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The Concepts of Scientific Materialism and Consciousness

The Concepts of Scientific Materialism and Consciousness

Science keeps evolving with enlightenment from continuous research. With continuous research, people’s acceptance of the science of materialism continues to be questioned, especially with the influence of quantum physics knowledge. One enlightenment from quantum physics is consciousness, which challenges most concepts of the science of materialism. Subsequently, the difference created between scientific materialism and consciousness is made apparent because of the concepts of the grounds of all beings.

Scientific materialism concepts build on the concept that everything in the universe is reducible to matter. With this in mind, the ground of all beings is considered concrete things; matter, however, matter also contains energy that is balanced. Accordingly, based on the nature of science, the ground of all beings is determined based on neo-Darwinian biology and Newtonian physics (Schizas & Psillos, 2019) to provide different perspectives on all beings. Scientific materialism defines the mind in terms of matter, but subtle body and consciousness aspects limit this theory.

Consciousness is deemed mysterious by most individuals. The concept of consciousness enables the understanding of the mind and the five bodies of consciousness. According to Blackmore & Troscianko (2018), consciousness can be described as an awakening. Further, according to Goswami (2011), subtle bodies are connected by consciousness, and they do not comprise concrete things; thus, existing beyond matter. Therefore, this concept is essential in creating a holistic healing environment because consciousness exists beyond matter. Therefore, in combination with scientific materialism, which focuses mostly on the physical body and consciousness and addresses the other subtle body, holistic healing can be initiated and implemented by balancing the energy of these bodies.

In conclusion, holistic healing environments can be created through the consideration of scientific materialism and consciousness. Understanding subtle anatomy and subtle bodies will enable the healing of individuals based on the five bodies of consciousness.


Blackmore, S., & Troscianko, E. (2018). Consciousness: An Introduction (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Goswami, A. (2011). The Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains The Healing

Power Of Integrative Medicine. Hampton Roads.

Schizas, D., & Psillos, D. (2019). Exploring physics teachers’ NOTSs (Nature Of The Sciences) conceptions and discussing their relation to the current domain-general NOS (Nature Of Science) agenda. Retrieved from


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discussion posts should be 150-300 words, and resources must be cited using APA formatting. Write concisely and with expression

The Concepts of Scientific Materialism and Consciousness

The Concepts of Scientific Materialism and Consciousness

Discussion 2 – Differentiate the concepts of scientific materialism and consciousness as the ground of all beings. Support your answer with current research. Why is this idea critical in creating a holistic healing environment?

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