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The Congressional Medal of Honor

The Congressional Medal of Honor

Mary Edwards Walker is the only female soldier who earned the Congressional Medal of Honor after the Civil War. According to Sandel (2010), military medals are special because they are used to remember an old ethic of virtue and honor. The award of military medals has been criticized over the years due to discrimination. Sawhill (2017) argues that judging a specific distribution’s fairness is hard without knowing the rules influencing it. For example, during the Civil War, men mainly dominated the military because women were considered weak. Dr.Walker served as a surgeon in the United States Army. One of the values exhibited by Dr.Walker is courage. She exhibited courage by crossing the enemy lines to treat the wounded civilians despite knowing she would be captured and imprisoned. The second value is dependability. Dr.Walker demonstrated dependability by being committed to her work when treating wounded soldiers and civilians during the war despite exposing herself to the risks of being killed or injured by Confederate soldiers.

Dr.Walker’s example of a great healthcare professional by treating all wounded civilians, including the civilians from the enemy’s side, inspires us to focus on doing what is right despite the prevailing circumstances. Earning the Congressional Medal of Honor should inspire us to judge others based on whether they meet acceptable expectations. According to Berkowitz (2016), judging requires speaking the truth, and the truth must always appeal to a common sense that extends past an individual’s prejudices. The incident should also inspire us to focus on ensuring that everyone is treated fairly in appreciating their efforts and contributions to society. It is vital to overcome gender discrimination because it could lead to the unfair treatment of women who may have sacrificed their lives for society. Adle (1981) argues that unfairness arises from unjustifiable discrimination. Therefore, it is essential to focus on reducing the unfair treatment of women to motivate them to participate in the community’s activities.


Adle, M. (1981). Six Great Ideas. Opensource.

Berkowitz, R. (2016, October 11). Why we must judge. Democracy Journal. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

Sandel, M. J. (2010). Justice: What’s the right thing to do? Penguin.

Sawhill, I. V. (2017, May 10). Still the land of opportunity? Brookings. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from


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The Congressional Medal of Honor

The Congressional Medal of Honor

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