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Technology Alternatives – Role of Technology in US Terrorism Threat Reduction

Technology Alternatives – Role of Technology in US Terrorism Threat Reduction

Part 1

Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Uses of Technology

Technology has become an integral part of the security system. Security entities such as the Homeland Security Department have invested a lot in acquiring various technologies to be used in different levels of security management. The many terrorist threats have necessitated investment and overreliance on technology since terrorists use high-level technology to commit terror acts (Bonvillian & Sharp, 2002). Therefore, more advanced technologies are required to counter the technical part of terror activities. Technology in a security system is dynamic; the technologies used a few decades ago are different from the current technologies. The dynamism of security technology is driven by the improvisation of more advanced technologies by terrorists to unleash to the public to cause massive harm. Homeland security and other security apparatus are also on the run to innovate counter-measure technologies to neutralize terrorist technologies.

            Strategic use of technology-Strategic use of technology seeks to answer the question, “Why do security problems exist? This question leads to developing security technologies and policies that deal with people’s issues and evaluate both internal and external risks. Strategic policies help develop a framework to ensure that systems are developed and operated securely. Thus, security technologies are developed to address issues such as privacy and secure information sharing.

            Operational use of technology- Operational use of technology in security management involves maintaining simple controls, access methods, and the practices of the users of the technologies. Examples of the operational use of technology are the regular updates of the access controls and user permissions (Rudman et al., 2021).  Passwords and permissions must be created to secure the security information. It also involves the installation of antiviruses, intrusion detection systems, logs files, and more. Operational use of technology in the management of security also involves installing technologies that monitor the behavior practices of the users by the use of technology.

            Tactical use of technology- The tactical use of technology in security management seeks to answer the question, “How are the security problems mitigated? The tactical use of technology in security management involves how security systems are designed, developed, and implemented to satisfy policies. Some of the activities involved in tactical management include planning, designing, and setting standards, and implementing security tasks (Jackson, 2009). The design stage involves the implementation of the security domains, parameters control, and procedures to protect data

Alternative Policies to Address Homeland Security (HLS) Technology Challenge

Homeland security encounters numerous technical challenges in the quest to ensure security. When technology is deployed properly, it can greatly help maintain the security of the nation. However, if security technology is mishandled, it could cause serious threats to national security. The Homeland Security Department is responsible for ensuring that all the technologies used in the security systems are secure and have fewer challenges. The weakness of the security technology could give a chance to the terrorists to commit mass harm. Therefore, the Homeland Security Department must always update its technologies so that terrorists do not have a chance to use the same defensive technologies to plan an attack.

Several policies should be adopted to address homeland security technology challenges. One of the policies can be creating a collaboration between the national government and the local government to protect critical infrastructure and the key assets protection planning. When the security systems have a collaborative plan for security assets protection planning, then there will be a seamless coordination of security agencies to ensure that the national assets are protected (Rudman et al., 2021). Secondly, the Homeland Security Department should promote the development and operation of critical sector information-sharing analysis centers. These centers will be of great importance to agencies since each agency will receive necessary information in times of an impending security threat (Jackson, 2009). The third alternative policy that should be put in place is the continuous improvement of the technical surveillance, monitoring, and detection capabilities. This section of security management needs continuous improvement so that the agency can stay updated with the new challenges that often emerge.

Public and Private Sectors in Developing, Employing, and Funding HLS Technologies

Since the 9/11 attacks, law enforcement and private security partnerships have been perceived as critical in preventing terrorism. The local law enforcement and private security organizations working collaboratively are quite important to homeland security. The private sector protects a majority of the nation’s infrastructure, but local law enforcement possesses threat information concerning the infrastructure. Therefore, since neither law enforcers nor private security firms can protect the infrastructure alone, there is a need for partnership to bridge the gap. An example of a private sector role in homeland security was that Verizon played an important role in quickly providing technology and rebuilding the network infrastructure after the 9/11 terrorist attack. Big corporations such as Walmart, Apple, and Amazon play an important role in times of disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.

