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Strategic Plan for Parole and Probation

Strategic Plan for Parole and Probation


Method for Data Collection and Analysis

Active participation in department-led data projects is one of the data collection methods to be used. For instance, the Criminal Justice Data Group and Criminal Justice HUB project will provide insightful data that may be used to ensure the successful implementation of the parole plan. This strategy will also involve the review of existing data from previous projects.

Also, stakeholder interviews will offer insightful data that would go a long way to ensure an effective probation and parole plan. The interviews will involve law enforcers, past offenders on parole, community leaders, and justice stakeholders (Phillips, 2013). These interviews will offer insights into the needs and problems facing the current parole plan and provide insights that will be helpful in the future.

Thirdly, field observations will come in handy in providing useful data that may be used to improve the probation plan. The plan will involve deploying law enforcers to areas where past parolees reside (Phillips, 2013). Such a move will offer useful information on operational challenges facing law enforcers in their work.


Phillips, D. (2013). Probation and parole. Taylor & Francis.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Consider the following in your development:
*Strategy for giving and receiving feedback

Write a 1-page strategic plan for Probation and parole.

Strategic Plan for Parole and Probation

Strategic Plan for Parole and Probation

Include the following in your strategic plan:
*The objectives for the strategic plan
*Method for data collection and analysis

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