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Target Populations in the Community

Target Populations in the Community

The target population I have chosen is Middle School and High School students in the Miami, Florida, area. This category of persons is vulnerable to a number of risky behaviors and the consequences that come with such behavior. More specifically, the focus is on risky sexual behavior among adolescents. Risky sexual behavior can result in a myriad of problems, including teen pregnancies, school truancy and dropping out, drug and alcohol abuse, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Secondary consequences include an increase in crime, a decline in population literacy, an increase in poverty levels, and an increase in taxpayer burdens in the form of prison system funding and food stamps for the poor and homeless. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Compared to older adults, adolescents face a much bigger risk of acquiring STIs for several reasons, such as limited access to regular health care and their physiology increases their infection susceptibility—approximately one teen out of every four contracts an STD every year. Further sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, an outcome that tends to be unprepared financially, emotionally, and physically. In the US, the youth are at risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancies, and this is more so for youth in Florida. The policies and structural barriers do not support the young person’s right to medically accurate, honest services and information. Thus, youth in Florida are more likely than any other state to experience STI, HIV, and AIDS diagnoses. Health equity, comprehensive sexual education, and access to contraceptives are necessary for the safety and health of Middle and High School students (CDC, 2016).

According to the CDC (2019), risky behaviors among high school students in the state of Florida scored higher than the national scores in the following categories where youth reported that they:  did not use birth control pills prior to engaging in sexual intercourse, did not use an IUD, birth control pills, implant, or shot, patch or ring prior to their last intercourse; did not use a condom during the last sexual intercourse.


CDC. (2019). Florida 2019 and United States 2019 Results.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. (2016). Adolescent and School Health: YRBSS Results.


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Target Populations in the Community

In community and public health nursing, the target of care is the community. Thus, the community is the client receiving the care.

Target Populations in the Community

Target Populations in the Community

The role of the nurse is to evaluate health concerns and develop an aggregate plan of care to address those concerns. Aggregates or target populations in the community may include childcare centers, cities, counties, senior centers, homeless shelters, minority communities, faith-based organizations, work sites, schools, or other populations.

My selected aggregate population is Middle School and high school students.

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