handbook of counseling psychology (5th ed.). Wiley.

Hirschi, A., & Herrmann, A. (2019). Career decision making and career success across the lifespan: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 374-389.


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The Decision-Making Process

After reading “The Decision-Making Process,” located in the topic Resources, plan how you will take further steps to “know yourself” and “know the world of work.” Discuss how you will merge these two sets of information to make better career decisions.

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