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Teach Like a Champion Technique – Learning Environment

Teach Like a Champion Technique – Learning Environment

Description of the Learning Environment

I observed Mrs. Letha Jones in a pre-kindergarten class at Calvert’s ABC Preschool in Aberdeen, MS. The class contained an uneven distribution of students, with 11 boys and 6 girls. The total class population was 17 students. The average class age was 4 to 5. The students came from different racial backgrounds, including black, white, and biracial. Three of the students had special educational needs. The class dynamics prompted Mrs. Letha to support an inclusive learning environment by incorporating differentiated teaching strategies to accommodate the learning needs of each student. The teacher integrated an English Language lesson to develop students’ writing and reading skills. The class was strategically arranged with multiple learning centers. The class walls were painted blue, fostering a friendly learning atmosphere. Different charts were pinned strategically in their appropriate centers. At the front of the class, a whiteboard was positioned in the center, giving all students an effective view of what the teacher projected or wrote. Beside the whiteboard, at the far side of the door, a chart containing the classroom rules and routines hung by the wall. As the class began, the teacher instructed the students to read through the rules and obligated the students to adhere to the instructions.

Mrs. Letha incorporated the Precise Praise technique throughout the class, encouraging an effective learning environment for the students. The Precise Praise technique provides positive feedback to enhance credibility and cultivate students’ focus on the learning objectives (Lemov, 2021). The teacher acknowledged and appreciated students’ contribution and participation in the learning objectives. The Precise Praise technique steers a growth mindset among the students, enhancing their determination to keep up with actions that lead to their success. The students were motivated to replicate with praised actions that promoted better performance. Mrs. Letha aligned her praises with the learning objectives, encouraging the students to focus on the class goals and enhancing their growth. The Precise Praise technique encouraged students’ attentiveness to the learning objectives and motivated students’ participation in the class activities to receive praise. In conjunction with the technique, the teacher incorporated effective teaching strategies, including using non-verbal cues to address misconduct, preventing disruptions to the learning objectives. The Precise Praise technique was an instrumental tool towards classroom success and the ability to achieve learning objectives. The technique further propelled a growth mindset among the students.


The Precise Praise technique aligns with the InTasc Standard 1 and 2. InTasc Standard 1 focuses on learners’ development. It states that the teacher acknowledges that students have different learning and development patterns influenced by their backgrounds, learning environments, and personal attributes. It also incorporates effective strategies encouraging students’ growth and development (InTASC, 2013). The Precise Praise technique is an effective strategy that fosters students’ growth and development. Praise promotes positive reinforcement of recommendable learning actions and achievements, which steers hard work. Students become motivated to achieve learning goals and develop their skills and knowledge of the learning objectives. Fostering a praise culture encourages students to view learning as a friend and a positive pace to enhance their growth. Also, praises provoke students to focus on what is right and acceptable for their skills and knowledge growth.

Further, the Precise Praise technique complements the InTasc Standard 2 on learning differences. According to Standard 2, the teacher understands students’ diversity and differences and incorporates effective teaching strategies to address learners’ needs (InTASC, 2013). Mrs. Letha’s class consists of students from diverse backgrounds and with different learning abilities. Implementing the learning objectives in the class can be challenging if the teacher does not acknowledge learners’ differences and pay appropriate attention to each student’s needs. The teacher may struggle to meet the learning objectives. Nonetheless, using the Precise Praise technique, the teacher reinforces excepted actions and behavior, encouraging learners to replicate the actions that steer class success. Students from diverse settings focus on recommended and acceptable actions toward a common goal. All students acknowledge their differences and are motivated to achieve learning goals through the praise culture.


The Precise Praise technique was an effective tool that fostered an inclusive and interactive learning environment. The technique encouraged students’ participation and engagement in the learning activities to achieve compliments and praise for their great work. The teacher addressed all students’ needs by supporting a friendly learning atmosphere through positive reinforcement of their positive contribution. Based on the artifact’s effectiveness in implementing learning objectives, I anticipate incorporating the technique to enhance students’ development and support a conducive learning environment. I learned that I hardly praise and acknowledge success. Hence, I must train to acknowledge and appreciate students’ participation and performance. The Precise Praise technique is a significant success due to the ability to integrate and achieve the learning objectives regardless of diversity in the classroom. Teachers should understand effective strategies that help to meet students’ learning needs, including strategies that foster a conducive learning atmosphere, such as using the Precise Praise technique. Following this technique’s effectiveness and success, I anticipate incorporating it in my future classroom to enhance the achievement of the learning objectives towards developing students’ skills and knowledge.

Residency 2: Complete the chart for TLAC Techniques #32-63.

