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Social Relationships of Older Adults- From Intimacy to Social Networks

Social Relationships of Older Adults- From Intimacy to Social Networks

Article One


This first article is a research paper carried out by Syme and Cohn (2021) to assess the impacts that sexual stereotypes have on sexual behavior and intimacy among aged individuals. As such, the researchers carried out a cross-sectional study to explore the effect that ageist and sexual stereotypes have on older adults’ sexuality and participation in sexual and intimate behavior (Syme & Cohn, 2021). In the study, the researchers sampled 972 adults aged 50 years and above recruited through a crowdsourcing platform. The participants were put through an online survey, and a hierarchical linear regression was employed to study the hypothesis (Syme & Cohn, 2021). The results showed that sexual stereotypes and aging sexual stigma affect sexual intimacy and the sexual behavior of older people. The study also found that stereotypes affect midlife and older adults. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Main Points

The main points that this paper discussed are that old age and age, in general, affect the sexual life and sexual involvement of an individual. In this specific study, the researchers examined how old age and the stereotypes that accompany old age affect the sexual behavior and sexual involvement of older adults (Syme & Cohn, 2021). The paper also clarified that these stereotypes and ageist ideologies also affect people in their mid-age years. The study further argued that the impact is not only limited to sexual behavior but even their sexual activity (Syme & Cohn, 2021). In other words, these stereotypes affect how people in their old age interact sexually, thus affecting their sexual relations. Also, the study shows that the stronger the stigmas, the lower the sexual engagement.


This week’s topic was social relationships among older people, focusing on intimacy and social networks. Therefore, this research paper connects well with the week’s topic since it discusses the issues of intimacy among older people. Specifically, this paper looks at how stereotypes can affect how older individuals relate sexually to their partners. This paper also shows that intimate relationships may be affected during old age. However, the article should have added an observation of the same problem among women; it should have addressed how stigma affects women’s sexual behavior and intimacy compared to men.

Article Two


This second study by Sharifian et al. (2022) examines social relationships in old age. The paper thus examines the social relations theory, beginning with the Convoy Model of social relations. It also examines the strength and vulnerability integration model and socioemotional selective approach (Sharifian et al., 2022). The study examines how these theories define social relations during old age. Most importantly, the paper examines how social connections can be understood through the social resources that come with them. Some social resources of social relations discussed in the paper are contact frequency and social support (Sharifian et al., 2022). Also, the article looks at the structure of social relations like family and friendship and then evaluates the strength of these relationships, whether strong or weak. Finally, the paper also addresses the type of communication in these relationships, including online and offline communications. The paper concludes with a brief summary of the impact of these areas on the quality of life and the general health of older adults.

Main Points

The first main point is that stronger social relations are healthier among older people. Using the Convoy Model, the research has clarified that the people who form a person’s convoy during old age determine their health during old age (Sharifian et al., 2022). Hence, those who do not have support from their family in old age have health issues even if they have better social and economic status. The second point is that older people are selective in their social networks, as seen in the Social-Emotional Selective Theory (Sharifian et al., 2022). The Strength and Vulnerability Integration Model explains that the older people get, the more they protect themselves from the negative impacts of higher emotional arousal. Finally, the paper clarifies that different health benefits need different relationships. As such, intimate or intimate social relationships are necessary for the well-being of people in their old age.


The paper has given an intense analysis of old age relations, and using theories, it has helped to reveal how people form different social ties during their old age. The article has also successfully clarified that older adults need social relations for their health and that socioeconomic status may not matter during this period. In addition, the article has also successfully revealed solutions for people with challenges in social relations in old age. Nonetheless, the article has not addressed how these social relations differ by gender. The way and the type of social relations that men make could be different from that of women. In connection, the paper should have revealed that gender is more affected by weaker social ties.


Sharifian, N., Sol, K., Zahodne, L. B., & Antonucci, T. C. (2022). Social relationships and adaptation in later life. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 52–72.

Syme, M. L., & Cohn, T. J. (2021). Aging sexual stereotypes and sexual expression in mid- and later life: Examining the stereotype matching effect. Aging & Mental Health, 25(8), 1507–1514.


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Article Analysis
Through this assignment, you will be able to critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Each week, you will read and analyze two peer-reviewed research journal articles related to the weekly topics. You will use the South University Online Library databases to locate these articles. Other sources such as the text (other than as supporting citations), Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted.

Social Relationships of Older Adults- From Intimacy to Social Networks

Submit your analysis as a Word document using APA style guidelines. In your analysis:

Write a summary for each journal article.
Describe the main points of each article and how each article relates to the week’s course and text readings.
Evaluate the articles from your own thoughts and perspectives regarding the topics covered.
Use this topic area as the focus for your Week 2 article analysis:

Social relationships of older adults: From intimacy to social networks

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