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Society and Employment Termination

Society and Employment Termination

There are a few reasons why society might permit employers to fire anybody they want, regardless of the consequences to society as a whole. In the first place, it is their financial stability that is at stake here. They have the freedom to do what they want to do, and it is well within their rights to do so.

Second, there are situations when employers have valid reasons for terminating an employee’s employment. For instance, an employer can think that an employee is no longer capable of living up to the standards set by the organization or that the person is failing to fulfill their work responsibilities.

Third, companies may occasionally have justifications for firing an employee for reasons unrelated to the person’s performance. For instance, an employer may conclude that an employee is not meeting the firm’s standards or accomplishing what the organization expects.

Fourth, society could sometimes sanction employers’ decisions to fire an employee for various reasons, even if the individual has done nothing wrong. For instance, an employer may decide to end an employee’s employment if that employee has failed to meet the firm’s expectations or does not meet the organization’s standards.

Fifth, in today’s society, companies may occasionally fire an employee if the employee has not been working diligently or if the individual is not living up to the standards set out by the company for that position.

Sixth, society may sometimes permit employers to fire an employee if they do not adhere to company policy or perform their duties well.

Seventh, in some cases, society will let employers fire an employee for failing to live up to the standards set by the company, even if the employee has been with the company for a long period.

Eighth, in some cases, society will let employers fire an employee for failing to meet the company’s expectations, even though the employee has been working there for a long time.

The ninth point is that society may sometimes permit employers to fire an employee if the person is not living up to the standards set by the corporation for that employee’s position.

The tenth point is that society may sometimes permit employers to fire an employee if the person is not meeting the company’s expectations.

In conclusion, society may sometimes allow employers to terminate an employee’s employment for various reasons. These reasons might range from poor performance to sexual harassment.

The employer may get the impression that the employee is no longer contributing value to the organization and no longer matching their requirements.

The employee’s employer can get the impression that the worker refuses to work or does not meet expectations. Finally, employers could get the impression that the worker is destroying the organization’s culture.

Our culture mustn’t promote the idea that it is acceptable for companies to fire employees for no other reason than that they wish to. Because this could be interpreted as a form of discrimination, it can potentially jeopardize many people’s jobs. Additionally, society should be careful not to condone businesses firing employees merely because they disagree with the employees’ decisions, which is something that society should watch out for. Because this could be interpreted as shunning, it can potentially jeopardize many people’s jobs.

In the end, society must be cautious about giving an unequivocal endorsement of employer termination. Because this could be interpreted as a form of discrimination, it can potentially jeopardize many people’s jobs. Additionally, society should be careful not to condone businesses firing employees merely because they disagree with the employees’ decisions, which is something that society should watch out for. Because this could be interpreted as shunning, it can potentially jeopardize many people’s jobs.


Blades, L. E. (1967). Employment at will vs. individual freedom: On limiting the abusive exercise of employer power. Columbia Law Review67(8), 1404-1435.

Young, N. C. J. (2022). Addressing Employer Concerns. In Now Hiring (pp. 43-54). Emerald Publishing Limited.


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Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care

Society and Employment Termination

Society and Employment Termination

Discussion Topic- 

Should we, as Society, permit employers to terminate the employment of whomever they wish? Why or why not? Remember, it is the employer’s money we are talking about.

At least 250 words- APA Format

Required Textbook: Pozgar, G. (2021) “Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration,” 3rdEdition, Burlington, MA: Jones & BartlettISBN: 978-1-284221794 or EBook: 978-1284055726

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