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Sustained Innovation Strategies That Are Difficult to Implement in the Public Sector

Sustained Innovation Strategies That Are Difficult to Implement in the Public Sector

Reducing Bureaucracy

One innovative strategy that is difficult to implement in the public sector is bureaucracy reduction. Due to limited bureaucracy, small organizations implement strategic policies faster than their larger counterparts (Adler & Karlsberg, 2005). The public sector is a large organization characterized by massive bureaucracy and political processes. Since politicians must approve budgets before funds are released, it is impossible to eliminate the bureaucracy. help with your assignment?

In addition, bureaucracy is deemed a necessary evil in the public sector since it plays a central role in service delivery. Pepinsky & Pierskalla (2016) aver that public agencies require an equal balance of confidentiality and transparency to foster good governance. Such transparency in the public sector ensures that decisions are made with strict adherence to the law and regulations. The case is different in small organizations where policy implementation is flexible.

Instilling a Sense of Ownership

Adler (2005) avers that an ownership mentality creates a strong incentive for creative thinking. Employees who feel their interests agree with the company will go the extra mile to help the organization achieve better outcomes. One of the strongest incentives for employees in the private sector is stock ownership. However, this may not be possible in the public sector. For instance, Southwest Airlines has an arrangement for profit sharing with employees. The organization, in turn, gives pilots a mandate to reduce fuel reduction.

Instilling a sense of ownership in the public sector is difficult. Even implementing reward programs is difficult since such programs require public funding, a bureaucratic process that takes time (Burgess, 2003). Since the government has no profit-seeking ventures, instilling a sense of ownership among employees in public agencies is difficult.


Adler, J., & Karlsberg, R. (2005). 7 strategies for Sustained Innovation. Innovation Management. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

Burgess, S. (2003). The Role of Incentives in the Public Sector: Issues and Evidence. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 19(2), 285–300.

Pepinsky, T. B., & Pierskalla, J. (2016). Bureaucracy and Service Delivery. SSRN Electronic Journal.


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Sustained Innovation Strategies That Are Difficult to Implement in the Public Sector

“7 Strategies for Sustained Innovation” article lists different strategies needed to sustain innovation. Discuss the two most difficult strategies to implement in the public sector. What makes these strategies so difficult to implement?

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