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Tension and Questions

Tension and Questions

Explain in your own words the injustice gap; how do forgiveness and justice come together in this process? What can help diminish the injustice gap between the victim and the offended person?

When a person is offended, they may experience an injustice gap. An injustice gap is a continuous mental computation that balances the injustice done to oneself with the subsequent events linked to the specific transgression. The injustice gap can be made longer when the offender continues to make things appear more unjust through continued patterns of hurt, which have no sign of ending. On the other hand, an offender may take actions that restore justice to the offended person, such as making restitution, making a sincere apology, or going further to make amends beyond apology and restitution. In such a case, the injustice gap is narrowed by the offender.

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What are the central teachings of Jesus about divine forgiveness, and how do they relate to interpersonal forgiveness?

Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness can be found in the Lord’s Prayer (Mathew 6:12-15) and in Mathew 18:22, when he told his disciples to forgive seventy times seven times. Jesus taught his disciples and the would-be Christians in the world that forgiveness was not an option; one has to forgive a person that offends them. The FThe Father will not dismiss the offended ifher would not forgive the offendforgave man of his sin by accepting the atonement made by Jesus even when he continually sins and is undeserving of forgiveness. Hence, the same is expected of men, to forgive their offenders even when they are undeserving of forgiveness.

What is the role of humility in the process of interpersonal forgiveness?

The failure of man to be perfect is the leading cause of the separation between God and man. The sin and the nature of sin cause this separation. The Father’s holiness demands that this separation exists. However, God was all-loving and sent His Son to fill the gap that would create an eternal relationship with a man. Jesus as full man and fully God, bore man’s sin, yet He was without sin and died on the cross as an act of justice and humility. In the same way, a person offended by another should consciously and humbly absorb the pain and hurt meted to them with mercy and love.

How can one grow in humility?

A Christian can grow in humility by yielding to the Holy Spirit for understanding and strength to know God and live on the purpose He has for one. A Christian should devote oneself to learning God with all their soul, mind, and heart. In humility, a Christian will grow in their perception of God, knowing that there’s only one God and that as a Christ follower, they are not God.

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Worthington Jr, E. L. (2009). Forgiving and reconciling: Bridges to wholeness and hope. InterVarsity Press.


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Tension and Questions

Read Chapters 1 &2 and answer the following questions:

Tension and Questions

Tension and Questions

  1. Explain in your own words the injustice gap; how do forgiveness and justice come together in this process? What can help diminish the injustice gap between the victim and the offended person?
  2. What are the central teachings of Jesus about divine forgiveness, and how do they relate to interpersonal forgiveness?
  3. What is the role of humility in the process of interpersonal forgiveness?
  4. How can one grow in humility?

Book: A just forgiveness responsible healing without excusing injustice by Everette L Worthington JR.

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