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Southern Sociological Society

Southern Sociological Society

An association is a group of individuals who organize themselves to pursue a common purpose towards a common interest to meet some ends. Associations are important because they help people meet others with the same goals or interests and accomplish their goals. Associations have specific characteristics whereby being a member of the association is voluntary; each organization has unique rules, and members have the same objective. There are several types of sociological associations, including the Southern Sociological Association.

The association was established in 1935 and consists of academic professions that encourage the development of sociology as a profession by maintaining high academic efficiency as well as high ethical standards (“Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice | The University of New Mexico,” 2022). Members of the association get to express their thoughts and interests in specific fields, learn new ideas, and meet new people who become long-term friends. The main purpose is to promote the contributions of sociology and its use in society.

Southern Sociological Society relates to marriage and family since people get to marry and make families of any race, ethnic group, gender, age, and more. This is with the help of the association since the association focuses on sociological aspects in society, including human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, and different cultural aspects associated with daily life. Besides, the Southern Sociological Society offers marriage and family courses to educate members on marriage and family life (“Education for Marriage and Family Relations in Southern Colleges: Report by Members of the Committee on the Teaching of Sociology of the Southern Sociological Society,” 1953).

My interest in the organization is gratified since members learn new things and experience the feeling of a community between individuals having similar interests. Moreover, being a member of the association guarantees a student joining an academic community and receiving announcements of research and job opportunities, among other benefits. In conclusion, associations, in general, are helpful to society since many of its members enjoy strong professional relationships with other societies, and individuals get to exchange ideas.


Education for Marriage and Family Relations in Southern Colleges: Report by Members of the Committee on the Teaching of Sociology of the Southern Sociological Society. (1953). Social Forces, 32(1), 61-65. doi: 10.2307/2572860

Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice | The University of New Mexico. (2022). Retrieved 10 June 2022, from


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Southern Sociological Society

Southern Sociological Society

Explore a sociology association found on the link provided. Write a paper on the association you explored, how it relates to marriage and family, your interest level in the group, and your thoughts regarding joining the organization.

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