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Team – Epidemiology Report

Team – Epidemiology Report

This epidemiology report will discuss the occurrence and impact of various infectious diseases in different places, focusing on person-to-person bacterial diseases, person-to-person viral diseases, vector-borne diseases, water-borne diseases, and food-borne diseases. Each section provides insight into the epidemiological perspective, outbreak summaries, and recommendations for public health measures aimed at preventing and reducing the spread of these diseases.

Person-to-Person Bacterial Diseases – Salmonella Infections

An example of a pathogen in the category of person-to-person bacterial diseases is Salmonella enterica. Salmonella enterica belongs to the genus and species Salmonella enterica and causes an illness called salmonellosis.

Epidemiological Perspective

The transmission of Salmonella infections, caused by the bacteria Salmonella enterica, between individuals poses a significant menace to human well-being. This pathogen poses a health risk in various ways. Salmonella can spread easily from infected individuals to others through direct contact. This occurs when infected individuals fail to practice proper hand hygiene after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling contaminated objects. Even after symptoms subside, Salmonella bacteria can persist in the stool of an infected individual for a few weeks (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). Particularly in healthcare facilities where cleanliness and sanitation standards may be lax, this persistent appearance of feces may be dangerous.

Outbreak Summary

An outbreak occurred in 2021 and was linked to Salmonella infections associated with pet bearded dragons. It occurred across multiple states in the United States. The outbreak had a significant impact, affecting a substantial number of individuals, where an estimated number of 120 individuals were affected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023).

Advice to the Public, Prevention, and Reduction

To prevent Salmonella infections, it is crucial for the public to maintain proper hand hygiene, especially after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling animals. Also, one should avoid close contact with reptiles, as this can heighten the risk of Salmonella transmission. In addition, one should supervise interactions with pets, particularly for vulnerable individuals, and educate on safe handling, especially with known carriers like reptiles. These steps help create a safer environment for pet interactions.

Person-to-Person Viral Diseases

An example of a pathogen in Person-to-Person Viral Diseases is the Ebola virus. Ebola virus belongs to the genus Ebolavirus and Species Sudan ebolavirus and causes an illness called Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

Epidemiological Perspective

In this instance, the Sudan ebolavirus strain is the root of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), a deadly sickness. Given the virus’s remarkable case mortality rate and rapid community propagation, its presence serves as a grave peril to human well-being. It tends to proliferate through physical touch with the blood, spit, tissues, or other body fluids of an infected individual and also via tainted surfaces and objects.

Outbreak Summary

In the outbreak announced on September 27, 2022, in Uganda, the Ugandan Ministry of Health confirmed the presence of Ebola (Sudan virus) in Mubende District. The outbreak subsequently spread to nine districts, affecting communities in various regions. Rapid Response Teams were deployed to conduct critical outbreak response activities, including contact tracing and investigation of unexplained deaths (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). The CDC provided vital support in various aspects of outbreak management, including surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory testing, communication, and ecological investigations.

Public Health Advice, Prevention, and Reduction

The public should avoid direct contact with contaminated objects and bodily fluids to protect themselves from pathogens like the Ebola virus (Gostin et al., 2020). Additionally, they should modify burial customs to lessen exposure risk, be cautious around potential animal hosts, practice good hygiene, seek immediate medical attention if symptoms arise, and support vaccination programs when they are made available.

Vector-Borne Diseases

An example of a pathogen in Vector-Borne Diseases is the Dengue virus, which belongs to the genus Flavivirus and Species Dengue virus, and it causes Dengue fever illness in humans.

Epidemiological Perspective

The dengue virus presents significant risks to human health, especially because it is widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and the Middle East (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). Mosquitoes that carry the infection, specifically Aedes aegypti, are the main carriers that aid in its spread.

Outbreak Summary

In September 2023, a dengue fever outbreak affected several African and Middle Eastern nations. Rising infection rates have triggered several urgent public health problems, particularly in the affected nations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). Many were affected by the outbreak; significant instances were noted in urban areas and densely populated regions.

Public Health Advice, Prevention, and Reduction

Preventative steps are crucial for the general public in order to minimize the likelihood of contracting dengue. Insect repellents containing EPA-registered active chemicals, such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE), Para-menthane-diol (PMD), and 2-undecanone, are advisable to prevent mosquito bites. Also, long-sleeved and loose-fitting clothing hinders the exposure of flesh to mosquito bites (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). Treating clothing and gear with permethrin further enhances protection. Installing screens on windows and doors is essential to prevent mosquito entry into homes. Finally, eliminating standing water sources in and around homes is crucial as it disrupts mosquito breeding habitats.

Water-Borne Diseases: Norovirus – Norovirus Infections

An example of a pathogen in Water-Borne Diseases is Norovirus. Norovirus belongs to Genus Norovirus and species Norovirus  (Norwalk virus is a common strain within this genus). It causes an illness called Norovirus infection.

