Statistical Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance
Organizational behavior is a crucial aspect of business that involves how employees’ job satisfaction can affect how an organization performs in the short and long term. This connection has always caught the attention and focus of academic researchers. For instance, Akdere and Egan (2020) assert that understanding how employee satisfaction aligns with organizational success is crucial for effective management strategies within any organization. In this paper, we are conducting an investigation exploring two separate but related quantitative studies. These studies focus on understanding the important statistical connection between them. The primary objective of the two selected research studies is to recognize that employee job satisfaction is not just a secondary factor but a fundamental building block for organizational success. This research project aims to examine statistical analysis and understand the patterns in two selected studies. By carefully studying the methods used, thoroughly examining the research questions asked, and exploring the findings in detail, our main goal is to gain valuable insights into how job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance are interconnected. In this paper, the complex aspects of organizational behavior become apparent, revealing the various aspects of workplace dynamics.
Summary of the First Article
The first article selected is a piece by Eliyana et al. (2019) titled “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Effect in Transformational Leadership Towards Employee Performance.” The first quantitative study by Eliyana et al. (2019) focuses on how transformational leadership affects the work performance of middle-level leaders at Pelabuhan Indonesia III Inc. The researchers used a sample size of 30 participants, and the data collection method employed was structured questionnaires. The researchers used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) framework, specifically the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method, to analyze the collected data comprehensively. With the PLS method, a researcher can usually model and estimate complicated cause-effect relationship frameworks with observed and latent variables (Achi, 2021). The study’s results show that transformational leadership has a strong connection to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, Eliyana et al. (2019) suggest that it is important to recognize that the impact of transformational leadership on work performance decreases when it is influenced by organizational commitment. This study aimed to explore how organizational commitment affects the connection between transformational leadership and performance (Eliyana et al., 2019). Based on the successful analysis of the immediate effects, the study emphasized the complexity of the relationship and the importance of organizational commitment.
Summary of the Second Article
The second article that was selected and related to the first one is titled “The Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on the Organizational Learning Effect of Employee Performance” by Hendri (2019). In this quantitative study, Hendri (2019) conducted a study to analyze how job satisfaction and organizational commitment can aid in mediating the relationship between organizational learning and employee performance at PTPN XIII. The study included employees who were selected from different levels in the company. Hendri (2019) conducted a thorough analysis using the partial least squares (PLS) methodology to determine the best sample size for our research project. After carefully analyzing the research topic and objective, the researcher concluded that a sample size of 130 employees would be the most appropriate for the study. Hendri (2019) also uses a proportional random sampling technique to identify the sample used in the research. Research has shown that organizational learning positively relates to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, according to Hendri (2019), it is important to mention that organizational learning does not directly impact employee performance in the organization. The research shows that job satisfaction and organizational commitment are important for how well employees perform in their various assigned roles. This study aimed to fill a gap in the existing research by investigating how organizational learning impacts employee performance. It also considered the potential mediating effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study mentioned above presents significant contributions to the field of organizational learning and its impacts on employee performance.
Synthesis of the Articles
After comparing the two articles, it is clear that both studies have successfully used quantitative methods. The two studies have used these methods to make the most of structural equation modeling, which helps in carefully analyzing the complicated connections between many different variables, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance. However, it is important to understand that each of the articles discussed follows its own path. The first article by Eliyana et al. (2020) aimed to reveal the important impact of transformational leadership on organizational dynamics. However, the second study by Heidi (2019) focuses on organizational learning and how it affects employee behavior and performance. The two articles used different sampling techniques to determine the appropriate samples for the research. While no specific sampling technique is specified in the first article, Heidi used a proportional random sampling technique in the second article (2019). One similarity between the techniques used in the two articles is the partial least square approach which was used to determine the size of the samples used in the studies. Another similarity lies in the data collection method employed in the two articles, namely the structured interviews method.
There is a strong connection between these studies because they both explore the important roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the overall performance of an organization. These components help connect leadership or learning with employee performance, allowing us to understand this relationship better. These interesting findings, obtained through thorough analysis, provide valuable insights and broaden our understanding in this area. By delving into the different aspects and carefully analyzing how various elements interact, these research articles create new ways of understanding the field of knowledge. This improves the conversation about the complex field of human resource management in organizations.
Based on the two selected articles and the dissertation topic, it makes sense that including different perspectives could help us better understand employee performance. The effective combination of transformational leadership and organizational learning principles can help conduct a thorough analysis to better understand how to improve workplace effectiveness. However, it’s important to note that this integration is not the end goal. Instead, it can serve as a stepping stone towards a deeper comprehension. We can explore new factors influencing organizational dynamics to maximize growth opportunities and carefully analyze the context of the surroundings. Studying qualitative methodologies is like adding vibrant colors to our analytical toolbox. Using these methods can help us better understand how employees perceive and experience things, which can help us better understand how they interact with quantitative findings.
Consequently, combining qualitative and quantitative methods can help us discover new insights and hidden aspects that we might have missed otherwise. The research studies are essential for understanding employee performance. The statement emphasizes the importance of analyzing the relationships between different factors and encourages theoretical and practical thinking. This highlights the crucial need to use effective management strategies in the overall operations of an organization.
Achi, A. (2021). Efficiency and its determinants in the Algerian banks: network data envelopment analysis and partial least squares regression. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Akdere, M., & Egan, T. (2020). Transformational Leadership and Human Resource Development: Linking Employee learning, Job satisfaction, and Organizational Performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31(4), 393–421.
Eliyana, A., Ma’arif, S., & Muzakki. (2019). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment affect transformational leadership toward employee performance. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 144–150.
Hendri, M. I. (2019). The mediation effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on the organizational learning effect of the employee performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(7), 1208–1234.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you first will identify a topic of interest that you might want to pursue for research. Pick a topic for which you have several unanswered questions you would like to research. You are not tied to this topic when you reach the dissertation sequence, but it should be a topic that you find interesting now and relates to your program and specialization. Please make sure it’s a business-oriented topic.

Statistical Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance
Next, conduct a literature search using the University’s library to locate two quantitative studies examining your selected topic and in which the authors present statistical findings. Quantitative studies will use qualitative analysis as a methodology similar to what is discussed in the University’s School of Business Best Practice Guide for Quantitative Research Design and Methods in Dissertations.
Once you have located your articles, you will prepare a short paper using the following format:
Introduction to the selected topic of interest
Brief summary of the first article
Include research question(s) and hypotheses, if stated, and general findings.
Include statistical tests used. Include the gaps in the literature which provided an incentive for the authors to pursue the topic.
Reflect on whether the authors answered the research questions they set out to achieve.
Brief summary of the second article.
Include research question(s) and hypotheses, if stated, and general findings.
Include statistical tests used.
Include the gaps in the literature which provided an incentive for the authors to pursue the topic.
Reflect on whether the authors answered the research questions they set out to achieve.
Specifically, compare and contrast the two articles, assessing the types of statistical methods and analysis used.
Reflect on whether the authors created new knowledge previously known to scholars, practitioners, and society.
Assess what approach you might take if you were to conduct a study in this topic area. Are there other methods you may want to explore? Why or why not?
Length: 3 to 5 pages not including title page and reference page.
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources (This is only a minimum requirement. You should strive to include more than the minimum in all doctoral research).