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Social Work History

Social Work History

Social workers identify as professionals who work to ensure the well-being of communities and work to meet the people’s needs by finding solutions to the social problems that make the life of the people harder. Social work began in the 19th century; and it originally started in the United Kingdom and later on was brought to the United States by Jane Addams. Jane had gone on a tour to the United Kingdom and saw how people were helping the society and she was worried about how her society back at home was suffering.

Jane Addams went back to the United States and started the great Hull House in Chicago, which was then one of the first settlement houses in America. Even though some people were against it, she still carried on to encourage educated women to share their knowledge, helping immigrants. In addition, she helped establish child labor laws as well as stopped women from suffering (Gross, 2009). The history of social work has impacted the field over the years since most of the American privileges today originated from centuries back when social workers saw injustices and wrongdoings and took action, inspiring all the social workers who came along to follow in their footsteps.

Historically, social work has impacted the world by addressing issues such as the demographic and cultural changes, the role of power, and inequality when it comes to professions (“The University of Chicago”, 2022). Finally, we still use similar social work practices when it first began, including identifying, analyzing, and providing solutions to the problems that arise within communities. For example, inequality cases such as racism and ethnicity are still being dealt with by educating young ones with the help of citizens to help prevent such cases from spreading. In conclusion, social work history has created many opportunities today that would not be there if action was not taken. It has created equality within humanity and solved many of society’s problems to date.


Gross, M. (2009). Collaborative experiments: Jane Addams, Hull House, and experimental social work. Social Science Information, 48(1), 81-95. doi: 10.1177/0539018408099638

The University of Chicago. (2022). Retrieved 7 June 2022, from


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Social Work History

Social Work History

How has the history of social work impacted the field over the years? Do we still use similar practices as seen when social work first began?

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