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Strategic Alliance

Strategic Alliance

“Strategic Alliance is a formal relationship created with the purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals. Organizations share administrative authority, form social links and accept joint ownership.” (Bateman, 2020)

The article I chose to summarize was fascinating because it looked into problems regarding strategic alliances and the details of these alliances. What was the alliance for? What is the length of the alliance? What are you as a party wanting to get out of this? When you look at what the two parties brought to the table for a strategic alliance, you have to wonder if one is getting “short-ended”? And maybe both aren’t getting what the alliance is intended for. This is crucial to ensure both parties understand what they will bring to the agreement and get out of it. The authors of this journal are Rafal Drewniak and Robert Karaszewski. Drewniak is a Professor of Management at UTP University of Science and Technology, and Karaszewski received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from NCU and a Master’s in Business Administration.


 Drewniak Rafał, & Karaszewski, R. (2020). Diffusion of knowledge in strategic alliance: empirical evidence. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16(2), 387-416.


We’ll write everything from scratch


in 150-200, answer the following use references if needed>>

Strategic Alliance

Strategic Alliance

Create your own “definition” of strategic alliance. Explain how you decided what should and should not be included in your definition.

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