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Summary and Analysis of a Qualitative Research Study in Social Work- Methodology, Process, and Outcomes

Summary and Analysis of a Qualitative Research Study in Social Work- Methodology, Process, and Outcomes

In the research article, “‘Because I’m a kid …’: The struggle for recognition of children and young people involved in child and family social work” by Mary Mitchell, it is evident that Mitchell (2022) used a qualitative research method. Firstly, qualitative research methods seek to explain social activities satisfactorily by substantially appreciating the participants’ perspectives, cultures and world views (Alan, 2020). The researcher aimed to identify young people’s experiences in social work systems and how social workers’ attitudes affected the capacity of children and young people to be ‘partners’ in decision-making and their struggles for recognition (Mitchell, 2022). To do this, the researcher conducted a series of in-depth interviews with a sample of nine (n=9) younger family members aged 12–19 years. Qualitative research methods mainly utilize interviews as the main approach to data collection, and smaller population samples are used for research (Aspers & Corte, 2019).

The researcher sought to understand the experiences of young adults through the lens of the recognition theory (Mitchell, 2022). Accordingly, this makes the research qualitative in nature. Qualitative research methods use grounded theory to give the researchers a systematic approach to understanding and connecting with the field, identifying best-fit research questions, and developing new concepts and further distinctions concerning old concepts (Aspers & Corte, 2019).

Qualitative social research is carried out over a prolonged time. The investment of sufficient time is to enable the researcher to learn the culture of the participants, connect with them, build trust, and test the provided responses for misinformation (Aspers & Corte, 2019). Mitchell (2022) conducted the fieldwork for the research over a period of one (1) year (2014–2015). All participants were studied in their natural settings to enable the researcher to interpret and make sense of the studied phenomena and their influence on the participants’ experiences. The study concluded that social workers’ attitudes influenced the children and young people’s feelings of misrecognition and their capacity to be ‘partners’ in decision-making.


Allan, G. (2020). Qualitative research. In Handbook for research students in the social sciences (pp. 177-189). Routledge.

Aspers, P., & Corte, U. (2019). What is qualitative in qualitative research? Qualitative Sociology42(2), 139-160.

Mitchell, M. (2022). ‘Because I’m a kid…’: The struggle for recognition of children and young people involved in child and family social work. Child & Family Social Work.


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Summary and Analysis of a Qualitative Research Study in Social Work- Methodology, Process, and Outcomes

Summary and Analysis of a Qualitative Research Study in Social Work- Methodology, Process, and Outcomes

Find an evidence-based peer-reviewed research article on a social work topic where the researchers used a qualitative research method. Read the article and then write a summary identifying the type of research conducted, how you know the researchers used a qualitative method, the process they used to conduct the research, and the study outcomes. Attach the article to the assignment.

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