Technique Summary   TIAI
Building Ratio Through Writing
Technique 38: Everybody Writes The technique ‘Everyone Writes’ involves the use of formative writing. Formative writing fosters students’ thinking rather than explaining what they write. Formative writing helps students to discover new ideas but does not justify prior knowledge of a specific idea. Standard 1: Learner Development
Technique 39: Silent Solo The Silent Solo technique involves helping students learn to write willingly and on cue and making writing a habit (Lemov, 2021). Helping students learn to write reliably prompts the development of other skills, such as thinking and discussing. Standard 1: Learner Development
Technique 40: Front the Writing The ‘Front the Writing’ technique involves the teacher planning the lesson so that writing comes first. This technique guides students to demonstrate their understanding of a given piece. Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Technique 41: Art of the Sentence The ‘Art of the Sentence’ technique comprises tools that enjoyably teach syntactic control and successful sentence diagramming through deliberate practices (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Technique 42: Regular Revision Regular Revision involves improving students’ writing skills by encouraging them to revise their routines regardless of their writing objectives. Regular Revision is part of an effective writing process involving drafting, revising, and editing written pieces. Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Building Ratio Through Discussion
Technique 43: Turn and Talk The Turn and Talk technique is an effective teaching strategy incorporated in most classrooms, increasing students’ participation and boosting their confidence in speaking before a large audience. The technique encourages students to brainstorm ideas to solve underlying matters. Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Technique 44: Habits of Discussion The Habits of Discussion technique demonstrates the effectiveness of good discussion skills among some individual in a group, which helps them to bring out the best in their colleagues. All group members have a sense of belonging, steering collaboration and open-mindedness that encourage effective learning. Standard 1: Learner Development
Technique 45: Batch Process The Batch Process technique involves the development of short sequences that promote peer-to-peer discussion to improve knowledge about a specific learning concept (Lemov, 2021). The technique cultivates an interactive learning environment where all students contribute to the learning activities. Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 3: Learning environments.

Technique 46: Disciplined Discussion The Disciplined Discussion technique involves the teacher encouraging the students to be self-disciplined, focusing on the learning concept and reflecting on the knowledge gathered (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development


Procedures and Routines
Technique 47: Threshold and Strong Start The technique involves preparations made before a class commences. The teacher should develop a habit of getting it right at the beginning of each day based on their initial conversation from the doorway (Lemov, 2021). The Strong Start involves effective strategies that organize the sequence of events from the student’s entry into a class to the point the class begins. Standard 3: Learning environment
Technique 48: Habits of Attention The Habits of Attention technique focuses on molding routines that capture students’ attentiveness in a learning activity. The technique also incorporates signals aligned with the information, promoting an inclusive learning environment. Standard 1: Learner Development


Standard 3: Learning environment

Technique 49: Engineer Efficiency The Engineer Efficiency technique involves establishing procedures that help teachers integrate reoccurring tasks (Lemov, 2021). Procedures are effective tools that enhance time management and increase students’ attention. Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 7: Planning for instructions

Standard 3: Learning environment

Technique 50: Routine Building The Routine Building technique entails laying out procedures for the class’s success clearly explaining the objectives and goals. Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Technique 51: Do It Again The technique emphasizes helping the students familiarize themselves with routines that help them execute given tasks effectively. The Do It Again technique increases students’ retention capacity, achieved through regular practices with constructive feedback (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development
High Behavioral Expectations
Technique 52: What to Do Effective learning is achieved through an effective learning environment. The What to Do technique deals with giving directions effectively and avoiding telling the students what not to do (Lemov, 2021) Standard 1: Learner Development
Technique 53: Radar and Be Seen Looking The Radar and Be Seen Looking technique emphasizes two aspects. Radar involves skills that help a teacher to see more clearly and comprehensively (Lemov, 2021). Be Seen Looking involves paying attention to what the teacher is doing, which benefits students who need less emphasis on the learning concept (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 7: Planning for instruction

Technique 54: Make Expectations Visible The Make Expectations Visible technique emphasizes the need for the teacher to outline directional observation to understand students easily. Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Technique 55: Least Invasive Intervention The Least Invasive Interventions, such as nonverbal cues, prevent disruption in the learning environment and help the teacher encourage students’ focus and attentiveness in learning concepts (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 8: Instructional strategies.

Technique 56: Firm, Calm Finesse This technique involves a teacher providing directions on how to respond to questions on learning concepts while the students adhere to the directions given. Standard 8: Instructional strategies.
Technique 57: Art of Consequence The Art of Consequence technique involves giving consequences in a friendly manner to address unproductive behavior without punishment to demonstrate care for the students (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 8: Instructional strategies.