Ethics and Privacy in the Employment of Technology

The many technologies that have emerged have indeed enabled the mining of information and communication. However, one challenge that has emerged due to the new technologies that Homeland Security is employing is the infringement of individual privacy. The digital technologies that collect individual information have made it possible for third parties to access other people’s personal information, hence violating privacy rights. Many people question the use of technologies that expose personal information to the public, claiming that it is an unethical practice (Mallik, 2004). However, the Homeland Security Department argues that, indeed, some of the technologies expose personal information, but this is a necessary evil since the technologies play a major role in unearthing terrorist schemes (Jackson, 2009). For example, scanning individual data, and luggage to detect any security threat cannot be termed as an unethical practice but a necessary action to protect the entire nation. It is, therefore, quite in order to infringe a few people’s privacy to enhance the security of the nation.


Part 2

What is the U.S. CT Strategy?

The U.S. counter-terrorism strategy is an overall homeland security strategy that recognizes the full range of terrorist threats the U.S. faces within the borders and beyond. The counter-terrorism strategy asserts the use of all elements of the national power to fight acts of terrorism and terrorist ideologies (Mallik, 2004). Terrorists aim to undermine American ideals and government by using violence and propaganda to promote their ulterior goals. Since the 9/11 attacks, America has encountered significant costs and armed conflict to prevent and counter-terrorism. Through its security agency, the U.S. has succeeded immensely in disrupting large-scale attacks, but it has not sufficiently mitigated the overall threat of terrorism (Folmer, 2019). Through the U.S. counter-terrorism strategy, America is committed to adjusting its strategies to meet evolving threats and new ideas. Homeland security aims to discard those strategies that are not working and adopt new strategies using the available and emerging technologies.

The U.S. counter-terrorism strategy aims to achieve the following: first, the strategy aims to eliminate the terrorist threat in the U.S. Elimination of the terrorist threats within the borders of the U.S. has been an uphill task based on the fact that the terrorists are widely spread across the world. It is quite hard to predict what a certain terrorist group could be planning (Bonvillian & Sharp, 2002). However, Homeland Security has banked on technology to ensure that no threat enters the U.S.

Secondly, the U.S. counter-terrorism strategy is that homeland security aims to protect the U.S. borders and all ports of entry and ensure that they are secure against terrorist threats. Homeland security, through the U.S. counter-terrorism strategy, aims to ensure that terrorism, radical Islamist ideologies, and violent extremist ideologies do not undermine and interrupt the lives of Americans (Danis, 2004).  Another aim of the U.S. counter-terrorism strategy is to convince foreign partners to address terrorist threats so that they do not jeopardize the collective interests of the U.S. and its partners. The overall aim of the counter-terrorism strategy is to conquer extremism and vanquish the force of terrorism.

Role of Technology in Counter-Terrorism Strategy?

The U.S counter terrorisms strategy heavily relies on technology to achieve its goal of eliminating terrorism threats within the borders of the U.S. Nearly in every section of homeland security, technology holds an important place. The internet is part of technology that is playing a big role in the fight against terrorism. The internet enables online platforms to offer more opportunities to become radicalized and accelerate the speed at which radicalized individuals mobilize others (Danis, 2004). Thus, it uses internet technology to go through various online platforms to understand the plans and strategies of the terrorists. Once Homeland Security realizes that the terrorists are planning an attack, they establish counterattacks that mitigate the threats. In other words, internet technology helps Homeland Security learn and know what the terrorists are planning.

The second role of technology in counterterrorism is that homeland security has acquired different technologies used in border entry points along with many transport networks (Jackson, 2009). Scanning devices, radiation technologies, and digital sensors are used to detect luggage entering the country. It is through these technologies that the security personnel can mitigate an impending terrorist threat (Bonvillian & Sharp, 2002). Technology also plays an important role in communication; various security agencies use various available technologies such as social media, mobile phones, and emails to communicate and coordinate the functions of security management.

