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Stock Analysis

Stock Analysis

At the bottom of the column in your holdings tab, calculate the weighted average for P/E ratio, Beta, and Market Cap. Below your weighted average put the S&P 500 average for each of the above.

Group Name: The Game of Loans
Memebers: Natalie Beaini, Giovanni Barba, Abner Melendez, Taylor Cunningham
Ticker Company Desc. Sector Price as of 1/21/2020 Number of Shares Market Value Beta Price to Earnings Ratio Dividend Yield Dividend Yield Market Capitalization(Billions) Portfolio Weight
INTC Intel Corporation  Information Technology  $                                       60.55 6117 370384.35 0.9 14.28 1.32 1.96% 287.714 3.70%
CRM,inc.  Information Technology  $                                     185.27 2000 370540 1.22 212 0 0.00% 168.486 3.71%
AAPL Apple Inc. Information Technology  $                                     316.57 1170 370386.9 1.28 25.8 3.08 0.95 1422 3.70%
TXN Texas Instruments Incorporated Information Technology  $                                     130.86 2830 370333.8 1.21 25.25 3.6 2.71% 123.224 3.70%
ADBE Adobe Inc. Information Technology  $                                     350.00 1058 370300 1.05 63.28 0 0.00% 185.175 3.70%
VGT Vanguard Info Tech EFT  $                                     259.30
DVA DaVita Inc. Health Care  $                                       79.90 4635 370336.5 1.77 16.27 0 0.00% 10.795 3.70%
JNJ Johnson & Johnson Health Care  $                                     149.27 2481 370338.87 0.71 26.67 3.8 2.53% 392.507 3.70%
BDX Becton, Dickinson and Company Health Care  $                                     277.53 1335 370502.55 1.09 94.18 3.16 1.25% 70.565 3.71%
VHT Vanguard Health Care EFT  $                                     196.80
C CitiGroup Financials  $                                       76.74 4826 370347.24 1.77 9.8 2.08 2.58% 166.5 3.70%
JPM JpMorganChase Financials  $                                     132.20 2801 370292.2 1.14 12.82 3.6 2.61% 423.927 3.70%
AIG American International Group Financials  $                                       50.13 7388 370360.44 1.07 24.1 1.28 2.51% 42.175 3.70%
VFH Vanguard Financials EFT  $                                       76.42
NFLX Netflix Communication Services  $                                     338.11 1095 370230.45 1.48 92.11 0 0.00% 166.922 3.70%
CHTR Charter Communications, Inc. Communication Services  $                                     503.59 735 370138.65 1.06 71.8 0 0.00% 112.31 3.70%
EA Electronic Arts Inc. Communication Services  $                                     112.41 3294 370278.54 1.05 11.55 0 0.00% 31.77 3.70%
VOX Vanguard Comm. Services EFT  $                                     183.14
NKE Nike Consumer Discretionary  $                                     100.26 3694 370360.44 0.84 36.2 0.98 0.95% 161.25 3.70%
LOW Lowes Consumer Discretionary  $                                     120.04 3085 370323.4 1.27 33.59 2.2 1.76% 96.131 3.70%
SBUX Starbucks Consumer Discretionary  $                                       88.63 4179 370384.77 0.53 30.58 1.64 1.90% 103.101 3.70%
VCR Vanguard Consumer Disc. EFT  $                                     194.02
RTN Raytheon Company Industrials  $                                     228.99 1617 370276.83 0.83 19.05 3.77 1.66% 63.256 3.70%
WM Waste Management Industrials  $                                     120.41 3076 370381.16 0.59 32.16 2.05 1.65% 53.348 3.70%
RHI Robert Half International Inc. Industrials  $                                       62.58 5918 370348.44 1.38 15.44 1.24 2.05% 6.989 3.70%
VIS Vanguard Industrials EFT S&P 500 Industrials  $                                     157.75
COST Costco Consumer Staples  $                                     313.26 1182 370273.32 0.9 37.76 2.6 0.08% 140.616 3.70%
PG Proctor & Gamble Consumer Staples  $                                     125.35 2955 370409.25 0.36 70.71 2.6 0.82% 311.496 3.70%
VDC Vanguard Consumer Staples EFT S&P 500 Consumer Staples  $                                     163.45
XOM Exxon Mobile Corporation Energy  $                                       67.58 5480 370338.4 1.03 18.06 3.48 5.71% 256.791 3.70%
RDS-A Royal Dutch Shell plc Energy  $                                       57.46 6456 370961.76 0.82 12.95 3.76 7.37% 185.976 3.71%
VDE Vanguard Energy EFT S&P 500 Energy  $                                       78.19
EIX Edison International Utilities  $                                       78.20 4736 370355.2 0.21 0 2.55 3.30% 27.662 3.70%
VPU Vanguard Utilities EFT S&P 500 Utilities  $                                     148.49
HST Host Hostels & Resorts Real Estate  $                                       16.65 22245 370379.25 1.28 10.91 0.8 4.74% 12.127 3.70%
VNQ Vanguard Real Estate EFT S&P 500 Real Estate  $                                       95.62
NUE Nucor Corp Materials  $                                       49.19 7530 370400.7 1.64 11.39 1.61 3.36% 14.23 3.70%
VAW Vanguard Materials EFT S&P 500 Materials  $                                     131.77 0
Weighted Averages 87.7821188 0.0003 0.009030267
S&P 500 Averages 43891.0594 0.125 4.515133693


