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Stock Exchange

Stock Exchange

Stock exchanges have provided a platform for the global stock market growth within and outside the US and Europe. Some of the largest businesses in the world include the New York Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Shanghai Stock Exchange. The difference in the market size, trading volume, and government regulation in the public markets in different countries majorly causes foreign listing.

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The reasons why certain stock exchanges have the most foreign-listed companies

Companies can list their stocks on most primary exchanges upon meeting the requirements. The stock exchanges with the most foreign-listed companies include NYSE, which has US and European businesses; NASDAQ; and the Tokyo stock exchange, Japan’s largest exchange (Asker, 2014). These exchanges have the most foreign listed companies because of the significant gain of access to capital; the large trading volume, which increases the trading volume of the foreign companies, the success of the companies trading on the exchanges, which provides a credibility boost to other companies trading on the same exchanges; and easy process of listing in the sales as compared to other businesses (Zhou, 2014).

Why do certain exchanges have the highest foreign to total listed companies?

The exchanges may have a high proportion of foreign to total listed companies because of their network spans in all industries and sectors. Foreign investors can easily access the stocks through the exchanges; the exchanges also offer holistic support for foreign companies at all stages of development. Additionally, the deals continuously invest in expanding their benefits to the listed companies and advocate for foreign companies regarding market structure (Lo, 2013).

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Asker, J. F.-M. (2014). Corporate investment and stock market listing: A puzzle. The Review of Financial Studies, 28(2), 342-390.

Lo, S. F. (2013). Which stock exchanges are more attractive? The competition analysis of listing and trading performance. Economic Modelling, 30, 501-509.

Zhou, H. &.-A. (2014). Cross-listing, disclosure regimes, and trading volume sensitivity to stock returns. Journal of Economics and Finance, 38(3), 383-406.


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Written Assignment

Chapter 2, Exercise 3, Page 42

Follow the instructions in the text to obtain information from the World Federation of Exchanges website. Your assignment is to discuss in a one-page essay why certain stock exchanges have the most foreign listed companies and why certain sales have the highest proportion of foreign to total listed companies.

Stock Exchange

Stock Exchange

Consider location, size, laws, culture, etc., in your response. A cover page, essay, and references page should be included in your submission. A table of contents and abstract are not necessary for this assignment. Remember to follow the standard format: 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

Written Assignment Rubric
Link to APA Standards & Guidelines:
Criteria Non-Performance Below Requirements Meets Requirements Exceeds Requirements
<20pts 30pts 40pts 50pts
Content & Analysis


(50 pts)


·  The content of the paper/essay does not align with the objectives of the assignment/course

—and the focus and scope do not align.


·  The content is not accurate in its presentation.


·  The content of the paper/essay aligns with the objectives of the assignment/course

—has proper focus and scope.


·  The content is primarily accurate in its presentation.


·  The content of the paper/essay aligns with the objectives of the assignment/course

—has proper focus and scope.


·  The content is accurate in its presentation.


·  The content of the paper/essay aligns with the objectives of the assignment/course—has proper focus and scope.


·  The content is accurate in its presentation and demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the subject area(s).


·  There is unnecessary content.


·  Analysis is not performed at the requisite depth and reflects a lack of understanding of the subject matter.

·  There is some unnecessary content.


·  Analysis is partially performed at the requisite depth and reflects some understanding of the subject matter with weak logic and reasoning underlying the argument.

·  There is no unnecessary content; what is presented is essential to the argument and the assignment.


·  Analysis is performed at the requisite depth and reflects a good understanding of the subject matter through sound logic and reasoning that underlies the argument.

·  There is no unnecessary content; what is presented is essential to the argument and the assignment.


·  Analysis is performed at the requisite depth and reflects critical thinking and a solid understanding of the subject matter through sound logic and reasoning that underlies the argument with evidence of knowledge of assumptions revealed in the statement.


·  Content reflects a synthesis of information & (multiple) perspectives– Course content (concepts, principles, etc.) is synthesized to form a reasoned argument.

·  Clear presence of the

writer’s voice appropriately supported with the integrated application of course concepts and principles – the essay is not merely a compilation and summary of course content nor one point of view discourse.


Written Assignment Rubric
Link to APA Standards & Guidelines:
Criteria Non-Performance Below Requirements Meets Requirements Exceeds Requirements
<10pts 14pts


·  The introduction sets a context for the paper but doesn’t adequately align with the purpose of the assignment.


