Strategic Vision – Designing an Innovative Facility for Future Success
Hello, and welcome to today’s presentation on facility design.
Nursing homes play a role in population health preservation. These care facilities are better positioned to provide care for millions of vulnerable Americans. Nursing homes are long-term care facilities that provide care for dependent persons who cannot be cared for under home-based care. Nursing home residents include patients with severe illnesses, cognitive impairments, and those with disability. Grabowski (2022) notes that about one-third of older Americans will live in a nursing home at some point in their lives. This highlights the significance of these facilities in health promotion. Nursing home designs take into consideration the personal features and characteristics of nursing home residents and their elaborate care demands.
The strategic floor planning for the nursing home will take into consideration the individual characteristics of the nursing home residents as well as the activities provided therein. The floor layout of the nursing home facility should be such that it is comfortable for the staff and residents, functional, and aligns with the needs of the residents and staff. In this respect, the floor space should allow for clear circulation paths through the facility to ease the movement of people and goods. Also, the space should allow for centralized amenities to foster a sense of community and easy access; it should also adopt a resident-centric layout to better guarantee the residents’ comfort. In a resident-centric layout, the residents’ rooms are spacious, well-ventilated, and lit, the bathrooms are spacious for easy maneuverability, and common areas exist to foster a sense of communism within the facility.
The proposed nursing home is expected to provide high-quality and diverse healthcare services to vulnerable populations. In this respect, the nursing home will position itself to be able to provide basic medical services to its residents by employing nurses and other healthcare professionals. The proposed nursing home also seeks to provide physical and occupational therapy services to benefit patients with physical disability and who are incarcerated because of mobility problems. The nursing home will also provide nutritional therapy and recreational services to all its residents to foster healthy living among the residents. This way, the nursing home will be able to care for many Americans who will meet the admission criteria within the nursing home.
Persons admitted to the proposed nursing home must meet a set of criteria. The criteria are stratified on the domains of age, income status, underlying illness or condition, and social wellness. In the age criteria, persons aged 65 and above will be prioritized during admission into the nursing home. As per the domain of underlying illness, persons with physical and mental disabilities, such as those with Alzheimer’s and other dementia cases, are the preferred candidates for admission. Under the social wellness domain, persons with little social activity and those without close family members will be prioritized. Under the income domain, persons with low income will be prioritized. The criteria set above are not absolute and can be adjusted as needed. The significance of this criteria is to ensure that the most vulnerable people are prioritized.
The needs of the proposed nursing home are aligned with its purpose. These needs borders on finances, equipment, human resources, and environmental needs. The financial needs border on funds and capital and include processes that may require funds. The equipment needs are related to the materials and instrumentation that may be required effectively operate the nursing home. Human resource needs pertain to the staff requirements that will effectively help the organization attain its purpose and goals. Environmental needs encompass everything that facilitates the operationalization of the nursing home. This may include landscaping considerations, regulations, and even spacing.
Running a nursing home is resource-intensive. The proposed nursing home will have significant financial needs. To begin with, the design and development of the facility are cost-intensive. Funds will be required to construct and design the facility to meet its purpose and goals. Funds will also be used to coordinate care services within the nursing home, recruit the nursing home staff, and even purchase various equipment to be used during the routine operationalization of the nursing home (Weech-Maldonado et al., 2019). Funds used to coordinate services within the nursing home will be obtained from well-wishers, as well as reimbursements from private insurance and Medicaid. The facility intends to embark on periodic fund drives to help get donors on board. Donor funds, through grants and financial donations, will be used effectively to cover the financial needs of the organization.
Human resources is perhaps the most important aspect of a nursing home. Running a nurse home fetches significant human resource considerations. To begin with, nurses, including skilled and advanced nurses, will have to be recruited to provide direct nursing care to the nursing home residents. They will be involved in basic patient handling and health promotion activities, such as educating the residents on healthy living. Other healthcare professionals such as physicians, pharmacists, social workers, and even psychiatrists may also be drawn to provide advanced care to the nursing home residents. Spiritual leaders may also be involved in the day-to-day running of the facility. Their role, in this respect, is to provide spiritual and emotional nourishment to the nursing home residents. Other staff who may be involved include nutritionists, cleaners, cooks, and other support staff necessary for the welfare promotion and protection of patients (Aase et al., 2021).
