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Supply Chain Strategies

Supply Chain Strategies

Various supply chain strategies can be deployed to improve organizational performance and enhance competitiveness. However, the two identified strategies for discussion include agile and adaptive supply chain management strategies and supply chain sustainability strategies. In terms of agile and adaptive supply management strategy, an organization creates a supply chain that matches the frequent changes in the market. Essentially, the strategy seeks to ensure an alignment is maintained between organizational operations and changing market issues. The strategy normally works through integrated supply chain operations. One company that utilizes this approach is CISCO Systems. By using this strategy, CISCO systems have managed to attain success across the world because, through their supply chain, they offer satisfactory services to their customers (Salamai, 2022). Further, the agility witnessed in the company’s supply chain operations offers them resilience and leverage. Additionally, the company has ensured the implementation of ERP information systems in the supply chain, making the strategy a success.

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The second strategy, which includes maintaining a sustainable supply chain, is identified as a method through which organizations chase competitiveness. Notably, the strategy entails involving the process stakeholders in creating value for the whole procedure of supply (Vandchali et al., 2021). When every stakeholder seeks to maintain sustainability, competitiveness and success is attained. One company that has adopted this strategy is Nissan. The automobile company seeks to reduce emissions and protect the environment through its supply chain that uses recycled materials. Although the company has not achieved complete success in making its supply chain process sustainable, it has remained on the path to attaining success. Essentially, it is a work in progress undertaken by the company that has been successful so far through the elimination of waste across the supply chain.

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Salamai, A. A. (2022). A Review of Collaboration and Secure Information-Sharing for Supply Chain Management. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 2250047.

Vandchali, H. R., Cahoon, S., & Chen, S. L. (2021). The impact of supply chain network structure on relationship management strategies: An empirical investigation of sustainability practices in retailers. Sustainable Production and Consumption28, 281-299.


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Choose 1 quantitative element that you would like to research in relation to the organization that you selected for your business plan. This element may be related to products, services, target market, consumer preferences, competition, personnel, resources, supply chain, financing, advertising, or other areas of interest. However, at least one of these elements should be related to a product or service that your organization is planning to offer.

Supply Chain Strategies

Develop forecasts by implementing the following approach:

Collect data, including old demand forecasts (subjective data) and the actual demand outcomes.
Establish the forecasting method (from readings). Decide on the balance between subjective and objective data and look for trends and seasonality.
Forecast future demand using a forecasting method.
Make decisions based on step 3.

Develop a 5-10 PowerPoint Slide presentation evaluating the findings from the supported data points above, and explain the impact of these findings on operational decision-making. Insert the charts and supporting data from Excel and other tools in your presentation.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


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