Technique 58: Strong Voice The Strong Voice technique involves the teacher’s ability to recognize the tone, expression, and body language in their communication to influence their reactions towards high productivity on student response to asked questions (Lemov, 2021). Standard 8: Instructional strategies

Standard 1: Learner Development

Building Student Motivation and Trust
Technique 59: Positive Framing The Positive Framing technique deals with providing critical feedback to students positively, which helps motivate and inspire them to maximize their potential (Lemov, 2021). The technique encourages teachers to maintain a trustworthy relationship with the students as they guide them to better actions. Standard 1: Learner Development.
Technique 60: Precise Praise The Precise Praise technique gives students positive feedback to increase their focus, benefit, and credibility in the learning objectives (Lemov, 2021). The teacher should moderate their compliments to avoid overuse, which hinders their significance in genuine praise for accomplishment. Standard 1: Learner development

Standard 2: Learning differences

Technique 61: Warm/ Strict The Warm/Strict technique illustrates a teacher’s ability to incorporate two opposing traits in the class. The teacher is warm, illustrated by the caring, concerned, and nurturing nature, while strictness is demonstrated to avoid compromising with misconduct (Lemov, 2021). Standard 1: Learner Development.

Standard 8: Instructional strategies.

Technique 62: Emotional Consistency The Emotional Consistency technique outlines that educators should reduce the intensity of strong emotions, such as disappointment and frustration, to promote effective learning (Lemov, 2021). The teacher should respond politely to faulty behavior and actions, helping them understand their mistake. Standard 1: Learner Development
Technique 63: Joy Factor The Joy Factor technique depicts a teacher’s effectiveness in fostering an interactive learning atmosphere based on how they convey information (Lemov, 2021). The joy factors make the class vibrant and encourage better performance. Standard 1: Learner Development

Standard 3: Learning environment.


InTASC. (2013). InTASC model core teaching standards and learning progressions for teachers 1.0. 2013.

Lemov, D. (2021). Teach like a champion 3.0: 63 techniques that put students on the path to college. John Wiley & Sons.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Teach Like a Champion Technique - Learning Environment

Teach Like a Champion Technique – Learning Environment

While reading Chapter 12 of the book “Teach Like a Champion 3.0,” you will need to complete the chart by providing concise summaries of each principle or technique discussed and its relevance to the TIAI (Teaching Improvement and Assessment Initiative). Remember to save this chart for future assignments and as a reference for your role as a classroom teacher. TLAC Summary.docx

Download TLAC Summary.docx

Choose one principle or technique from chapter 12 that you have observed in your assigned classroom. You will then write a DAR (Describe, Analyze, & Reflect) following the description below:

 Describe specifically how your assigned classroom teacher used this principle. The description should include the purpose and intended learning outcome(s) of the artifact with relevant information such as content area and grade level. If the artifact is from a field-based experience, then the description section should include a class profile with student characteristics such as but not limited to school district, school, grade level, class size, average age, gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status (# of free/reduced lunch), explanation of self-contained, block schedule, etc., overall performance of the class (grade average or standardized test performance), student exceptionalities, English language learner(s), and any other additional contextual information to provide a clear picture of the field setting.

Analysis: How does this technique relate to InTasc Standard 1 or 2?

Standard #1: Learner Development: The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard #2: Learning Differences: The teacher uses an understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Refer to the InTasc Model Core Teaching Standards Explanation Handbook at

Links to an external site. For a deeper understanding of InTasc Standard #3: Performance, Essential Knowledge, and Critical Dispositions requirements.

This should be 1-2 paragraphs.

Reflect on the benefit of the teacher’s use of this technique and relate it back to what you learned about the technique in Teach Like a Champion. Use these guiding questions:

There are 3 assignments in one. The first assignment is 38. TLAC 311 Assignment #6: Chapter 12., 39. Teach Like a Champion Discussion Post #6 Chapter 12., and 40. Teach Like a Champion Chart

Teach Like a Champion Technique Summary
Residency 1 and 2
InTasc 1,2, 6 & 8
TIAI 9, 11, 12, 13,14,16,17,18 & 25
2 points
TLAC Summary-1.docx
Download TLAC Summary-1.docx
Residency 2: Complete the chart for TLAC Techniques #38-63.
During the course of the semester, you were encouraged to include a brief summary of each technique in your TLAC chart. For the Residency 1 class, the expectation was to cover Chapters 1-7, encompassing techniques #1-37. My anticipation is that you will utilize this chart as a reference for classroom strategies. Upon entering Residency 2 (ED367), you will finalize the chart by including the remaining chapters and techniques.

Book: Teach Like a Champion 3.0: 63 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College, 3rd Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1119712619, ISBN-10: 111971261

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