Several assets will be necessary for the effective and efficient operationalization of the nursing home. To begin with, the facility will contain supportive equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, walking aids, and grab bars, among other mobility aids. Mobility aids are essential equipment in nursing homes as they are valuable to persons with physical disabilities. The nursing home will also possess hospital beds and mattresses, complete with bed alarms and bedpans. Other assets that the facility shall own include medical equipment such as shower seats for physically disabled persons, handling belts, patient call alert systems to facilitate injury and emergency detection, and first aid kits for fast management of presenting emergencies (Aase et al., 2021).
Economic sustainability is central to the longevity, efficiency, and effectiveness of nursing homes. Several strategies will be used to enhance the economic sustainability of the proposed nursing home. The first strategy to maximize economic stability for nursing homes is to admit more Medicare residents. This will bolster Medicare reimbursements to the organization, thereby increasing its cash flow. The second strategy is to improve allocative and technical efficiencies within the organization. This will eliminate potential financial bleeds accustomed to system inefficiencies. Allocative efficiency defines how resources are distributed, while technical efficiency defines the use of clinical resources, such as staffing, to ensure adequate resident care. Tailoring organizational strategies to meet the needs of the nursing home will also help maximize the economic sustainability of the organization (Shiri et al., 2023).
Social sustainability in nursing homes details the processes that support or reinforce the nursing homes’ contributions to the societies they serve. Several strategies can be used to maximize the social sustainability of nursing homes. These include engaging in sustainable practices, such as providing high-quality and safe nursing care, engaging in ethical practice, as evident in the ability to dignify nursing home residents and improve their health outcomes, and establishing high-value relationships with communities through community engagement in the form of community outreach programs. The facility can also adopt corporate volunteering in aspects of community wellness, such as free screening programs for mental health illnesses. These efforts will considerably enhance their grasp of the communities they serve.
Environmental sustainability is integral to the perpetuation of nursing homes. Several strategies can be used to maximize environmental sustainability. The first strategy is regulatory compliance. This encompasses proactive steps taken by the organization to adhere to various regulatory guidelines on quality and safety. It will protect the organization from potential lawsuits and suspension. Minimizing the environmental footprints of nursing home facilities through innovative facility designs can also help in maximizing the environmental sustainability of nursing homes. This can be attained by integrating green and open spaces within nursing homes, appropriate waste disposal, and optimizing resource management within the organization. Enhancing the accessibility of the nursing home is another way of maximizing environmental sustainability. Other measures include enhancing data transparency and analysis within nursing homes and water conservation.
In conclusion, nursing home facilities play an important role in preserving the lives of many Americans. The proposed nursing home seeks to provide basic care to vulnerable communities. Its commitment to helping vulnerable Americans is ingrained in its purpose and mission statements and reinforced by the structural and organizational aspects of the facility. As evident in the presentation, the facility seeks to adopt a resident-centric layout in its floor design, as well as integrate equipment and materials aligned with its care goals. In its resolve to maintain longevity and effectiveness, the proposed nursing home plans to employ strategies that will ensure its financial, social, and environmental sustainability. It is thus imperative that the proposed plan gets a node to allow it to provide care to persons who need nursing home services.
We’ll write everything from scratch
The hospital administration has asked you, the project lead for the department expansion project, for additional information on your facility as well as sustainability recommendations. You realize this important part of facility design is your responsibility. Digging deeper into the GSA website, you analyze healthcare facility designs from the perspective of sustainability.

Strategic Vision – Designing an Innovative Facility for Future Success
Familiarize yourself with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Sustainable Facilities Tool website.
Using, or Google Scholar, research the elements required to support the sustainability of your facility.
Assessment Deliverable
Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation to the board of directors as it relates to the facility you are designing (avoid using presentation links or PDFs).
Note: Continue using the facility you chose in Week 2. – Your original design (not an existing facility):
Include the following in your presentation:
Describe the strategic and appropriate floor planning (a picture of a floor plan is suggested)
Analyze the purpose and needs of your planned healthcare facility (citation)
Identify the necessary assets of your health care facility, such as furniture and equipment (citation)
Based on the GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool, make a recommendation on maximizing the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of your healthcare facility. (citation) HINT – Include possible solutions to meet the critical thinking requirements in the grading rubric with this assignment.