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Technology Structures and Social Boundaries

Technology Structures and Social Boundaries

How do these apply to the three perspectives (natural, rational, and open)?

Structures of technology are used to refer to elements that are made to ensure that they support an organization. Systems should withstand the loads and forces they are built for. On the other hand, corporate social boundaries are guidelines companies follow to ensure that firms act ethically and can reduce the chaos that may arise between the company and the community in which the company resides due to conflict of interest. The technical framework is highly artificial and should be matched with business priorities to ensure that they stay competitive while studying the natural world at the same time and helping businesses make reasonable choices.

There are three critical theoretical perspectives of organizations: rational, natural, and open systems:

I. Rational systems: Analysts regarded organizations as resources that could be deliberately formed and molded to achieve specific purposes. Under the presumption that members would influence developments, logical design, and planning were emphasized.

II. Natural system: In comparison, observers regarded organizations as organic structures, societies that develop through random, indeterminate processes. System survival was seen as the overriding purpose and as the master mechanism of adaptation.

III. Open system

A. Closed Natural Systems Models

In the 1940s, when Simon introduced the open system method, it quickly caught on and sparked the development of numerous theories based on economic, psychological, and sociological contexts. This involves minimal rationality, the idea of agencies, contingency theory, comparative structural analysis, and analysis of transaction costs.

B. Open Natural Systems Models

Open natural theories have recently supplanted the available logical models that have dominated since the ’60s. The idea that companies behave rationally contradicts these new, abundant hypotheses. Weick’s “organizing” theory, negotiated order, organizational learning, socio-technical structures, strategic contingency, population ecology, resource dependence, Marxist, postmodernism, and institutional theory.

What areas of technology issues for participants?

Technology’s areas of concern are predominantly customer service and customer engagement. This implies that most businesses must ensure that technology is introduced to provide customer service that still has natural or human contact and can still be relevant and reasonable to the customer and open enough to enable customers to connect with the business.

A range of obstacles must be addressed for technology transfer in developing countries: confusion about the costs and benefits of implementation, asymmetric knowledge of the importance of innovation, financial and expertise requirements, externalities, and regulatory barriers.

What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?

Some notable problems for the participants with organizational boundaries are that when introducing a technical framework, companies are often unable to draw the boundaries of consumer contact, and customers’ privacy is highly affected in most cases.

Organizational limits “Organizational boundaries” evaluate the degree to which participants comply with best practices, and the different implementations of best practices pose exciting challenges, especially in data quality management.

• First of all, policies about the quality of information may be specified and implemented within an administered setting, but as data leaves the entity’s boundaries, so does the ability to monitor its quality.

• Second, the quality expectations of data used within a functional or operational activity within a single organization may be insufficient for the ‘extended enterprise’ needs.

• Third, data outside the administrative domains suggests the concept of ownerless data, for which no one is necessarily responsible.

• Consider this: Although data quality cannot necessarily be mandated, the expected benefits of enterprise information collaborative use can only be achieved if all participants willingly contribute to successfully managing data quality. Furthermore, note that creating a data quality system that allows participants to voluntarily adhere to and extend the integration of data quality across the entire enterprise is an essential goal of the group.

Personal perspectives

In an organization, technical systems are highly significant. However, it is essential to ensure they do not surpass the organizational boundary when introducing such schemes and should be vigorously enforced to protect customers instead of revealing them. Communicate clearly and efficiently across borders by listening actively, trying to learn, and considering diverse viewpoints. Establish and maintain faith with peers in their own and other organizations.

Organizational boundaries are a crucial phenomenon, but the analysis is dominated by transaction cost economics and related exchange-efficiency viewpoints despite their importance. Although beneficial, it is time for a broader perspective to be involved. Our goal is to provide a better understanding of the limits of organizations. First, four boundary concepts (efficiency, control, competence, and identity) are formed, and their distinctive characteristics include organizational and environmental assumptions, specific boundary conceptions, theoretical claims, empirical validity, contributions, and limitations. Efficiency takes the view of atomistic boundary decisions from a legal ownership perspective.

On the other hand, the power conception emphasizes the organization’s sphere of control. At the same time, competence focuses on the resource portfolio and its associated structure, and identity focuses on the sometimes unconscious mindset through which organizational members recognize “who we are.” Between conceptions, we also point out relationships, both co-evolutionary and synergistic. Second, we juxtapose these conceptions with the present literature to create a springboard for a revived research agenda. This agenda includes a greater focus on perspectives of non-efficiency and relationships (not competition) between boundary conceptions. These studies take more seriously the normative implications of theories and problem-driven research on contemporary boundary issues such as contract employment and business ecosystems.


Grabowski, M., & Roberts, K. (2011). High-reliability virtual organizations: Co-adaptive technology and organizational structures in tsunami warning systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 18(4), 1-23.

Orlikowski, W. J. (2000). Using technology and constituting structures: A practice lens for studying technology in organizations. Organization Science, 11(4), 404-428.

Roberts, K. H., & Grabowski, M. (1999). Organizations, technology, and structuring. Managing organizations: Current issues, 159.


We’ll write everything from scratch


During this module, we review the concept of technology structures and social boundaries for organizations. Provide an overview of the technical and social terminology for organizations today. Within your discussion, be sure to address the following areas:

Technology Structures and Social Boundaries

Technology Structures and Social Boundaries

  1. How do these apply to the three perspectives (natural, rational, and open)?
  2. What areas of technology are an issue for participants?
  3. What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?
  4. Personal perspectives

Include any theoretical viewpoints for each of these areas. You are not limited to these questions; they simply assist you in the evaluation process.

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