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Stock Analysis

At the bottom of the column in your holdings tab, calculate the weighted average for P/E ratio, Beta, and Market Cap.

Stock Analysis

Stock Analysis

Below your weighted average put the S&P 500 average for each of the above.

Group Name: The Game of Loans
Memebers: Natalie Beaini, Giovanni Barba, Abner Melendez, Taylor Cunningham
Ticker Company Desc. Sector Price as of 1/21/2020 Number of Shares Market Value Beta Price to Earnings Ratio Dividend Yield Dividend Yield Market Capitalization(Billions) Portfolio Weight
INTC Intel Corporation  Information Technology  $                                       60.55 6117 370384.35 0.9 14.28 1.32 1.96% 287.714 3.70%
CRM,inc.  Information Technology  $                                     185.27 2000 370540 1.22 212 0 0.00% 168.486 3.71%
AAPL Apple Inc. Information Technology  $                                     316.57 1170 370386.9 1.28 25.8 3.08 0.95 1422 3.70%
TXN Texas Instruments Incorporated Information Technology  $                                     130.86 2830 370333.8 1.21 25.25 3.6 2.71% 123.224 3.70%
ADBE Adobe Inc. Information Technology  $                                     350.00 1058 370300 1.05 63.28 0 0.00% 185.175 3.70%
VGT Vanguard Info Tech EFT  $                                     259.30
DVA DaVita Inc. Health Care  $                                       79.90 4635 370336.5 1.77 16.27 0 0.00% 10.795 3.70%
JNJ Johnson & Johnson Health Care  $                                     149.27 2481 370338.87 0.71 26.67 3.8 2.53% 392.507 3.70%
BDX Becton, Dickinson and Company Health Care  $                                     277.53 1335 370502.55 1.09 94.18 3.16 1.25% 70.565 3.71%
VHT Vanguard Health Care EFT  $                                     196.80
C CitiGroup Financials  $                                       76.74 4826 370347.24 1.77 9.8 2.08 2.58% 166.5 3.70%
JPM JpMorganChase Financials  $                                     132.20 2801 370292.2 1.14 12.82 3.6 2.61% 423.927 3.70%
AIG American International Group Financials  $                                       50.13 7388 370360.44 1.07 24.1 1.28 2.51% 42.175 3.70%
VFH Vanguard Financials EFT  $                                       76.42
NFLX Netflix Communication Services  $                                     338.11 1095 370230.45 1.48 92.11 0 0.00% 166.922 3.70%
CHTR Charter Communications, Inc. Communication Services  $                                     503.59 735 370138.65 1.06 71.8 0 0.00% 112.31 3.70%
EA Electronic Arts Inc. Communication Services  $                                     112.41 3294 370278.54 1.05 11.55 0 0.00% 31.77 3.70%
VOX Vanguard Comm. Services EFT  $                                     183.14
NKE Nike Consumer Discretionary  $                                     100.26 3694 370360.44 0.84 36.2 0.98 0.95% 161.25 3.70%
LOW Lowes Consumer Discretionary  $                                     120.04 3085 370323.4 1.27 33.59 2.2 1.76% 96.131 3.70%
SBUX Starbucks Consumer Discretionary  $                                       88.63 4179 370384.77 0.53 30.58 1.64 1.90% 103.101 3.70%
VCR Vanguard Consumer Disc. EFT  $                                     194.02
RTN Raytheon Company Industrials  $                                     228.99 1617 370276.83 0.83 19.05 3.77 1.66% 63.256 3.70%
WM Waste Management Industrials  $                                     120.41 3076 370381.16 0.59 32.16 2.05 1.65% 53.348 3.70%
RHI Robert Half International Inc. Industrials  $                                       62.58 5918 370348.44 1.38 15.44 1.24 2.05% 6.989 3.70%
VIS Vanguard Industrials EFT S&P 500 Industrials  $                                     157.75
COST Costco Consumer Staples  $                                     313.26 1182 370273.32 0.9 37.76 2.6 0.08% 140.616 3.70%