Epidemiological Perspective

The standard cleaning approaches are ineffective against the quick spread of norovirus, which is both highly infectious and immune to typical cleaning procedures. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, which indicate gastroenteritis. Transmitting norovirus can occur via tainted food, water, and surfaces (Madigan et al., 2021). In various settings, including restaurants, schools, and cruise ships, a water-borne disease has the potential to create considerable epidemics.

Outbreak Summary

The CDC announced a multistate norovirus outbreak on April 11, 2023, connected to raw oysters from harvest area TX 1, Galveston Bay, Texas. This outbreak affected seven states, with 322 confirmed cases. Restaurants and retailers in Tennessee received raw oysters from the contaminated area, although no illnesses were reported in Tennessee (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). The outbreak resulted in a recall of oysters harvested from the affected area between November 17, 2022, and December 7, 2022.

Advice to the Public, Prevention, and Reduction

It is essential to handle food safely by washing hands thoroughly, preparing seafood as directed, and avoiding cross-contamination in order to reduce the chance of contracting the norovirus (Gostin et al., 2020). Additionally, practicing basic personal hygiene, particularly consistent handwashing, can dramatically lessen the risk of virus transmission. Consuming raw or undercooked shellfish needs care, especially in areas with contamination reports.
Procedures for sanitation and disinfection must be established, and education regarding proper hand hygiene and food handling techniques must be provided to prevent norovirus infections. Contaminated food recalls, as seen in the outbreak example, are vital to preventing further illnesses.

Food-Borne Diseases: Listeria Infections

An example of a pathogen in Food-Borne Diseases is  Listeria monocytogenes, which belongs to the genus Listeria and species monocytogenes. It causes a disease called listeriosis.

Epidemiological Perspective

An epidemiological standpoint exhibits that Listeria monocytogenes present a major hazard to human well-being, largely influencing susceptible groups such as older individuals, expectant mothers, and those with compromised immune systems. The signs of listeriosis can range from elevated temperature to digestive ailments.

Outbreak Summary

The ice cream manufacturers “Ice Cream House” and “Soft Serve on the Go” were implicated in a listeria infection incident that occurred in September 2023. Both brands’ products included the outbreak strain of Listeria, which resulted in recalls and public health warnings. The outbreak affected ice cream goods sold in a number of places, including Brooklyn, New York, and several other states, and it happened in two states (New York and New Jersey) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  2023). Despite no known deaths, the outbreak led to two documented illnesses and hospitalizations. The recall of ice cream products was initiated to prevent further cases.

Advice to the Public, Prevention, and Reduction

To safeguard public health during the ice cream recall, it is essential to take immediate action. Listeria can live in the freezer, so one should avoid any ice cream or frozen desserts associated with the recall and search the freezer for these items. Disposal or return is necessary if one comes across recalled products (Gostin et al., 2020). In addition, one should pay attention to their health and keep track of any symptoms that result from consuming recalled ice cream, such as fever, weariness, muscle pains, headaches, stiff neck, confusion, balance disorders, or seizures.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (May 23, 2023). Infectious disease outbreaks. Retrieved from

Gostin, L.O., Cohen, I. G., & Koplan, J. P. (2020). Universal masking in the United States: The role of mandates, health education, and the CDC. Jama, 324(9), pp.837-838.

Madigan, M. T., Bender, K. S., Buckley, D. H., Sattley, W. M., & Stahl, D. A. (2021). Brock biology of microorganisms (16th ed.). Pearson.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this assignment, you will be creating an epidemiology report on the following five types of human illnesses:
Person-to-person bacterial diseases, Ch. 31
Person-to-person viral diseases, Ch. 31
Vector-borne diseases, Ch. 32
Water-borne diseases, Ch. 33
Food-borne diseases, Ch. 33

For each of the five categories listed above, include answers to the following questions in a 200- to 300-word report. Your entire report should be between 1,000 to 1,500 words. The report should be in APA format, with citations and references as needed.

Team – Epidemiology Report

Provide an example of a pathogen in the category.
Provide the genus and species of the pathogen, along with the name of the illness the pathogen causes in humans.
From an epidemiological perspective, why is this pathogen a human health threat?

Visit the CDC website to find an example of an outbreak in your category. Please provide an example of a recent outbreak for each of the five categories of diseases. Follow these steps to find an outbreak example.
Scroll down to Outbreaks.
Click on All Outbreaks to find this information. (Consult Ch. 30 for additional epidemiological information.)
Briefly summarize the outbreak. Where did it occur? How many people were impacted?
Do not copy and paste from the website; rather, include the website in your references and citations.
What advice would you give to the public regarding these pathogens? What steps could be taken to prevent or reduce incidence?

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