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Social Worker Intervention for Domestic Violence

Social Worker Intervention for Domestic Violence

Social workers are said to have an impeccable ability to make use of active listening and empathy, which are skills that enable them to quickly analyze social situations in order to resolve psychosocial issues. The social worker needs to lessen the instability, distress, and impairment of the client while being careful to steer clear of actions that might exacerbate the problem (Casella, 2020). By showing empathy and actively listening to the client (Jessica), she might be encouraged to talk about her feelings and issues of physical violence by her boyfriend. I will offer empathy and a listening ear to create a rapport with the client and increase her trust in me. Once a rapport has been created, I will act as a broker and find a safety plan, such as referring the client to a local domestic violence shelter. All these will be done after I have ensured that she obtained the needed physical intervention for the broken ribs and nose.

In order to help Jessica have a holistic plan of action, it will also be important for me to link or refer her to a psychologist who will help her deal with some of the psychological issues that she might have encountered in the course of the domestic violence experienced by her boyfriend. I will also strive to find the reasons why Jessica continues to stay in the relationship regardless of the abuse and offer the necessary help. Research shows that children with a domestic violence history may also become perpetrators or victims of abuse themselves (Web, 2010). Given that the client is still relatively young, it will also be important to ensure that she is enlightened about what a healthy relationship looks like. Healthy Children (2019) provides a list of signs of a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Some of the unhealthy relationship signs include lack of respect, being blamed for the partner’s problems, controlling behavior, and physical abuse. By highlighting these issues once the client has settled down and is even more open to talking, the client will be helped to make a rational decision to ensure her well-being. Highlighting that physical abuse by her boyfriend is not justifiable is important. By resolving these issues, Jessica is expected to lead a healthier relationship and li


Casella, K. (2020). Social Work and Deviant Behavior. Eastern Gateway Community College.

Healthy Children. (2019). Expect Respect: Healthy Relationships. American Academy of Pediatrics.

Web, R. (2010). Women and Domestic Violence: Implications for Social Work Intervention. The National Association of Social Workers.


We’ll write everything from scratch


You are working as a social worker in an emergency room of a hospital. Jessica, age 19, has been brought in for physical assault. She discloses to you that her boyfriend came home intoxicated and became angry with her, resulting in him breaking her nose and cracking two of her ribs.

Social Worker Intervention for Domestic Violence

Social Worker Intervention for Domestic Violence

While she is reluctant to discuss the history of domestic abuse in her relationship, she does say that this is not the first time, however, it is the worst time. What social work interventions would you utilize to help Jessica?

A Day in the Life of a Prison Social Worker

Note: Please read Chapter 9 of the attached textbook

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