PG Proctor & Gamble Consumer Staples  $                                     125.35 2955 370409.25 0.36 70.71 2.6 0.82% 311.496 3.70%
VDC Vanguard Consumer Staples EFT S&P 500 Consumer Staples  $                                     163.45
XOM Exxon Mobile Corporation Energy  $                                       67.58 5480 370338.4 1.03 18.06 3.48 5.71% 256.791 3.70%
RDS-A Royal Dutch Shell plc Energy  $                                       57.46 6456 370961.76 0.82 12.95 3.76 7.37% 185.976 3.71%
VDE Vanguard Energy EFT S&P 500 Energy  $                                       78.19
EIX Edison International Utilities  $                                       78.20 4736 370355.2 0.21 0 2.55 3.30% 27.662 3.70%
VPU Vanguard Utilities EFT S&P 500 Utilities  $                                     148.49
HST Host Hostels & Resorts Real Estate  $                                       16.65 22245 370379.25 1.28 10.91 0.8 4.74% 12.127 3.70%
VNQ Vanguard Real Estate EFT S&P 500 Real Estate  $                                       95.62
NUE Nucor Corp Materials  $                                       49.19 7530 370400.7 1.64 11.39 1.61 3.36% 14.23 3.70%
VAW Vanguard Materials EFT S&P 500 Materials  $                                     131.77 0
Transaction Company Name Shares Transaction Price Amount Cash Balance Notes
Cash Deposit $10,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
BUY Intel Corporation 6117  $                 60.55 $370,384.35 $9,629,615.65 6116.769123 370370.3704
BUY,inc. 2000  $               185.27 $370,540.00 $9,259,075.65 1999.084419
BUY Apple Inc. 1170  $               316.57 $370,386.90 $8,888,688.75 1169.947785
BUY Texas Instruments Incorporated 2830  $               130.86 $370,333.80 $8,518,354.95 2830.279462
BUY Adobe Inc. 1058  $               350.00 $370,300.00 $8,148,054.95 1058.201058
BUY DaVita Inc. 4635  $                 79.90 $370,336.50 $7,777,718.45 4635.42391
BUY Johnson & Johnson 2481  $               149.27 $370,338.87 $7,407,379.58 2481.211029
BUY Becton, Dickinson and Company 1335  $               277.53 $370,502.55 $7,036,877.03 1334.523728
BUY CitiGroup 4826  $                 76.74 $370,347.24 $6,666,529.79 4826.301412
BUY JpMorganChase 2801  $               132.20 $370,292.20 $6,296,237.59 2801.591304
BUY American International Group 7388  $                 50.13 $370,360.44 $5,925,877.15 7388.198092
BUY Netflix 1095  $               338.11 $370,230.45 $5,555,646.70 1095.413831
BUY Charter Communications, Inc. 735  $               503.59 $370,138.65 $5,185,508.05 735.460137
BUY Electronic Arts Inc. 3294  $               112.41 $370,278.54 $4,815,229.51 3294.816923
BUY Nike 3694  $               100.26 $370,360.44 $4,444,869.07 3694.099046
BUY Lowes 3085  $               120.04 $370,323.40 $4,074,545.67 3085.391289
BUY Starbucks 4179  $                 88.63 $370,384.77 $3,704,160.90 4178.837531
BUY Raytheon Company 1617  $               228.99 $370,276.83 $3,333,884.07 1617.408491
BUY Waste Management 3076  $               120.41 $370,381.16 $2,963,502.91 3075.910393
BUY Robert Half International Inc. 5918  $                 62.58 $370,348.44 $2,593,154.47 5918.350437
BUY Costco 1182  $               313.26 $370,273.32 $2,222,881.15 1182.309808
BUY Proctor & Gamble 2955  $               125.35 $370,409.25 $1,852,471.90 2954.689831
BUY Exxon Mobile Corporation 5480  $                 67.58 $370,338.40 $1,482,133.50 5480.473074
BUY Royal Dutch Shell plc 6456  $                 57.46 $370,961.76 $1,111,171.74 6445.707803
BUY Edison International 4736  $                 78.20 $370,355.20 $740,816.54 4736.193995
BUY Host Hostels & Resorts 22245  $                 16.65 $370,379.25 $370,437.29 22244.46669
BUY Nucor Corp 7530  $                 49.19 $370,400.70 $36.59 7529.383419
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