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Technology related-stress among APN

Technology related-stress among APN

EHR or technology-related stress, also termed as ‘techno-stress’, is the challenges encountered when healthcare professionals adapt to new implementations concerning the use of electronic health records (EHR) and other technological advancements in their field of operation. The challenges can be linked to a couple of factors, including the complexity of the systems, data entry requirements that are time-consuming, the dynamic nature of the software that causes rapid changes, and the challenge of maintaining a balance between clinical care and technological demands. These challenges can consequently yield reduced job satisfaction, increased exhaustion, and potentially compromised patient care (“OUP Accepted Manuscript,” 2020).

To overcome these challenges, training and education for all should be done to foster proficiency and confidence in using technology as well as to update them on the most recent changes and skills required. Secondly, the electronic health systems should be customized to provide an efficient workflow that reduces repetition and unnecessary clicks. Thirdly, time should be allocated to data entry, minimizing chances to interfere with patient care. This ensures that all the responsibilities run concurrently and efficiently with no gap left. The fourth intervention to reduce stress is to have efficient support systems within the workplace that help to address technical issues promptly and share knowledge for efficient EHR use. Also, advocacy for user-friendly systems designed for clinical areas and automated features should be done to reduce the burden of documentation. Lastly, nurses should be taught self-care and stress management techniques to help them reduce the effects of techno-stress (Pilares et al., 2022).

The integration of technology in the healthcare system gives room for patient-generated information systems, which are associated with some merits and demerits. For instance, it results in enhanced engagement| comprehensive data| and leads to improved communication. However, some of the demerits are related to data quality| volume of data| and privacy concerns. Similarly, the incorporation of technology in the APN clinical practice poses advantages and disadvantages. On the advantages, it leads to improved efficiency by streamlining some processes such as documentation, enhances accuracy by reduction of manual processes, and better patient management due to the availability of advanced data analytics, which helps in decision-making concerning patient management. Despite having the aforementioned merits, its challenges include prolonged learning periods, the problems associated with the implementation of the systems (Holmes et al., 2021), and the initial cost of installation being a bit high.


Holmes, J. H., Beinlich, J., Boland, M. R., Bowles, K. H., Chen, Y., Cook, T. S., Demiris, G., Draugelis, M., Fluharty, L., Gabriel, P. E., Grundmeier, R., Hanson, C. W., Herman, D. S., Himes, B. E., Hubbard, R. A., Kahn, C. E., Kim, D., Koppel, R., Long, Q., & Mirkovic, N. (2021). Why Is the Electronic Health Record So Challenging for Research and Clinical Care? Methods of Information in Medicine, 60(01/02), 032–048.

OUP accepted the manuscript. (2020). Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

Pilares, I. C. A., Azam, S., Akbulut, S., Jonkman, M., & Shanmugam, B. (2022). Addressing the Challenges of Electronic Health Records Using Blockchain and IPFS. Sensors, 22(11), 4032.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Technology is only as effective as the extent to which it is used. To the healthcare provider, it is a valuable tool. But are we setting these providers up for burnout?

Read the Harris and Hilliard articles and write your response:

Technology related-stress among APN

1. How would you define EHR or technology-related stress?

2. How can you overcome this challenge in your APN role?

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