The County General Hospital Discussion
Turnover is high at almost every facility where nurses are employed. What aspects of nursing make nursing turnover higher than for many other jobs?
Employee turnover in any organization is expected, but practicing nurses show higher intentions to leave an organization than in other jobs. A leading factor for the high turnover among nurses is the exhaustion and mental strain that comes with the job (Eriksson et al.). Previous research shows that demands linked to patient work, such as role conflict, assignment of illegitimate tasks, and time pressure, push nurses toward job dissatisfaction and eventual exit. Also, micro-level working conditions and relationships with others affect nurses’ intention to leave (Eriksson et al.). Nurses may prefer to go if there are no good relationships and support from seniors. Another reason nurses leave their jobs is associated with long working hours, especially in large hospitals. A hospital with a 200-bed capacity is big enough to be characterized by long working hours. We offer help in nursing assignments.
What programs do you suggest the County General implement to decrease nurse turnover? Be specific.
County General Hospital needs to conduct an impact assessment of its decisions to counteract staff turnover among nursing employees. Practical impact assessment should focus on more than just health outcomes. Instead, decision-makers should use impact assessment to measure how micro-level decisions affect nurses’ turnover (Eriksson et al.). For instance, the 12-hour shift has been blamed as the main cause of turnover in most facilities. Therefore, it would be helpful to implement policies that support nursing practice. In addition, improving the workplace environment will positively affect turnover, burnout, and job satisfaction. One way to achieve this is by eliminating mandatory overtime so nurses can have flexible free time (Eriksson et al.). Also, embracing a shared governance framework will come in handy. Such a framework allows nurses to air their voices in the decision-making process.
How might County General work with other hospitals to reduce nurse turnover?
It is commonplace for competitors to offer employees better packages to influence them to leave. However, there is little County General Hospital can do to prevent such high turnover. The hospital cannot prevent other hospitals from poaching its employees since anti-poaching agreements are generally illegal in the US.
Works Cited
Eriksson, Andrea, et al. “A Case Study of Critical Reasons behind Hospital Nurses Turnover due to Challenges across System Levels.” Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, vol. Volume 15, May 2022, pp. 1213–1224, 10.2147/jmdh.s363390. It was accessed 15 June 2022.
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The County General Hospital Discussion
County General Hospital Discussion A
Please read the case and answer the questions at the end. Please respond to two of your peers. Do you agree or disagree?
County General Hospital is a 200-bed facility located approximately 150 miles outside Chicago. It is a regional hospital that draws patients from surrounding farm communities. Like most hospitals, County General faces the difficult task of providing high-quality care at a reasonable cost.
One of the most difficult obstacles the hospital encounters is finding and retaining qualified nurses. The annual turnover rate among nurses is nearly 100 percent. A few of the nurses are long-term employees who are either committed to County General or attached to the community. Employment patterns suggest that many of the nurses who are hired stay for only about six months. In fact, County General often appears to be a quick stop between graduation from college and a better job.
Many who leave acknowledge that they were contacted by another hospital that offered them more money. Exit interviews with nurses who are leaving similarly suggest that low pay is a concern. Another concern is the lack of a social atmosphere for young nurses. Nurses just finishing college, who are usually not married, complain that the community does not provide them enough opportunities to meet and socialize with others their age.
Hospital administrators are afraid that paying higher wages will cause a financial disaster. Big insurance companies and Medicaid make it difficult for them to increase the amount they charge patients.
However, the lack of stability in the nursing staff has caused some noticeable problems. Nurses sometimes appear to be ignorant of important hospital procedures. Doctors also complain that they spend a great deal of time training nurses to perform procedures, only to see those nurses take their new skills someplace else.
1. Turnover is high at almost every facility where nurses are employed.
What aspects of nursing make nursing turnover higher than for many other jobs?
2. What programs do you suggest the County General might implement to decrease nurse turnover? Be specific.
3. How might County General work with other hospitals to reduce nurse turnover?