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Strategies to Support the Development of Reasoning & Decision-making

Strategies to Support the Development of Reasoning & Decision-making


Logical reasoning needs independence. Children’s reasoning or the ability to think through things, investigate, and make a conclusion starts at four years. Play and observation provide critical avenues for the development of reasoning. During play, children manipulate objects and begin to learn their environments. As the child’s memory continues to develop, they understand past and future ideas. Speech is a fundamental aspect of logical reasoning at this stage. The process of communicating their thoughts and feelings allows arguments to be formed to solve intellectual problems. Several types of memories are important for logical reasoning. These include motor, verbal-logic, visual-shape, and emotional memories (4 stages of cognitive development, 2021). Each deserves a different role and enhances the child’s ability to master new materials within their environment. This advanced form of thinking is important because it facilitates problem-solving in life. Children begin to manage their issues independently, which prepares them for future decision-making. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

Reasoning Strategy

Asking questions and delaying the provision of answers is an ideal strategy for developing the children’s reasoning abilities. This activity can be conducted among children aged four to eight. As an instructor, one should not answer the children’s questions right away. It is necessary first to ask their opinion on the question. Listening to their answers and acknowledging them should take place before the right answer is provided. This activity can be conducted during other forms of play. The teacher can also deliberately ask numerous questions as the children take part in their daily routines at school. As they interact with various objects, questions are ideal for jogging their minds. For instance, materials such as playdough and blocks are suitable during the exercise. As the child stacks the blocks or models different shapes using the play dough, the instructor can use questions to understand their current thought process (Developing Thinking Skills From 24-36 Months, 2016). The questions also stimulate the thought process allowing for sensorimotor cognitive development to take place because the child learns about their environment during manipulation (4 stages of cognitive development, 2021). The teacher may ask,

Why does the chair have four legs?

Why did the table fall?

How many legs should the table have?

Why did you make a flat surface on the table’s top?

Such questions should be related to the items that the child is making using playdough and blocks.


The process of decision-making takes time to develop in children. Preschoolers cannot think critically due to the inability to understand the various elements of a problem. At this stage, trial and error are important because it provides experience. At the ages of five and six, children start to find solutions to their problems. At this point, the children can decide what to do. The capability to make such decisions is critical for continuous thought development. By the time they reach the age of 11 years, they can logically solve issues while considering the world around them. This stage, according to Piaget, is known as the formal operational stage (4 stages of cognitive development, 2021).

 Decision-Making Strategy

Outdoor games such as hide and seek can be used to develop the children’s decision-making strategy. As the children play hide and seek, they develop strategies that enhance their chances of winning the game. They develop team tactics that match the games’ rules. They also decide where to hide or seek others. Such elements promote rapid decision-making (Makofsky, 2020).


4 stages of cognitive development. (2021).

Developing Thinking Skills From 24-36 Months. (2016).

Makofsky, N. (2020). Fun Activities to Teach Children About Decision-Making Skills.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Summarize the development of reasoning and why this higher-order thinking function is important to child development.

Reasoning Strategy

Describe the goal (or learning outcome) of the activity and its intended age group.

Explain all directions needed to complete the activity, as well as a list of any materials needed.

Strategies to Support the Development of Reasoning & Decision-making

Describe your rationale for the activity, using the text or an outside source to support your thinking. The rationale must explain your logic behind choosing the activity which should be based on the child development theories and content you are learning in this course.


Summarize the development of decision-making and why this higher-order thinking function is important to child development.

Decision-Making Strategy

Describe the goal (or learning outcome) of the activity and its intended age group.

Explain all directions needed to complete the activity, as well as a list of any materials needed.

Describe your rationale for the activity, using the text or an outside source to support your thinking. The rationale must explain your logic behind choosing the activity which should be based on the child development theories and content you are learning in this course.

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