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Survey Method and Questions

Survey Method and Questions

Employing survey methods is a potent strategy for acquiring data in research endeavors. The key to survey success lies in the precise application of methods and questions to attain the necessary research data. The landscape of surveys has undergone a significant transformation over the years, with technology playing a pivotal role in facilitating access to a broader audience and reaching larger populations through diverse methodologies. This technological evolution has led to increased responses, contributing to the expansion of data available for analysis. Among survey methods, online surveys stand out as particularly valuable. Their adaptability to specific audiences and user-friendly nature, requiring minimal literacy, make them highly effective (Braun et al., 2020). Online surveys can be disseminated through websites, email campaigns, or advertisements on search engines like Google. The design and formulation of survey questions are crucial elements in ensuring the success of the survey, influencing the generation of meaningful responses from the targeted population (Braun et al., 2020). This paper aims to explore suitable survey methods and formulate prospective questions tailored to various scenarios, aligning with research objectives for optimal outcomes.

Part One

Advertising Effectiveness during the Super Bowl

To assess the effectiveness of Super Bowl advertising, key variables must be identified. These include consumer product awareness, brand recall, and purchase intent. Consumer perceptions of the advertised product’s features, brand image, and overall satisfaction also play crucial roles in understanding the impact of Super Bowl advertisements. In this particular case, the selected product is Master Lock. When targeting individuals who have made purchases of this product, the acquired purchase data can serve as a valuable resource for the researcher to extrapolate contact details. Leveraging this information, the researcher can then initiate the distribution of online survey questionnaires, aiming to assess the effectiveness of the advertisement in influencing their decision to buy the product. This approach enables a direct outreach to consumers, providing a means to gather insights and feedback related to the impact of the advertisement on their purchasing behavior.

Sample Questions

How aware are you of the product advertised during the Super Bowl?

Can you recall the brand name of the product featured in the Super Bowl advertisement?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to consider purchasing the advertised product?

What specific features of the advertised product do you remember from the Super Bowl commercial?

Scoring for Each Question

Scoring for question (a) can be numeric, ranging from 1 (not aware) to 5 (very aware). Question (b) would be scored dichotomously, assigning points for correct brand recall. Question (c) can use a Likert scale, assigning higher scores for stronger purchase intent. Question (d) would involve open-ended responses, with qualitative analysis providing nuanced insights.

Level of Measurement for Each Question

Nominal (awareness categories)

Nominal (correct/incorrect brand recall)

Ordinal (Likert scale for purchase intent)

Qualitative (features recalled)

Recommended Method of Survey Administration

A web-based survey distributed through social media platforms and email newsletters is recommended. This method ensures broad reach and facilitates easy participation (Jang & Vorderstrasse, 2019). The visual nature of Super Bowl advertising aligns well with an online survey format, allowing respondents to engage with multimedia content seamlessly. Additionally, incorporating skip logic and randomizing question order can enhance data validity and reduce biases associated with survey fatigue. Web surveys enable swift data collection, fostering a diverse and representative sample reflective of the broader population’s Super Bowl viewership. Careful consideration of survey design and user experience is vital to ensure respondents provide meaningful and accurate feedback regarding the advertised product’s impact on consumer awareness and perception.

Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals

In evaluating patient satisfaction in hospitals over the past six months, crucial variables include the overall satisfaction level, perception of healthcare provider communication, cleanliness, waiting times, and the effectiveness of medical treatment. These variables collectively form a comprehensive understanding of the patient experience, shedding light on areas of strength and potential improvement within the healthcare system.

Sample Questions

How satisfied are you with the overall quality of care received during your hospital stay in the last six months?

Rate the communication skills of healthcare providers during your hospital stay on a scale of 1 to 10.

Were you satisfied with the cleanliness and hygiene conditions of the hospital?

How would you rate the waiting times for medical attention during your hospital visit?

Scoring for Each Question

Scoring for question (a) involves a Likert scale, ranging from highly dissatisfied to highly satisfied. Question (b) utilizes a numeric scale for rating communication skills. Questions (c) and (d) may also use Likert scales, capturing varying degrees of satisfaction.

Level of Measurement

Ordinal (Likert scale for overall satisfaction)

Interval (numeric scale for communication skills)

Ordinal (Likert scale for cleanliness satisfaction)

Ordinal (Likert scale for waiting time satisfaction)


To assess patient satisfaction in hospitals, a mixed-method approach combining paper-based surveys and in-person interviews is recommended. This method ensures inclusivity, accommodating patients with varying comfort levels with technology (Koetsenruijter & Wensing, 2023). Paper surveys can be distributed within the hospital premises, allowing respondents to complete them at their convenience (Koetsenruijter & Wensing, 2023). Simultaneously, in-person interviews conducted by trained staff can capture more nuanced responses and offer clarifications on survey questions, fostering a deeper understanding of patient experiences.

