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Strength-Based Approach

Strength-Based Approach

What are the challenges HSPPs face when trying to implement a strengths-based approach?

The strengths-based approach attracts significant criticism due to its apparent fluidity. Since it is mainly based on the individual and their circumstances, it is often difficult to use a uniform method of application or assessment. According to scholars, it is difficult to determine whether the chosen ways are unique to the approach due to the lack of a standardized process. Services that are delivered using this model are difficult to assess in terms of extent due to lack of information. For instance, families who receive benefits based on this approach cannot be ascertained to follow the principles of the strength-based model. In addition, the lack of empirical evidence and standardized codes makes it difficult to determine whether clients are using the approach or embracing a self-help mechanism. When applied, the strategy’s focus on social capital introduces intense ambiguity (Caiels, Milne, & Beadle-Brown, 2021).

What challenges do service users encounter with strengths-based approaches offered by service providers?

Service users who depend on the strength-based approach for various services encounter several challenges. First, the lack of standards and evidence can interfere with the delivery of services (Caiels, Milne, & Beadle-Brown, 2021). The service providers may be unaware of the best practices when dealing with various situations. Most of them encounter clients in different positions for the first time. This means that they do not have any information to use as a reference. Therefore, the service users are exposed to the likelihood of poor services that may lead to abandoning the desire to use the offered services. In a worst-case scenario, the service users may experience negative experiences and outcomes due to the lack of evidence that can be relied on for reference.

Secondly, the lack of training on various social issues exposes the users and providers to negative experiences. The providers may rely on their understanding and perceptions even when they could be faulty. Providers will offer varied services to the same population in different fashions. This results in both negative and positive experiences. The apparent lack of consistency creates an opportunity for dissatisfaction with the services (Cross & Cheyne, 2018). The service users are likely to report varied and negative experiences due to the lack of consistent assistance from the service providers. This influences the users’ perception of the services provided based on these users’ choices. This whole scenario could result in the undermining of strength-based approach services.

How do you intend to address these challenges as an HSPP?

Training is one of the potential solutions to resolve the highlighted challenges. When service providers encounter new situations, it is necessary to take them through training. This process should guide their service delivery process and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. It also eliminates the overreliance on the peoples’ varied strengths and perceptions. In addition, the process of people creates standards that can be used to develop consistency during service delivery (Cross & Cheyne, 2018). The service providers gain more confidence when they know what to do and how to do it as opposed to when they are to follow the clients’ strengths unthinkingly. Therefore, the services will likely have positive outcomes, and the service users will likely report positive experiences. The elimination of excessive ambiguity provides reliable stricture for service providers and users to refer to.


Caiels, J., Milne, A., & Beadle-Brown, J. (2021). Taking a strengths-based approach to social work and social care: A literature review.

Cross, B., & Cheyne, H. (2018). Strength-based approaches: a realist evaluation of implementation in maternity services in Scotland. J Public Health (Berl.), 26, 425-436. doi:


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Strength-Based Approach

Many human services organizations claim they provide a strengths-based focus when delivering services to service users. The dilemma is that services are often accessed because of needs—service users must demonstrate, prove, or be qualified as needing assistance. The service user must testify to—or be forced to—acknowledge their deficits or struggles to receive help from agencies and professionals with the privilege or mandate to provide services.

Post a response to the following:

– What are the challenges HSPPs face when implementing a strengths-based approach?
– What are the challenges service users encounter with strengths-based approaches offered by service providers?
– How do you intend to address these challenges as an HSPP?

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