·  The primary development of the paper is evident, but points are not always linked one to the other, paragraph to paragraph.


·  There is a beginning (introduction), middle (body), and end (conclusion) to the essay.


·  The conclusion is weak in its development; sometimes, content and support are inappropriate.

16pts 20pts

(20 pts)

·  The introduction does not set a context for the paper. ·  The introduction sets a relevant context and introduces the focus of the argument. ·  The introduction sets a relevant context and introduces the focus of the argument.
·  The development of the paper is not evident; points are not linked to the purpose of the assignment nor the focus of the article.


·  There is no clear beginning (introduction), middle (body), and end (conclusion) to the essay.


·  Paragraphs generally lack coherent thought.


·  The conclusion is underdeveloped, lacking appropriate use of course content, logic, and support.

·  The body paragraphs include topic sentences related to the paper’s main idea (thesis).


·  There is a clear beginning (introduction), middle (body), and end (conclusion) to the essay– the paper is structured in support of its purpose with very few breaks in a logical flow.


·  Each paragraph is well organized and includes a topic sentence, supporting details, and a summary of the ideas—paragraphs are coherent and logical.


·  The conclusion is adequately developed.

·  The body paragraphs include topic sentences that are directly and logically tied to the paper’s main idea (thesis).


·  There is a clear beginning (introduction), middle (body), and end (conclusion) to the essay-

– paper is logically structured in support of its purpose.


·  Each paragraph is well organized and includes a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion—paragraphs are coherent and logical.


·  The conclusion is very well developed and ties back to the main idea or the thesis presented in the introduction.


Written Assignment Rubric
Link to APA Standards & Guidelines:
Criteria Non-Performance Below Requirements Meets Requirements Exceeds Requirements
<9pts 10pts 12pts 15pts

(15 pts)

·  Sentences are unclear to the point of impairing meaning and understanding.


·  Tone is inappropriate and inconsistent for graduate-level writing.

·  Sentences are generally clear but quite wordy and with some ambiguity.


·  Sentences are not logically flowing from one to the other.


·  Tone is appropriate but inconsistent at times.

·  The thought process is quickly followed—ideas are related but don’t always clearly flow from one to the other.


· Coherence devices are sporadic (transitions, repetition, synonyms, pronouns reference, etc.) and are used effectively within and between paragraphs.

·  The thought process is quickly followed—ideas are connected and flow from one to the other.


·  Coherence devices (transitions, repetition, synonyms, pronouns, references, etc.) are used effectively within and between paragraphs.


·  Sentences are well constructed, consistently

strong and varied.

·  Sentences are not well constructed. ·  Sentences are well constructed but not consistently varied (e.g., series of short sentences).  

·  Sentence transitions are always present and maintain a clear and coherent flow of thought.

·  Sentence transitions are not always present

to maintain the flow of thought.

Written Assignment Rubric
Link to APA Standards & Guidelines:
Criteria Non-Performance Below Requirements Meets Requirements Exceeds Requirements
< 9pts 10pts 12pts 15pts

(15 pts)

·  Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation rules are rarely met. (e.g., six or more errors per page).


·  The paper is not double-spaced

and doesn’t have appropriate margins all around.

·  Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation rules are somewhat followed. (3-5 errors per page).


·  The paper is double-spaced and has appropriate margins all around.

·  Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation rules are largely followed. (2 errors per page).


·  The paper is double-spaced and has appropriate margins all around.


·  Font is consistent throughout.

·  Rules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation rules are followed. (1 or fewer errors per page).


·  The paper is double-spaced and has appropriate margins all around.


·  Font is consistent throughout.


·  Font is not consistent throughout.


·  Does not comply with current APA guidelines (e.g., references, headings, citations, spacing, margins)

-See SJC Library resources & link above.


·  Font is not consistent throughout.


·  Some compliance with current APA guidelines (e.g., references, headings, citations, spacing, margins)—See SJC Library resources & link above.


·  In compliance with most APA standards & guidelines (e.g., references, headings, citations, spacing, margins)—See SJC Library resources & link above.


·  The paper includes an “executive summary.”

·  Fully complies with current APA standards & guidelines (e.g., references, headings, citations, spacing, margins)—See SJC Library resources & link above.


·  The paper includes an “executive summary.”


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