While paper surveys maintain accessibility, an online survey option should also be provided to cater to individuals comfortable with digital platforms. A well-designed online survey ensures data accuracy, reduces data entry errors, and expedites data analysis (Braun et al., 2020). By employing a mixed-method strategy, this research aims to capture a comprehensive and diverse range of patient perspectives, contributing to a more robust assessment of hospital satisfaction.

Relationship Between Career Choice and Gender in Law Enforcement

In exploring the relationship between career choice and gender in law enforcement, critical variables include the decision to pursue a career in law enforcement, gender identity, and factors influencing this career choice. Understanding the interplay between gender and career decisions provides valuable insights into potential disparities and societal influences affecting the representation of genders in law enforcement professions.

Sample Questions

Have you actively considered pursuing a career in law enforcement?

What factors influenced your decision to pursue or not pursue a career in law enforcement?

How do you perceive gender norms influencing career choices in law enforcement?

To what extent do you believe gender diversity is important within law enforcement agencies?


Scoring for question (a) would involve a binary response (yes/no) to assess active consideration. Question (b) might be scored using a qualitative coding system to categorize various influencing factors. Questions (c) and (d) could use Likert scales to capture nuanced perspectives on the influence of gender norms and the importance of gender diversity.

Level of Measurement

Nominal (binary response for career consideration)

Qualitative (coding system for factors influencing career choice)

Ordinal (Likert scale for the perception of gender norms)

Ordinal (Likert scale for the importance of gender diversity)

Recommended Method

To examine the relationship between career choice and gender in law enforcement, an online survey distributed through professional law enforcement organizations and social media platforms is recommended. This method ensures a wide-reaching and diverse participant pool, encompassing individuals at different stages of their careers and from varied geographic locations (Jain, 2021). The online survey format allows for anonymity, promoting honest responses, especially on sensitive topics such as the influence of gender norms in career decisions.

Additionally, incorporating demographic questions about age, education, and years of service can enhance the richness of the dataset, enabling more nuanced analyses. Careful consideration of the phrasing of questions and the use of neutral language is crucial to avoid bias and encourage candid responses (Wu et al., 2022). Through this method, the research seeks to unveil insights into the complex dynamics of gender and career choices within the law enforcement sector, contributing to a deeper understanding of diversity in this critical field.

IT Professional’s Perceptions for IT Career Preparation

In assessing the perceptions of IT professionals regarding career preparation, key variables include the effectiveness of academic education, the significance of certifications, the impact of practical experience, and the role of continuous learning in career development. Collectively, these variables offer insights into the holistic view of IT professionals regarding the pathways and elements crucial for a successful career in information technology.

Sample Questions

How effective do you find academic education in preparing individuals for a career in IT?

To what extent do you believe certifications contribute to career advancement in the IT industry?

How crucial is practical experience in shaping a successful IT career?

How often do you engage in continuous learning activities to stay updated in the IT field?


Scoring for question (a) would involve a Likert scale, capturing varying degrees of effectiveness. Question (b) might utilize a numeric scale to gauge the perceived contribution of certifications. Questions (c) and (d) could employ Likert scales, providing nuanced insights into the perceived importance of practical experience and the frequency of engagement in continuous learning.

 Level of Measurement

Ordinal (Likert scale for the effectiveness of academic education)

Interval (numeric scale for the contribution of certifications)

Ordinal (Likert scale for the importance of practical experience)

Ordinal (Likert scale for the frequency of engagement in continuous learning)

Recommended Method

To understand the perceptions of IT professionals regarding career preparation, a targeted online survey distributed through professional IT forums and industry-specific social media platforms is recommended. This method ensures that the survey reaches a relevant and engaged audience with firsthand experience in the IT field. The online format allows for efficient data collection and analysis, facilitating the exploration of diverse perspectives across geographic locations and career levels within the IT industry.

Including demographic questions such as years of experience, job roles, and industry sectors can enhance the granularity of the data, providing a more comprehensive understanding of varying perceptions (Wu et al., 2022). The survey design should also accommodate skip logic to tailor questions based on respondents’ specific roles or experiences. Through this method, the research aims to uncover valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of IT career preparation, informing educational institutions, certification bodies, and professionals alike.