Do You Think the U.S. Can Eventually Eliminate Terrorism?

No, I believe that the U.S. is doing a great job in the fight against terrorism. The U.S. has invested a lot in this fight, and it will still invest a lot in an effort to protect the Americans and the American infrastructure. However, it is hard for the U.S. to eliminate terrorism. The effort being made in fighting against terrorism is commendable. It is likely to reduce the acts of terrorism within the U.S. border, but this will not eliminate the acts of terrorism across the world. Some of the reasons why the U.S will not eliminate the acts of terrorism are: first, terrorists are widely spread across the world, and each terrorist group has its ideologies with specific goals. Therefore, it is hard for the U.S. to counter each group (Mallik, 2004). Secondly, the rate of radicalization has been on the rise in the last decade; this means that many young people worldwide are recruited into this radicalization to expand terrorist activities.

The third reason I believe that U.S. counter-terrorism will not eliminate terrorism is that there is dynamism in the technology used in terrorism. Terrorist groups are inventing new technologies that aim at causing mass destruction, and this is encouraging and giving them momentum to continue with their evil acts. Thus, Homeland Security is often on the run to develop counter-terrorism technologies to contain the acts of terrorists. Therefore, the terrorist threats against the U.S. may decrease depending on the effectiveness of the Homeland Security Department. However, the terrorists may continue executing their evil acts on other countries to undermine and destabilize them. The U.S. should continue to invest in counter terrorism technologies and hire more personnel in the Homeland Security Department to make it more effective in dealing with any terrorist threat.


Bonvillian, W & Sharp, K. (2002). Homeland Security Technology. Retrieved from

Busch, N & Givens, A. (2012). Public-Private Partnerships in Homeland Security: Opportunities and Challenges. The Journal of the NPS Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Volume XVII

Chandra, A., Moen, S & Sellers, C. (2016). What Role Does the Private Sector Have in Supporting Disaster Recovery, and What Challenges Does It Face in Doing So? Retrieved from

Danis, B. (2004). The Role of Technology in Homeland Security. Retrieved from

Folmer, M. (2019). Top Benefits of Using Technology to Better Manage Security Workforces. Retrieved from

Hartman, L. (2002). Technology and Ethics: Privacy in the Workplace. Business and Society Review 106(1):1 – 27. DOI:10.1111/0045-3609.00099

Jackson, B. (2009). Technology Strategies for Homeland Security: Adaptation and Coevolution of Offense and Defense. The Journal of the NPS Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Volume XVII. Retrieved from

Mallik, A. (2004).Technology and Security in the 21st Century. A Demand-side Perspective. Oxford University Press.

Rudman, M et al., (2021). Redefining Homeland Security: A New Framework for DHS to Meet Today’s Challenges. Center for American progress. Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


For the assignment, you will be drafting a report summarizing the role of technology in society and assessing the efforts of the United States to harness it to reduce the threat of terrorism.

Role of Technology in US Terrorism Threat Reduction

The paper will focus on the following:

-Consideration of strategic, operational, and tactical uses of technology
Identification and assessment of alternative policies to address homeland security (HLS) technology challenge
-Respective roles of the public and private sectors in developing, employing, and funding HLS technologies
-Consideration of ethics and privacy in the employment of technology
-Your paper will conclude with a policy proposal that includes -recommendations to the President of the United States on the following:

-Should the United States stay on the current course of technological investment?
-Should the United States increase technological investment (and if so, how) or abandon current development in favor of an alternative strategy (and if so, what)?

Key Assignment: Part 2

-Create a user guide of terrorist threats, U.S. counterterrorism (CT) strategy and documents, and the technological solutions in this strategy. Provide an executive summary that explains the following:

-What is the U.S. CT strategy?
-What role does technology play in this strategy?
-Do you think the U.S. can eventually eliminate terrorism? Why or why not?
-Support your arguments with authoritative sources and apply appropriate APA formatting guidelines

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