Part Two

My proposed research focuses on exploring the cyclical nature of violence and its impact on individuals exposed to violent crimes. The method I would choose for survey administration in this research is a web-based survey directed toward an identified target population. This method harnesses the accessibility, efficiency, and anonymity of online surveys while ensuring broad reach and diverse participation. The decision to utilize a web-based approach aligns with the contemporary nature of the research objectives, catering to respondents accustomed to digital interaction (Levi et al., 2021). A web-based survey offers several advantages as it allows respondents to engage with the survey at their convenience, promoting thoughtful responses and reducing time-related biases. The visual nature of survey questions, especially those related to Super Bowl advertisements, can be effectively conveyed online through multimedia content. This method also facilitates swift data collection, ensuring a timely compilation of responses from a geographically diverse and demographically varied sample.

The justification for employing a web-based survey lies in its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ability to reach a large and diverse audience. Super Bowl advertisements, for instance, target a wide viewership, and an online survey distributed through popular social media platforms enables the inclusion of individuals from various demographic backgrounds. Similarly, for IT professionals, the online survey ensures accessibility for a tech-savvy audience, aligning with the preferences of those working in the digital domain. Furthermore, the chosen method allows for anonymity, fostering more honest responses, especially on sensitive topics such as the history of violence (Braun et al., 2020). The online format encourages honest feedback, minimizing social desirability biases often associated with in-person or telephone surveys. The method also offers streamlined data management, with responses directly recorded into a digital database, reducing the likelihood of errors in data entry and analysis.

Despite the advantages, it’s crucial to acknowledge potential biases and limitations associated with web-based surveys. The sample may skew towards individuals with internet access and digital literacy, potentially excluding certain demographics. To mitigate this, efforts will be made to diversify recruitment channels and consider supplementary methods, such as paper surveys or in-person interviews. Response bias is also a concern, as individuals with strong opinions may be more motivated to participate (Levi et al., 2021). Utilizing randomization techniques and incorporating neutral language in survey questions can help minimize such biases. Additionally, the lack of control over the survey environment may introduce distractions that impact response quality. To address this, clear instructions emphasizing the importance of focused participation will be provided.


In summary, the exploration of quantitative research objectives has yielded valuable insights into diverse domains. From assessing the effectiveness of Super Bowl advertising to understanding patient satisfaction in hospitals, examining the relationship between career choices and gender in law enforcement, and unraveling IT professionals’ perceptions of career preparation, key findings have emerged that contribute to a nuanced understanding of each field. The implications of this research extend beyond academic inquiry, offering practical implications for advertising strategies, healthcare management, diversity initiatives in law enforcement, and the evolving landscape of IT career development. Understanding these implications is vital for stakeholders seeking evidence-based approaches in their respective sectors.


Braun, V., Clarke, V., Boulton, E., Davey, L., & McEvoy, C. (2020). The online survey is a qualitative research tool. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(6), 641–654.

Jain, N. (2021). Survey versus interviews: Comparing data collection tools for exploratory research. The Qualitative Report, 26(2), 541–554.

Jang, M., & Vorderstrasse, A. (2019). Socioeconomic status and racial or ethnic differences in participation: Web-Based survey. JMIR Research Protocols, 8(4), e11865.

Koetsenruijter, J., & Wensing, M. (2023). Survey methods in health services research. Springer EBooks, 99–110.

Levi, R., Ridberg, R., Akers, M., & Seligman, H. (2021). Survey fraud and the integrity of web-based survey research. American Journal of Health Promotion, 089011712110375.

Wu, M.-J., Zhao, K., & Fils-Aime, F. (2022). Response rates of online surveys in published research: A meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 7(2), 1–11.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Identify variables to be measured.
Develop a minimum of four (4) sample questions to be included in the questionnaire.
Identify how each question will be scored.
Identify the level of measurement for each question.
Recommend a method of survey administration to be used.
Quantitative Research Objectives

Survey Method and Questions

Survey Method and Questions

To determine if advertising during the Super Bowl is effective in increasing consumers’ product awareness. Use a product of your choosing. State the name of the product that was advertised.
To determine patient satisfaction of patients who are admitted to a hospital during the past 6 months.
To determine if there is a relationship between the decision to pursue a career in law enforcement and gender.
To determine IT professional’s perceptions of the best preparation for an IT career.
Part 2)

Explain the method of survey administration you would use if a survey was conducted in your intended research.

Length: Your paper should be between 6-9 pages, not including the title and reference page.

References: Include a minimum of five (5) scholarly sources.

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